Reddit is making fun of us again

reddit is making fun of us again

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It's kind true tho.


whats wrong with that image?

He's not wrong, though.

>oh those wacky nazis
>they're not taking this serously at all
>maybe I should visit this Sup Forums place after all :D

I really don't even understand what their point is. Would they prefer them to be a hardcore skinhead? Is reddit of all places going to make fun of weebs?


Nah they're just making fun of the stormfags on here who now are on average, the majority posters.

They laugh but what's to say Hitler wouldn't have been a massive weeb?

I mean he liked disney, maybe he'd like anime.

Most posters here are libertarian right though.

It's not a Sup Forums user. It's a namefag by the name ''Aito'' from Ylilauta. He's on the autism spectrum. Bullying mentally disabled people is not fun, but I guess it fits their worldview that your average Sup Forumsack has NatSoc-flags and anime bodypillows.

>an entire subplebbit dedicated to mocking your own race

>Bullying mentally disabled people is not fun

Most of them are probably fucking hideous too.

>an entire website dedicated to mocking your own civilization

>Most of them are probably fucking hideous too.
Don't open.

Still Reddit tho

Fringe movements always attract retards at first.

Huick, huick, huick.
The baseless sense of superiority of redditors never ceases to amaze me.

Making fun of them how? They could have picked something way worse

the flag creases trigger me. it's like he just pulled them off the box they came in

>libertarian right

The point is to mock white nationalists for believing good things about their own race by pointing out it's exceptionally embarrassing members.
>"lol how can anybody believe in white supreemism when there was a fat white guy in the Charlottesville rally!"
>"there's now way the white race can't possibly be better than others because some white people are fat, weebs, or otherwise underachievers"

"behold our equals"
point out the weakest links of nonwhites in a similar manner (chimpouts etc.). This is already done to a great extent but it needs to be done as a response that points to the utterly brain-dead nature of the original argument.

reddit normalfags can fuck themselves for all I care

Average Sup Forums user...

where's the lie

fuck off lefty

"Dear Sup Forums, today some brainwashed normies kikes were mean to me"

>not ironing your fucking flag

white nationalism =/= white supremacy.

But I'm black

- Germany and Japan were the two allied nations of the Axis.
- Germany and Japan post-war produced some of the finest products in the world, and still do.

This only suggests one thing: anime nazis are TOP APPRAISAL.

Not sure if i'm mad about this picture or not


surf bro here lads, not all of us are weebs larping as nazis
pic related - gf with a board I shaped in November
board is still here, gf isn't

>more than one daki

I spy about 1 and 1/2 QT asians on the left

that room is awesome
you can tell a lot of care went into getting it just right.
14/88 lads

>board is still here, gf isn't


>hahaha look at this loser and his nazi flag and his anime pillows
>I want to commit violence against him

Who's the real pathetic ones?


Exactly. Almost every single argument against white nationalism is really just an argument against white supremacy. Liberals believe they are one and the same. They are seemingly incapable of comprehending that wanting to defend and preserve one's ethnicity is not the same as believing in it's superiority (except when they're talking about poor oppressed brown people).

>I don't want my people to be drowned out in a flood of culturally/racially incompatible migrants
>"Haha but some people who are white are also fat and ugly therefore the white race cannot be superior therefore your argument is invalid!"

As much as this may conflict with my main point, I feel like white nationalist movements are accused of supremacism because it's easy to incorporate that worldview as a motivator. The reason why it's so easy to incorporate being that it's just true.

How will we ever recover?

got a new one lad, she's sweet ha

Despite your warnings, I needed to know the level of degeneracy they are operating on. Good to see a few of the women in the crowd retained their modesty.

Thank goodness these strapping individuals are here to put us in our place

Reddit is a pretty easy target itself too though


The doggo is pretty cute at least

Redpill me on Boston. Is everyone there a fat fuck?

Is that supposed to be an insult?

I don't see the problem here, looks comfy as fuck and that guy is clearly not obese unlike most of reddit.

And rightfully so

>mfw lebbit is actually more woke than the so called "red pilled" people

Fraid I wouldn't be able to help you there sergei, I've never been to america but the general consensus seems to be so.

I've seen cuter
Pic (un)related

But that's wrong

>only four dakimakuras
what a fucking loser

Irrelevant, whites are supreme. Being white = white supremacy.



Please god, this has to be shopped. People don't really look like that, do they?

>Stormfags who are now the majority
Stormfags were a majority since /news/ my dude. However they were just recently replaced by nupol thanks to drumpfenstein.

My God those people are hideous.

Pol is filled with pathetic losers but so are numale reddit cucks.

Dammit Sup Forums these people are the future, THEY ARE STUNNING AND BRAVE!

>Pol is filled with pathetic losers
Damn right, But we are on Sup Forums so that is a different group

Sup Forumslocks are much more normal than people think.

Throw those flags in the steam cycle.

>the average Sup Forums user is this subservient to the state

Not really; Sup Forums runs a huge gambit of different ideologies for the better.

where can i cop that nazi flag

>no dildo on the bed
so close reddit, so close

w2c that blanket

badass setup there, maximum /comfy/

This would be a fun ass video game.

Far right in the purple would make a decent slam piggy.

Boston used to be, and can still be if you know where to look, be the epitome of /comfy/
Wonderful place to visit. Has some comfy Italian places in the North End, relatively good public transit, and our sea food cant be beat.
Horrible place to live. Traffic is terrible, weather is terrible, expensive as fuck to live there, politics are wholely Democrat because of college students, yuppies, and naive union workers. All the Italian, Irish, and authentic working class population that made it so comfy and unique are getting pushed out by rising property values and are getting replaced and gentrified with generic cosmopolitan restaurants and rich yuppies, Arabs and Chinamen

Y'all are just jealous that all the best memes come out of Reddit and Twitter now.

The last good meme to come out of Sup Forums is Virgin v Chad. That's one decent meme in the last two years. And even then the best Virgin v Chad memes are now coming out of Reddit.

Sup Forums attracted too many Stormfront losers. It ran off all the talent. I miss the old Sup Forums.


>t., 44% who browses Plebbit daily

100% true. We have lawyers, doctors, soldiers, and students. Males, females, shemales, and betamales. Old and young, married and single, fathers and mothers and grandparents. We even have some shitskins among us.

The terrifying thing for these people is that literally anyone they know could be a Sup Forumsack - especially if he is a heterosexual white male Gentile. State your hometown and I bet you will find someone within a couple miles of you posting a reply.

Thanks for your valuable opinion mr. memeexpert

So that's why we keep getting stupid fucking newfags in here, we're not serious enough.

Look at his vascularity. That guy's ripped. Too /fit/ to be average Sup Forumsack.

Sup Forums is satire. Everybody knows that.

actually cute room

>even doggo is overweight
They can't even muster the responsibility to walk their companion, let alone care for themselves properly. Obese individuals, and the lifestyles they chose were one of the very first things that opened my eyes to wider societal wrongs. Their unnaturally large and grotesque frames have always given me a visceral disgust, separated them from humanity. They are not worthy of our respect when they do not even respect themselves.

Truly life not worth living.

>cute weeaboo room
>Saudi Arabian
You people are an enigma to me...

The mutt meme is real

The arm looks like it's made out of a 256-color .GIF

The mutt meme is so very real

Liking 1940's disney and liking anime is a whole different thing

This is clearly wrong as I don't see the nazi flag burning in the background.

>even the dog is fat

The curse of Murrica.

FUCK they got us good, what will we ever do.


wait a minute...
But left isn't allowed to make fun of anything, how they make fun of you then?
did they stop choking on rapefuggee's dicks?
something is happening

>No portrait of Hitler anywhere
What a culture appropriating faggot

Why were you on redddit?

You have to go back.