Today is the 4 month anniversary of Serena's kiss. Will she ever return to the Ashnime
Today is the 4 month anniversary of Serena's kiss. Will she ever return to the Ashnime
No, she's gone the way of Misty.
You have an entire board to post about this bullshit, yet for some reason you people keep coming here?
Lillie a shit.
Even after she proved to be the most significant Pokegirl with the blessing of the Writers?
Disgusting. Ash doesn't deserve her, and if you self-insert as the eternal man-child, you should go back to your containment board of /vp/, loser.
I guess 7 really is the Amour number.
How old is Ash again?
10, though he looked older in XY.
It's over, Serenafag. Ash loves Kiawe now. Just give in and hang yourself.
He's got a proper harem now. Why bring back the one girl?
If by harem you mean "group of friends that have no interest in him romantically", then sure.
This is photoshooped. I can tell by the pixels.
Serena a shit. Hopefully she's gone forever
This. I'd like Serena but her shipping with Ash is so awful that totally ruined her character. I'd rather not see her again and better bring out more interesting characters from the past. Even Clemont seems better option to appear on the new season.
They turned him into a retard after that.
Back to >>/vp/ Pokeshits.
>uhh hey look! Ash has a childhoodfriend! and she has a crush on him
Serena is so shit and forced
If not for this suddenly added romance, no one would give this much of a shit about Serena.
How does Serena still remember Ash throughout all these years? She didn't even bother to contact him in his journeys and kept quiet until she met him again. Ash didn't even remember her at all until she asked him if she remembered her from the childhood. It's just so forced.