Other urls found in this thread:




>not giving sauce.jpg
You can find it easily through the archives anyway. If you want to make people really mad then you should obscure it a bit more next time.

>Dark souls
In the report cue you go Sup Forums

i named it as such because i don't have it

>Being this blind
>Not knowing moon

I don't recognize this city, is it from the latest volume?


It says in the top left corner in english

it's times like these when i wonder if i qualify as legally blind or not

looks awesome

I looked for ring city in the achieve is this just a meme or something?

he means the sauce on his own pic
Are you blind or autistic

Good series, but man the guy really sped things up towards the end




is this Spanish or are those names

This is awful, but it's that special kind of awful that has potential. I'm just happy for any manga that focuses on delinquent girls.


Is this the famous NA education?

Oh, I didn't know it had ended.

I've read up until the travel chapter.

By the way, she's a big girl


One of the twins dies.

I already read it, user.

I hate this thread.


It seems to be a new trend

Fair warning: it's isekai. Look it up at your own discretion.

>all that ecchi and lovey dovey stuff
>but no highschool sex
i'm still mad





Do you translate this or what?
You are trying to promote this manga so much for what tameni?


Looks like crap



The mc is the sword ?


Yes, sort of, the story is from his point of view, but his entire thing really is wanting to be a good teacher/sword for the catgirl.

You sir have got good taste.


I started reading the wn because I thought the concept was so silly it might be fun, but dropped it pretty much immediately when the typical video game stuff showed up.

Yea, it's not even a particularly well done version of the video game system, with the only excuse for it being a thing is that the gods did it. The only actually cool thing the author has stated about it he hasn't really used, and that's that if you develop something worthy of being a skill the gods will recognize it, it'll be codified in the system creating a new skill.

za best


That from Onani Master or any of his other works?

chikan otoko
btw i've known Sup Forums from reading this masterpiece

Spoiler that shit you faggot

Molester ride was a pretty good ride


Fuck, Molester Man




sauce? tried everything my man

I still don't know where this is from


I wish this was faster. I like the premise


Made in abyss Ch.39

So after the fight with Bondred. That's what I figured.



The behemoth's story tickled me in all the wrong ways. It shows how fucking stupid the captain is.

Shiori is too precious.

>Torako, Anmari Kowashicha Damedayo
Because I really like this manga.

>Not Gabriel Dropout

I wish this was better.

sauce me onii chan

I've ripped ch39 and added it to the mega folder.


I'll repeat what I said in the scanlation thread. If anybody wants to translate this, I'll edit the chapters myself.

Would drop everything to go adventuring with/10

>kirei cake has still not uploaded chapter 89.1
That mother must need lots of attention.

I for the life of me can't find anywhere online pics of the Tigrex arc, which had that amazing ending for Vol4.

Is that for real though or scam? Haven't bothered to check myself.

Nobody knows.



Shitty choice of a page.

Everyone is reading this already anyway.

Inio is god.





Huh, something not on bakaupdates. Never thought I'd see the day.


I'm not going to read this until it's done, but is it good so far?

2 volumes in myself.
It's pretty good so far.
It has some of the good elements of Punpun without the bad ones.

Who's this crazy looking lady?
I'm interested.

Does it have Asano's signature forced depression? I know people hate it but I rather like it.

An incestuous loli milf yandere best girl from Magi.

If she was shortstack too it'd be a perfect enough description to fill my boner bingo card.

Definitely giving that a look, thanks.


Nah, she is tall when she is not being a little girl.
Still yeah try Magi, its a good ride.


Yes and no.
It shares some themes and the usual outlook/viewpoint but one of the things I'd say makes it better than Punpun is that it doesn't fall into the "everyone is messed up, everything is shit"
It's certainly not all fun and happiness but it isn't as cynical ; at least the cynicism makes a bit more sense within the context of the characters (either people recovering from a traumatic event or dumb teens being dumb teens and being self-conscious about it ; whereas Punpun was pretty much "lol poor people")

Does Maybe have assistants or can he actually draw the's scenes this well? Aside from faces this is like night and day when compared to ring king.

Also where is the new chapter at? All the sites I hit up are only at 8.

Is this by the same guy that made Kurosawa?