ITT: Men we will erect statues of after we win
ITT: Men we will erect statues of after we win
Autism the thread
heil victory
Paul Joseph Watson
You’ll never win. Racism will never win. Hate will never win. Here is a man to build a statue of.
George Lincoln Rockwell
You lost every war you fought, you got your ass handed to you in 1865, you got bashed to the fucking ground in 1945 - what makes you think the world is gonna put up with your white supremacist shit now? Even whites consider you white trash? You do realize that outside Sup Forums you would be licking fists if you spout your bullshit...
>he thinks ideas win wars
bitch gtfo with sargon. jesus.
Lol no
Breivik is a hero for killing a generation's worth of lefty political scum. The day he did it should be a holiday.
Sculptor here.
Been thinking about doing small scale statues and busts for a while now.
George Lincoln Rockwell is definitely on the list
Maybe W. Pierce, we'll see
>Killing children equates to being a hero
>Children have an ideology (even then Norwegian party camp they were "at" hates Israel)
>muh lefty scum when Jews are the true scum of the earth
"For Europe, the most important thing to do right now is to dismantle the European Union
in its present form, and regain national control over our borders and our legislation. The
EU is so deeply flawed as an organisation, and so heavily infiltrated by Eurabian an
d pro
Islamic thinking that it simply cannot be reformed. And let’s end the stupid support for
the Palestinians that the Eurabians have encouraged, and start supporting our cultural
cousin, Israel."
If you think leftists are the worsts, you sound like a basic bitch lolbergtarian/kikeservative. His manifesto is saying "muh islam is the worst", while making excuses for Jews and Israel.
Suck my dick, kike lover.
If you think pol can be classified as both Nazi Germany and the confederacy, then it would not be a stretch to relate it to all European states going back several hundred years at least. So the evil racists have actually won dozens of wars, many of which were fought against subhuman niggers like you.
Post pics of work
Disagree. How many of us grew up as shitlibs because we hadn't heard the real facts yet.
These kids weren't given a chance.
A statue of liberty sized statue of Hitler on the Berlin Holocaust memorial.
Shit... I'm not all sure what I got floating around out there, don't want it to come back to me.
I might have some stuff I did for myself I never posted, let me see
he looks like his dick smells really bad. like cheese left in a jockstrap for a week, with some cheap aftershave
Joseph Mccarthy
His manifesto, which I posted is him giving excuses for Jews/Israel while redirecting everything that Jews cause elsewhere.
Killing kids (your own people) vs dealing with Jews who brainwash others and are a plague everywhere they go?
I agree. They are playing an indispensable role behind the scenes.
At the very least this woman needs a major state building named after her.
Praxiteles bows to bogdanovs.
>Killing kids (your own people) vs dealing with Jews who brainwash others
It's important that we view our own people as victims. Victims of Jewish brainwashing. That's how Hitler saw the people in his poor nation, because he loved his people. If we love our people, we will focus our righteous rage against the appropriate target; the perpetrators of Western decline, not our fellow victims of it.
They already have a statue of her user.
>It's important that we view our own people as victims.
Oh God.
He's not wrong. I've seen people praise Breivik, a freemasonic Jew loving faggot, and say that killing children was fine while saying nothing about Jews.
>Mike Pence reaction image
Jew puppet
I misphrased it....
I meant the actual victims of Jewish brainwashing need to be viewed as the victims they are.
Don't mistake it to think I believe that our people are a group of victims.
user just do it
Society as it stands right now is mostly caused by Jewish brainwashing. Not saying we should feel sorry for ourselves and whine like BLM or whatever, rather know that it isn't "our fault" necessarily.
>erect statues
He was right about everything and we were lied to
But user, fear is the heart of love
The Professor
>Racemixing black worshipping whore deserves a statue
That said she's done some good things as well, she's been on point when it comes to Trump from start to present
Exactly. In order to solve the problem, it's important to recognize who is the perpetrator and who is the victim.
Of course, we won't succumb to the victim mentality. It's an opportunity for our people to overcome.
Ernst was a true hero, a role model, and a good candidate for the Grandfather of Sup Forums
Alright, here's a mask sculpt I did of the cyclops from Krull.
Never did anything with it, got the mold just sitting around
Sowell can come too
People shouldn't focus on leftists, it's ultimately redirection, Jews use the same method with "muh muslims" as well.
Heros will be honored.
Many such heros.
That's pretty good user.
Looks realistic. (Aside from being a cyclops)
I bet your work would be very popular. Take some ideas itt.
Sorry here's a smaller pic
When slimes are our natural ally against the juden...Sad.
We shall stand firm. Our men shall be honored.
>Victimhood confers virtue, goy
Truly, unironically, all bullshit aside, the world would be a better place if you necked yourself.
Poor Mosely. Such a great man, absolutely rejected and picked apart by the kikes.
Literally the worst newfag reddit meme ever created on this board.
No you fucktard. Keep reading.
He was ahead of his time. It seems most of them were
Unironically link reNIGade? Absolutely disgusting.
>Of course, we won't succumb to the victim mentality.
>But all these filthy leftist traitors are actually victims and we should treat them as such.
No. You kill a traitor before you kill an enemy. They are not victims.
Also William Luther Pierce was an ineffectual disorganized old pervert who basically shot his own movement in the foot with his bahaviour. Fuck these people.
The bible says you're wrong
Nope. Just no.
Not a man, KEK
Racism and hate has been winning for thousands of years
B-b-but >muh 4d cheese
The shilling is real
Hitler recruited some, like that Mufti guy and some turks. Granted what he wanted was other peoples to set up NS societies in their own lands.
Read the article, they're not wrong on the subject. Or just look at his manifesto where he sucks kike dick for 2k pages.
I kept reading. Your obsession with proving it's "not our fault" is truly pathetic. You're a child, incapable of thinking outside paradigms of fault/blame/victim/oppressor. You'll never accomplish anything as an individual, so you cling to a collective which happens to contain great individuals. You think that being of the same 'stock' as great men will somehow elevate you, but it won't. You are and always will be slightly below average, unable to compete with the great men of your tribe (or, in fact, the great men of any tribe).
>individualists = Chad
>collectivists = sad
>placing negative connotations to a collective
Kikes shill individualism but are the biggest collectivists possible.
>average age 21
>median age 22
Anyhow, I would like to see several statues, memorials and mausuleums dedicated to those who took stood firm against the tip of the spear of the nu-communists antifashistische aktion moment
>the trashcans
We must never let their sacrifice be forgotten
>obsession with proving
Jesus Christ man, I'm just pointing out we've been aggressed against. We have a job to do in rising above the conditions we were born into.
Bad bait.
I don't have to read the article. It goes like this. Hitler wasn't really racist, Muslims are fucking baysed and everyone but me is a mossad agent. This guys are more autistic than cripple Sup Forums
He has a platform and opportunity right now. If he uses it, we build his statue. If he doesn't we forget about him.
There were 14-17 year olds.
Article was about Breivik being a kike knobgobbler you mong. Go read some trash by that kike weev instead if you don't want to read actual truth.
Of course kikes will band together and know collectivism is key and bring individualism upon us to divide us.
Nothing wrong with being part of a collective, but allowing your position and identity within the group to supercede your identity as an individual is cuckoldry of the highest degree.
Nice deflection by the way, I like the way you kept your victimhood doublethink intact by just ignoring the words which call you out on it.
Is this edited?
As opposed to?
Oh here comes the questions. You faggots are pathetic.