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wow, who would have thought
Cool shill thread senpai
This would truly be a glorious happening.
wow.. literally nothing.
I will dance on the ceiling when it comes out that Richy Rich is not only a Dem operative but also a confirmed intelligence asset.
I will be utterly unsurprised if we discover he was funded through the Internet Counterintelligence components of the now-defunct Net Neutrality.
What interesting times to live in!
> KKK was democrat.
> CNN is the main driver behind Spencer promotion.
> All the KKK methods employed. > No public pluralism.
This would be hilarious.
>a man who has known Jared Taylor for a decade and has appeared multiple times on American Renaissance is actually a secret democrat plant
PBS's Glen Washington, a well-known Nazi, has also had a hard-on for Richy since roughly Summer 2016.
It's perfectly understandable, of course, what with his being a Nazi and whatnot.
what is this guy's race?
Nice proxy CIAnigger
The Jews must have been playing the long con with this one.
>actually falling for this infowars-tier conspiracy theory
I made this thread to see how many morons it would attract. Thanks for coming.
>hey richy
>heard you like money and being aspie
>well do i have a job for you
That's a pretty big "might", so I won't be holding my breath, but it'd be funny. I thought Sup Forums recognized him as controlled opposition years ago anyway.
that's not why a lot of Sup Forums hates him. nice try jew
>implying moarpheus is Sup Forums
You're supposed to drop bombs like that after the thread hits 300, friendo.
Wait wtf I thought the narrative was that he was working for the Russians?
nice try shlomo
What if it's true though?
Yep and retards will continue to fall for this bullshit because muh racist Nazi
Hate to break this to you this late in the game, but it turns out our worst fears have in fact come true:
OP is a faggot.
Anyone with half a brain knows he’s a plant
He came out of nowhere overnight when the mainstream media announced him as a leader of the alt right, of course the guy's a plant.
Get fucked conspiratard
It is true.
He's just pulling a Karl Rove, which is a classic move where you present intentionally shitty evidence that points to the truth, then you attack the intentionally shitty evidence to cover the truth up. It's how GWB won in 2004.
If I don't say something now my reason for posting this would've been glossed over..
even if it's true, look at how small his youtube channel is
no one really follows the guy
cuck spencer will get the rope
Where the shit you think you are, nub?
This isn't the Fox News chatroom hugbox, you fuckgasket.
Nor is it the Internet Counterintelligence Clearinghouse, no matter how desperately (((some people))) want it to be.
Nice memeflag by the way.
Why don't you twist it up into a rope, wrap it around your neck, and kys?
Didn't he work as a staffer with Obaam or HRC?
Even if he's an asset, you just know either nothing is going to come from this or it's going to be false.
The reddit spacer here to white knight his boyfriend.
You are a poor-quality shitposter.
Like, Cornish game hen-tier.
No fucking kidding. So is david duke.
I don't know how, but for a private school educated rich-boy he seems thick as fuck. Just for example, when he promotes his brand of "white nationalism" it isn't even white nationalism - it's a anglophillic view of Europe. A Europe which has never existed in reality. In the past there were greater conflicts between newly formed nations than with any brown people. The nation state had to be curbed in favor of EU integration to stop Europeans from slitting each others throats over "rightful clay" disputes.
That said, he has spouted bullshit such as that Great Britain was a nation state in the past? Did he not finish junior high? Britain was a union of kingdoms, not a fucking nation state.
Every single thing that has ever left this man's mouth sounds like the "right-wing" version of the left's contrived outrage and identity politics.
He is so obviously cut from the same cloth as his "detractors" that only children, aspies, former prisoners, and TV babies ever took the man seriously.
Really, just look at him holy shit what a fucking fagoo.
I have no reason to try when there are so many gullible people on this board.
shocking eh
You are too brilliant.
The likes of.
Us mere proles.
On a korean knot-tying board.
>Recently heard
>doesn't immediately give info
Must be gaining traction since they're trying such stupid ways of discrediting him.
He's always supported lefty views... he doesn't hide this.
He's a russian spy secretly working with the democrats to hack into the DNC's e-mails to give to wikileaks, get Trump elected, bring down western civilisation and fund his alt-right nazi propaganda website.
I know what you're getting at. You can stop.
If he had proof he wouldn't mention or reveal it unless he was cripplingly retarded, enough that he wouldn't have access to evidence in the first place.
I love all of these feel-good narratives that people feed themselves to avoid confronting Richard Spencer’s ideas
> all of Spencer’s followers are young, he doesn’t really love them
> Spencer is a degenerate race-mixing dandy, he doesn’t really mean anything he says - he just blew up a comfortable existence as a wealthy WASP conservative for fun
> we don’t need to debate fascism - our grandparents did in WW2
> if white people is superior, why you so ugly?
Notice they’ll never take issue with anything Spencer says, beyond the most dishonest mischaracterizations, because they are unable to. He is right about pretty much everything related to race in identity - but the only way that antiwhites win is if no one ever intellectually confronts what is happening
Anti-Spencer shills on Sup Forums are just that: shills
makes S.E.N.S.E.
>Anyone who advocates for the white race is controlled opposition
This is why people make fun of you, Reddit.
>trusting a shitskin
>mane has had decades of involvement with the right, including working at the NR, personally meeting with and dealing with Jared Taylor for years, hosting events specifically for the right, writing for Amren.
>led thousands of people into race realism.
If he's a plant, he's really bad at it. He's autistic as fuck, but for a lot of people he's baby's first pill.
What would his following even do if this ended up being true? The death of their messiah, their figurehead. Would they turn on him, defend him?
No shit.
Strategy #1: Never let a far-right intellectual movement emerge. Whenever someone comes in with facts, you get a guy shouting "Heil!" on stage with his arm raised. You get a thousand loudmouth twitter accounts and fat idiots in armbands. There are no other strategies.
I'd probably keep hating jews to be honest
>All those retards showing their face in Charlotesville
Can i ask if anyone knew who the fuck spencer was before the election? Seriously, the alt-right was just a term that referred to any right leaning people who didn't fit into the traditional neo-con outfit, and because of that Trump got thrown into there. And then out of nowhere Spencer gets shilled as the "founder of the alt right" and the media goes crazy publicizing him. Basically doing a smear campaign with guilt by association. Literally who the fuck even knew who Spencer was before then? I also find it funny that the alt right was previously filled with ancaps and libertarians and now its exclusively borderline lefties with nationalist ideas.
The same thought process of ever sensible person.
But he hasn't done those things.
He's led tens of thousands into becoming failed memes and the butt of jokes.
Also, Jared Taylor is an old-school asset as well.
Just look at how thoroughly the internet has been scrubbed of any all all references to the actual history of his wife, Evelyn Rich.
You think that shit just "happens"?
>conspiracy theory
>term cia came up with to discourage people from seeking truth
At least we know the lib media builds this douche up like some leader he's not. Then conflates his fabricated movement with Trump. Can't wait for it to blow up in your face.
I just listened to a podcast with spencer pondering different societies that were patriarchal and solar versus matrarchal and lunar. Keep dreaming, he is what he claims he is. The world is not that cynical, keep dreaming.
Hit the nail on the head.
this is why people call him controlled opposition because some random ass dude decided to crown himself king of the alt right.
He is stupid as fuck. That's the point. I studied European history in College, and I cringe every time he talks about "European Identity" - there is no "whole" "cohesive" "European" identity - He talks in your typical anglo-american generalizations, which sounds completley ignorant if you consider the history of the European nation state.
For example he told that black BBC interviewer that "citizenship" was a artificial concept which isn't necessary - how can the """intellectual""" leader of the alt-riight say something this ahistorically stupid? Citizenship is inseparable from the concept of a nation state itself.
I am certain that none of the folks who thinks he's legit were alive during Waco, Ruby Ridge, or the OKC Bombing.
They don't remember what happened to the REAL white nationalists during the Clinton era.
They were burnt out, had their wives blown to pieces while holding their baby daughters, or were swept up for having just a hint of AnFo in their trunks.
Or, and this is the huge or...
They were turned into honeypot assets for the better monitoring and management of "dissident groups"
What do you think they mean exactly when they always claim that white domestic terrorism is a massively larger threat than Islamic terrorism.
They have been saying that shit since 1992.
I know, because I was alive and involved in politics back then, unlike so many of you gullible youngling fagoos.
>makes conspiracy thread to demoralize the right
>i-i was just pretending
most of the replies are calling you a jew shill though so eh better luck next time, kiddo.
still though spencer is controlled op
Imagine actually believing what some Cernovich tier fake news 56 percenter says.
oh wow, you studied european history in some random college, we're all so impressed. Maybe you should have learned how to think. It's possible that there is an overarching European identity that is made up of many extremely different identities (that are all becoming more homogeneous in the digital age). Just because something is a spectrum doesn't mean it doesn't exist you fucking moron.
Also, identity is far deeper than the modern conception of the nation state retard.
From day one I've always thought that fucker was a leftist plant. Never trusted it.
Anons have suspected that Spencer was a plant for a long time now. I remember seeing posts about it before June.
>im le troll master xd
>potatonigger thinks there's a unified european identity
>can't even unify potatonigger identity
Newfags who only learned the word identitarian last year have been saying he was a plant since heilgate, doesn't mean it's true. Spencer has been around for years, just because he's a bit of a fruit and has instincts that take him too far left sometimes doesn't make him a fucking fed.
Jared Taylor is also a Democrat plant.
your reason for posting is because he is in fact a democrat agent and you are making this thread to begin having us associate the notion with a stupid shitpost so we dont take it seriously when evidence starts to surface.
He hasn't been physically removed from twitter despite his extremist views. That's all the proof you need.
Seriously, that says more than anything as to what exactly the purpose of Richard Spencer is.
Irish identity is a collection of identities that while different and in conflict have similar interests and can be loosely understood as Irish and flow into Anglo and British identity. The same applies to Europe as a whole. You totally got me though conspiratard.
There's lots of people in every faction that haven't been banned.
>I also find it funny that the alt right was previously filled with ancaps and libertarians and now its exclusively borderline lefties with nationalist ideas.
They're converted lefties from the other boards.
That's an exceptionally insightful point.
Fuck Every Word, a bot, is banned simply for placing the word "fuck" in front of every word that begins with "n"
Richard "I Murdered Heather Heyer Charlie Manson Style According To Every Lefty Ever" Spencer is still around.
Really operationalizes my walnuts.
has he trolled people or advocated violence on twitter? he's been banned before and deverified, it's possible that he just avoids arguments with people and goes out of his way to follow the rules.
Keep saying conspiratard, potato nigger.
Makes you sound nothing like a Glowpotato at all I promise.
I've read all your posts and it's obvious you're fucking retarded and can only think in terms of personality and invective. Kill yourself back to your shitty discord circlejerk.
Nigger, please, he's already been banned once and brought back under incredibly suspicious circumstances that don't make any fucking sense. You can get banned on Twitter for winning arguments against leftists; not only does he not follow the rules the rules seemingly do not apply to him. It gives the clearest appearance of anything available that he is a spy being protected by the organization to entrap trusting fools.
>I have proof of X
>doesn't release it
This is the same shit as when half of the planet claimed they were raped by Trump right before election and without showing any proof. Fucking attention whores
Richard sued Twitter for banning him even though he didn't violate the rules.
I always just thought he was a LARPing faggot anyway. Same for all those social media warriors like Laura Southern, Britney something and Based Larpman.
He's the 'leader' of the most evil movement in the world that advocates ethnic cleansing, yet this faggot is still on and Sargon of fatkad is off?
He's been around for years as a near nobody, but suddenly became the leader of the whole right wing movement. Something's fishy.
Spencer thinks Iranians are white. He says castizos are white. He thinks it's okay if mixed race people are absorbed and assimilated into the white population
Anyone who is not banned from twitter under the new regime is a federal agent.
Mystery Meat