How do we solve the american problem? they keep spreading degeneracy

how do we solve the american problem? they keep spreading degeneracy

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Kidnap american tourists and drown them.

As if you should talk.

american "artistry"

>posts weebpedo shit

We got most of our degeneracy from France, so start with the root of the problem.

this happens when we get comfortable, we need a war to snap us out of it

Holy shit I thought that was photoshop, he actually makes that face

yeah I thought the same thing until someone posted that webm. top fucking kek

>muh degeneracy

leading producer of soyboys

start by not posting on an american website, also SAGE

American here, just ask if they voted for Trump, if yes let them be, if no, kick them to the ocean or off the side of a mountain, there, problem solved


>California 1917
>California 2017

why are you in spain if the (((usa))) is so great?

Convince Trump to build a wall all around that third world shithole to contain the cancer

I'm on vacation visiting family and friends you cunt-maggot, I used to live in Spain from 2006-2007

build a wall all around the US, and then dump all of the world's nukes in there

I've never been able to find the video where Colbert legitimately gets angry, like what the meme is based on

fucking kek

Why waste the nukes on us moron? Nuke Africa or the Middle East, that's where all the problems are

>nuke middle east
middle east became shit because of americucks.Nuking them and nogs nations would be a blessing for us.

You mean the British fucking up with Palestine? It was Great Britain that made Israel for the Zionists, not the USA


I'm talking about the arab spring,iraq war,afghanistan,and syrian war.

You can thank King Nigger and Hillary for that

Submit yourself to a good rogering.


let's not forgot uncle reagan and bush family for arming extremists and killed saddam

Says a citizen of the country that has squatters as its main export article..

It all goes back to Israel, if we would just tell Israel to fuck off, the world would be a better place

americans simply can't into sex. there's not much we can do about it.

Jesus, I've never seen this in webm form
