Anime is the result of nuclear bombing

> is Anime a result of the radiation that has naturally infected all Japanese people from the atomic bombing? Are American nukes the reason anime exists? Should we all be thanking America for Anime? All signs point to yes.

You're welcome.

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Think again retard

What's up with that chin?

That's disgusting.

It's clear that anime characters are made out to look like white people. Just look at the eyes. Japan don't fucking have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Well their skulls are still Mongoloid even if the hair is colored different than black

Does this look Caucasian to you? No she's 100% Mongoloid with that skull.

Plus kikes


I'm thankful that a little boy and a fat man brought us classics like Neon Genesis Evangelion

Good one

Not to mention slope eyes look nothing like they usually depict. It's because they are disgusting people in real life with horrible physical features. White people have the best.

That looks like a fucking ugly Finish girl.

Bad example

You people are half Asian. You should be proud.

Just look at that filthy savage compared to Blake Lively. Gee, I wonder which one is rather reproduce with...

Notice how black anime people don't exist either.

No tits either

My friend in Croatia feels the same way about Ukrainians. The Chernobyl radiation has made them all very weird.

Anime is Japan's nuclear bomb intended to induce worldwide degeneracy while they prosper.

>lift right legs
>kicks with left leg
how is that possible? is he a ninja?

Because Russians are fucking stupid

Funny you mention that because Hiroshima and Nagasaki have higher living standards than most cities in the world

He's a God.

Hentai is japanese culture

also you're a kike.

Except first anime was made in January/February 1917.

post pre ww II kanmusu screencap