How many times a week or day does the average Sup Forumslak shower?

As hygeine is a very important aspect of society and health, I wonder jow many times most NEETs shower. I try to shower twice a day and lotion once after usually at night so I dont dry out. How many times do you shower Sup Forums?

Pic unrelated

Once the stench becomes unbearable, i get the wet wipes out
But i live on my own so it doesnt really matter

Twice a day. Im not a NEET though. Work for an agency so although it isnt 9-5 Mon-Fri I do pay my own rent.

I shower whenever there's enough buildup in my folds that they start sounding like a cow chewing grass when I move.

>twice a day
Either construction worker or a faggot.
Once a day is my standard routine

I don't need to shower twice a day because I don't naturally stink like you.

t. shower 4 times a week every day if the weather gets really hot

4 times a week

Same here. I shower once a day in the summer and spring


too busy flipping shitcoins and laughing at poor people

I shower once a month either way if I am dirty or not. I made it a habit. You should too!

I shower every day, twice a day when I work and I work 4 days a week. So, I shower, at minimum, 11 times a week. That's my privilege as a white man.

If I weren't a NEET I would go for one shower in the morning to be super ready for the day, and one in the evening when back from work. It's objectively the optimal way to be clean.

1-2 times daily

I shower daily but I haven't brushed my teeth since September

One every two days

Once every 2 days because I have greasy hair


i got cut for no reason and am presently restoring. this is how much i care. anyways. i used to shower every other day and now it's the same but perhaps averaging a little closer to every third. men dont stink. it's not possible. also. cold water kills your balls. dont do it

once a week!

Every other day, daily during the summer.

I've read somewhere that the more you shower the more you smell because your body stops producing some element that keeps you from smelling bad. Normal people can for two days without a shower with no problems.

Me twice a week in the summer
And fuck you, nigger

Six times a week, seven if I have plans on the weekend instead of staying in.

After my job and workout.
I work from 6am-2pm and go to the gym until 4pm.
I wash my face 3 time per day and shampoo my hair every 2 days tho

after the gym
if i am too much of a mess after work i will also shower then. never in the morning and never before bed. i also shit naked as to not befoul my clothing, so usually it just feels best to go in the shower after a dump because i am already naked
1-3 times per day, depending on work and how many shits i take

it sounds so neurotic. i dont stink even if i go once a week. that's my limit though. brushing teeth is pretty important though

Showering twice a day is fucking retarded and horrible for your skin. So is fucking lotions.

>Once the stench becomes unbearable
>i live on my own

Story checks out.

not being fat helps. but yeah if i were a construction worker or in hot climate i'd shower twice a day. and i already have a physical job but it's indoors

I work in an office five days a week, it's kind of necessary. I can get a pretty rank BO going otherwise. Oftentimes I won't shower on Saturdays or Sundays, but I usually do on Sundays since it's a nice way to relax.

At least seven times you filthy nigger.

More if there's gym or heavy lifting that week.

you sit in a chair all day. if i can smell you inside an office, that is normal. and to be honest i dont laugh at stupid shit or judge people. what do you think cindy with the yeast infection is smelling like

Once a day most the time, twice a day in the summer.

when im going places and doing things its shower body every other day, wash hair every day.

When im just sitting around at home for weeks at a time i dont unless something happens that makes me dirty.

I wash myself with a rag on a stick.

>Falling for the hygenal jew

Shower at night because fuck getting into bed dirty. I also change my sheets once a week. Not as concerned about showering in the morning, unless I get night sweats.

>thinking everyone has the same type of skin
absolute state of burger intelligence

>When im just sitting around at home for weeks at a time

Is this you?

Twice a week, maybe. It's wintertime, I'm slim and I typically underdress for the cold.

>shower+hair every night
>brush teeth 2x a day for 3 straight minutes
>floss + interdental brush 2-3x a week
>hand and face cream before bed during winter

2-3 times....

You sound like my son to be ex-wife.
>How are you taking a shit that you need to take off your clothes?
>Why shower after shit, didn't anyone teach you to wipe your ass?

Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?
>your shit ain't that special.

tits or gtfo

are you white as fuck by chance? i'd bet you smell like lemons. i will up my game just for you. i want a timestamped pic of your fore arm
>whitening strips was my old limit
no. but this is you

Take out a life insurance policy (on her) if you haven't already and poison the bitch. Much easier than divorce and far more profitable.

Once a day if I have any kind of plans. I tend to be a slovenly dog when I'm idle,
My real problem is that I brush my teeth like once or twice a week. I don't produce a lot of plaque and I have near perfect teeth. I have never had a cavity either.
But even though my teeth aren't affected I know its probably pretty bad for my gums. I use mouthwash for breath

i just shit naked. it just feels like the way to do it. i think wearing clothes while you take a dump is filthy and disgusting. i take perfect double-tapered dumps, so it's not like i'm trying to not shit on my clothes. i just find them restrictive i guess.
and i shower after because the shower is right there and it helps me fully cleanse myself. i know this may sound bizarre but really it is not a big deal for me it is just what i do. and these aren't full showers usually it isnt even with soap

I wasn't even talking to you, faggot. Enjoy your aids btw. Hope it's super painful.

twice a day here

>starts with the gross females may may
>no truvada users can do it, they have truvada aids
truvada aids is only for vaginas

I'm a fucking cis white male doing heavy 5x5 lifting 3x a week and cardio 6x a week, I have a need to remain sanitary.

Also, macros at 85kg (185lb) and 1,86m (6ft),

carbs: 300-400g
protein: 140-150g

I never shower so i can ruin the days of normalfags by reminding them the dregs of society that were left behind

>he didnt fall for my forearm trap

A better question is: have you broken free from the ((aluminum)) deodorant Jew?

Ah, must be syphilis. You've let it fester too long.

like hitler, the faggot israel creator and also crypto kike himself

Week? Dont you mean year?