Hello Sup Forums I've recently been given opportunity to immigrate from my home because of war. The UN is giving forms to my family to fill out to choose where we go. We have many options I would like to know where is best for work?Where is best for Islam we are peaceful only want better life. Where is best for family?
Countries they let us go to:
-Italy (temporary 12 months only)
All other countries will give us citiizenship so we can help our other families come. Which is best choice? I like Australia but your advice is welcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
France. Plenty of other muslims
Australia from what i hear is good my family move here from Iraq but australia give more welfare and english speak
I hear Australia is very nice but I want friendly place also.
France is worse than my country hahaha.
Go to canada then. Very tolerant. Multiethnic. Trudeau
I think my top 2 choices are Canada or Australia I have 6 more days before I have to hand the forms to UN.
Canada. Lots of islamophobia here. We have Pauline and the One Nation party. Canada has no such thing, also you have easier access to the US from canada, we have access to nowhere.
But what about job and work? I have 3 sons nearly all have degrees is it better in Canada?
cusins in sidney think its a great place for muslims people are nice
we're full.
Canada, you'll find Muslims like you and you'll be able to get jobs. They won't want your people in Australia
There are too many muslims in those places, you won't be safe. Better try Ireland or some shit.
UN representative tell us we have rights there and assure us all governments will protect us. I was worried about this because many think Islam is not good but its coexistant with many people.
You come to Australia and you're going to get fucking stabbed you goat-fucking cunt. You're better off in Canada.
>meme flag
You call that bait cunt?
More muslims makes it more friendly?
I am thinking Canada more likely but Australia I get paid 2x from government.
Why this racism? I have no home my family have nothing left and I can't move to a new home? What do I dd? You want me to kill my family?
Absolutely. Much better public infrastructure, conectedness and tolerance in canada. You can also use it as a launchpad for the US.
he is right tho. Its too dangerous here for you. Canada however, welcomes you with open arms
Mate, we're fucking full. Go to maple town
>You want me to kill my family
But they only offer 452 canada dollars per 2 weeks. In australia they give me 1102 australian dollars per 2 weeks +256 for each of my family with house and bills. If I can find job in canada i go there but if no jobs I need australia.
I know not even money from government italy not an option it must be canada or australia they give so much i love them.
Stay out of Canada muhammed was a pedophile
Weak bait memeflag
If only the government were the people. At the moment, they attempt to 'represent' us, although we're merely connected by a thread.
Racism is increasing, and the emigration of your peoples to here fuels it. Regardless of intent.
Only come here if you're Christian, we don't like Muslims
I don't like racism the UN representative made it clear to our family that australia will take 200,000 of our people every year till end of war and make us citizen for more diverse. I'm hard worker.
In Canada you'll they'll throw the jobs at you for being a Muslim.
Fuck off, we're full
Australian shitposters shitting themselves due to a Muslim, topkek
Wood doesn't want to be burnt.
I can convert if it is a requirement I want to live man.
For my children also?
I know. They should just give him facts. Like the fact you pretty much get-auto hired in Canada for being a Muslim, whereas in Australia you're at risk of being deported for so much as burglary under that recent legislation.
They are afraid?
I hate ISIS they ruin my religion now people are afraid of islam and don't realize we are many peaceful.
Of course. If they have degrees and they're Muslim that's even better, because Canada recognizes foreign degrees. Here they'd expect them to redo them and you'd have to shell out for them a second time.
I think if it is true I find work in Canada I will move there we have 4 people that can work. But if it is the same in australia I would prefer australia its warmer canada is ice.
Add in the fact we keep people on a dangerous island for years on end.
Canada won't leave you stranded.
Fuck off nigger, we're full.
You have a huge fucking desert. Toss em in there
we recently started bashing muds gl
You come here cunt you’re dead..
ignore this man. He is very much in the minority
That's between you and God. He will know if your conversion is legitimate.
Fuck off we're full.
u a gay cunt
Fuck off we're full
I am not nigger my family is all pakistani. Are therre pakistanis in canada?
I was told government will protect us and UN will keep track of us. I'm not afraid of your silly threats.
I thought canada is okay?
Go to Sweden, it's like an all you can rape buffet for you people over there.
Yes stupid goat fucker, wherever you go you rape people or kill them or go full aloah snackbar, our governments are blind and don't see that you are a threat, but whatever I killed lots of your cousins so is all right, when I slaughtered your children you too cried like bitches.
And BTW if you are so peaceful then prove it, destroy Isis by yourself and this will redeem you. Kill the foreign fighters instead of nurturing them.
Nope you’ll be fucked up and stomped in the street.
Go to Malmö, you will like it mashallah
That paper for indonesia I'm from pakistan the UN came to our camp and told us they will find us homes they give us lists and told us to choose. They say they will do thhis to all the camps.
Please come to America! We need cultural enrichment and more diversity!
There are always tiny minorities, but canada doesnt even really have a right wing party, let alone a far right one
Rude tbqh
Shit bait is Shit.
Fuck off, we're full.
they will kill me for even thinking about it i can't i don't rape i only kill to protect my family i just want to live.
If you threaten my family you will pay for it we are not violent but if you want to hurt us we will hurt you worse.
I don't want sweden i don't know 1% swedish can't work or do anything.
Just stay in Pakistan, you have no reason to come to western countries.
US not on the list for pakistan only for somalia iraq and sudan i don't know why not pakistan.
Just remember if you misbehave in Australia, we have the right to harass you and your family and we will kick the shit out of your kids at our schools.
No reaason? All reason I can work buy house buy a car raise my family have more children and have grandchildren and live happy. I can't do that in pakistan or any other country near me its impossible. Its 24/7 war
You can do any punishment if we are wrong but we are only coming to live like people I don't want to hurt.
Stay in your own country, and help make it a better place. Your people and religion cause problems. We don't want your people and your problems here.
Cronulla 2.0 when? That was 10 years ago. You cunts are hated even more now. But sure, come on over Mo.
If you were to decide on Australia, just remember Melbourne's probably the best option. Large city means more jobs, high Muslim population, and more tolerant culture. But you'd probably still need to go through that island thing we have for screening first.
You don't realize you are scum and you should be treated as the animals you are. You must not kill because you life is not as worthy as ours. If you really want to protect your family kill them then kill yourself
I want work and a life I don't care if your racist my family is first for me. So if i have to move i will move.
No screening we come part of the government and UN program they give us house and then we can choose many states to move. The representative told us Queensland and Victoria are best two in her opinion. She is australian too so she is good help.
your racism is disgusting who are you to think you're better than someone because you were born on different soil? sorry but i don't care about your opinion
Fuck off we're full
Then I should go to australia if canada's jobs are full?
You should definitely go to australia my muslim friend nice jobs, great shores and a lot of job oppurtunities
Then you are not the type of person we want here. You are a quitter, who isn't willing to put in the generations of hard work to make a good nation. You want to leech off the hard work of another people. Our people have been through our turmoil, stuck with it, and built a county worth living in. If our people fucked off to a different country when things got difficult, we wouldn't be where we are today. Australia is not your people, say with your own, and make another good nation. Don't fuck ours up because you don't have the tenacity to make something good.
You are disgusting fucking shit. I was born not in a different soil but with different genetics. You are probably a fucking inbred and you only kill and rape, so do a favor to the world and kill yourself or we are going to kill your brothers here in Italy kek
ahaa everyone says they have very good life there
Come to Croatia or Serbia. Tolerant nations, you will be safe there.
sorry but you have people drive past your house to kill you and your family? you have no food or water? shut up please you want to compare me to you? I've been in hell
see? i don't care.
they are more poor than pakistan hhaha
US not option on the list
The fact that you identify first and foremost as a servant of Islam is a red flag.
Europe is being ruined by your ilk - I suspect you'll find yourself at home there.
Melbourne is in Victoria. Queensland doesn't have as many muslims. Also there's a bit of an unemployment problem at the moment in Queensland at the moment.
europe is ruined because europe took over half the planet then they cry when half the planet comes back to take them. it is justice
Well I'll keep talking alone then about how Muslim promotes pedophilia and killers kek, but for your behavior we will probably have to kill some of your brothers in the fields tomorrow, all your fault you stupid goat fucker, remember that in Australia you can't fuck your sister or your daughters, probably on Canada you can kek
I think melbourne will be nice if queensland have no jobs.
i don't believe you
Pick up a history book and learn a bit about the people you wish to leech of. Your people spread misery, violence, and your cancerous religion. The more of your kind here, the worse it is for us. You are not welcome here, nobody wants you here, nobody will like you here. You are the cancer that is killing western nations. Stay in your fuckoffistan, and make a proper nation without the violence. We've been through that. It's your turn.
See? This is the reason we hate you. We took half the planet because we were stronger and smarter and now you are allowed to came here because some faggots feels guilty. Imo you should all. Have been castrated and killed since the start
fuck off we are full
Go to Germany.
We came here from Afghanistan but half my family went to Australia and it is better over there
Happy Eid brother
Build a new home in your country. ISIS is in Ruins, and depending on where you live there is a significantly declining reason to move away.
The fact that you are asking this on a White nationalist borderline NSDAP worshipping board leads me to the likely conclusion that you are a troll.
Move to Iran, or another middle eastern country. Be with your own people. It's better for you, and it's better for the west.
Immigration degrades developed countries and prevents dilapidated ones from ever recovering. You are betraying your people if you move.
Check Italian news in the next days if you can kek, do you know how many boats full of Muslims we sunk before? Do you know how many of your kind have been killed by the mafia? Do you know how many of you are actually worked to death then your body is used as food for our pigs? Do you know how many times we give your kind pig meat? AND YOU EAT IT EVEN IF YOU KNOW IT'S PIG MEAT BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO STARVE AHAHAH