redpill me on game development as a career. I saw this game posted and it looks like fun, if I could make good money out of it why not?
Game dev
no one here today?
You'll likely end up doing web dev at the end of your studies as a game dev.
I worked in games for 10 years. It is the best of times and the worst of times. Most games fail, most successful games are made by teams that work 80+ hours a week.
In my case EA bought us, promised they would not shut down our studio, the shut down our studio.
There is an overall cycle. Team in big company gets disenfranchised, breaks out, makes bad ass little company. If successful they become big company. Repeat that pattern as naseum.
Development is a lot of work that you aren't paid enough for. Becoming a DBA is much easier and pays considerably more.
please say westwood?!? if so i gotta say.... EA ruined C&C ;(
as a kid i played the original c&c on westwood chat.
It was Westwood. Happened some time ago, but fuck EA. I got off easy, but some people moved their families due to EA’s lies to us. They only wanted the franchise, not the studio and they fucked everyone that worked there while patting us on the back.
If you don't already have a drive and passion to make games you won't succeed in a career of it. It's hard work with long hours.
holy shit youre old school. you guys made great games. played so many hours on C&C, RA and the sequels as a kid.
Whats DBA?
Database admin or possibly architect
Man i loved your games..
As a gamedev student, even I think it's become a meme industry at this point..
Spend long enough in any field of software development/engineering and it always starts to look like a meme at some point.
Loved your guy’s shit as a kid, even now I look back and Westwood games are still up there as some of the best RTS of all time
Thanks man, was a great time to be alive and C&C was a great franchise to work on. It wasn’t all bad, but yeah I’m still bitter over the EA deal but that’s life. I’m glad I started in games, but I’m also glad I got out when I did. That’s not to say people don’t love it over the long haul, It just wasn’t for me as a long term gig.
What company? Pandemic?
Sorry, I missed your answer .
I used to want to do it but I a realized there are enough video games in the world and they're a waste of time to begin with. Even though I spend a lot of time playing them, the good ones have already been made
Some is good some is bad, like most jobs, big companies tend to suck pretty bad (Sjw crap, terrible management, milking franchises that even the employees make fun of,etc).
You'll meet some redpilled people, but also tons of nu males, chances are you won't make a lot of money though.
So pic related isn't even a meme then?
considering doing some indie game development after my last year in uni, i'm wageslaving on some crypto currency wallets now and i hate it, feels like a waste of time, and not even the pay is that great
(considering leaving next february or something)
there are plenty of places i could upload games, and plenty of ways to make money off of them
some years ago i tried making a vn with several anons from Sup Forums, everything was going fine, but it fell apart because the writers gradually stopped writing, if i could pay them it would have made things possible i think
personally i'd like to get into drawing and animation as well. will cross the sound/music bridge when i get to it (there's plenty of artists who could take care of that)
i'm determined and i have several ideas for games that i wanna see myself at least, if i run out of funds i'll flip burgers till i can support myself with my projects
I'm a game developer (modeling and concept)
Make north of 80k/yr. ama
how realistic are my plans
EA ruined the game development field by taking over and destroying many pretty damn good development companies, and set the precedent of how game companies operate. It’s a big ole meme at this point
Not a bad plan but realistically,
become a jack of all trades. Learn how
to model if you don't know how. Learn
how to code. L2 artfag if you are not already.
The Indie scene is a great place to start though,
get some experience. Expect to work
for shekels the first couple years.
I’m stoned and I think you’re pretty fuckin ambitious but hey man people have done more with less you know
Like building mud huts in 2017 even though white people have been oppressing you
If you could go AAA for a few years (or even smaller studios) that would help you get some more skills (the whole indie after college is very often a meme, also indie game is full of larpers).
Learn game skills, learn business skills,don't do a revamp of a shitty game (check steam marketplace, the amount of original content is VERY low in the sea of BS) learn to market your game if you want to sell it.
(been in Indie and AAA)
The old C&C games were also a part of my childhood.
The game development industry is infected with sjw cancer, the only way we are going to change this is if those who are not infected make more games.
The question is, can Sup Forums make a game ?
I actually studied it. The course had ups and downs. Animation both 2D and 3D was fun as well as some art stuff. Other parts just didn't feel fully fleshed out.
Also Game Dev is real easy to get burnt out on. Like when I finished the course I didn't pick up or play a game for like 6 months.
The best thing about studying it would be meeting other talented people who you could form a small team with.
Also yes i did meet people like pic related studying it.
buy gamemaker and a cheap resource kit
make game
don't know what the fuck you're doing? there are thousands of youtube tutorial videos and several dozen $10-15 udemy courses you can use to teach yourself.
"2 posts by this ID."
Soft core porn used as click bait.
Stupid "Redpill me on..." shitpost.
Sage in all fields.
Bait harder, cunt.
Nothing wrong with doing it just make sure that your intitial degree is something worthwhile
Like dont major in Game Development go and major in Software Engineering
Ive worked in the art departments of some large game companies, and these sjw types dont do ANY of the creative jobs that take some sort of skill.
They bully their way onto managerial positions and completely take over the human resource departments of companies. They're like a fucking virus.
When they take over the HR departments they're supposed to be hiring people based on the quality of their art work, and if they can do the job or not. Well thats completely gone out of the window now with some of these large companies, instead they're just hiring people based on these pseudo diversity quotas, and if people align with them politically.
Street shitter Manveer Heir who was the director for Bioware is a great example of this cancerous behaviour.
>In my case EA bought us, promised they would not shut down our studio, the shut down our studio.
There's the problem that game industry is fuckhueg, but it's also quite pozzed (but not irrecoverably). The bigger problem is that mainstream game journalists are all fucking kiked and you should stay away from them.
cant judge someone on their quality of their art if you understand neither
one of the best careers if you can make it as an indie dev
how much would it cost for me to make a ps2 style mutilplayer shooter with 16 players online.
how many people would I need
how much will they want
how long will it take
>EA bought us, promised they would not shut down our studio, the shut down our studio.
worked in games for 20 years.
salaries are below other similar non-game careers precisely because so many youngsters want to enter the games industry
deadlines and milestones can be menacing. alpha rarely means feature complete.
no clue but if you wanted to lower the price you could do it in an east euro country
the clients will still be westerners
>sjw types dont do ANY of the creative jobs that take some sort of skill
the entire computer games industry is filled to the brim with left-wing idealists.
just walk away when they discuss politics. these are the sort of people who argued passionately that dubya was a 'fascist', that trump equally is a 'fascist', and in 2024 will once again claim that the GOP candidate is a 'fascist' - not once waking up to the fact that it was wrong in the past, and that they've 100% been manipulated into this position through the left-wing media they follow (while ignoring all other, as it's 'biased')
Lily Thai was such a goddess
I loved BladeRunner, even if I was total shit at making any progress.
A lot of good studios became infested with SJW and their products have gone downhill. My company is pretty liberal but we try to stay out of political arena. Truth is, the bigger the company, the more people they hire that don't actually make the game. Sales manager, various HR, event staffing. At some point as a real dev you feel like shit because those people are literally riding off of your work while they just leech off the company. Also you'll know whether you'll get promoted at a studio the first couple of days there. Some people are perms held back because they have cultural issues at work and it's really sad to see it happen. Gearbox is like a frat house. Hirez has a lot of cliques. So does Valve. I heard blizzard gets shit royalties and Irvine is boring. Most big companies are left leaning and will not hesitate to throw you under the bus. Crunch is real, someone always crunches. Testers are great if they have other aspirations, if you want to test for life then please don't think you are hot shit.
Oh and everyone play the virtue signaling game and feminists have sunk their teeth into this industry.
Just another wage slave working on somebody else's dream, except you're working banking & finance hours for 1/10th of the pay.
a meme? Its like double the amount of studio's in that mass grave now.