Hmmm... I wonder who could be behind chemtrails

Hmmm... I wonder who could be behind chemtrails

I was sitting in a seat right on the wing on a cross country flight watching them form all day today. It was pretty cool.

come on, man... that suspicious sky pentagram could be ANYTHING...

Like swamp gas refracting the light of venus.



It's not a pentagram, user...

buncha normies in facebook thought it was a pentagram too. they were SO close though

You know who's behind it it?
It's the combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the low ambient temperatures that exist at high altitudes.

I think Op thinks it's a star of David. This thread is already retarded. And probably belongs on

>all these american flags
damn i thought the repeal of NN would kick you guys out but it just let more in

Can u turn contrails off?

But it'll turn the frogs gay

Sure, descend to lower altitude where warmer air is

How dont you see that its a star of david? are you blind or retarded?
>no fun allowed on Sup Forums

How the fuck is airplanes spraying shit in the atmosphere paranormal?

>Sure, descend to lower altitude where warmer air is
Like this?

Jet planes, it's water vapour from the jet engines they use for propulsion.

and right where the penis triangle and vagina triangle meet, is the all seeing divine vaginal act of procreation and birthing the sun and goddess of freemasonry
>muh pear earth
>these lines are always PERFECTLY straight
think about it. a curved trail on a curved earth should have you seeing curves. but you see lines. like the cows who wrote this star want you to see. with their vagina eyes

(((Planes)))aren’t real, obviously.

>It's not a pentagram, user...

Well, making a circular chemtrail is harder than you might think.

that's because a curve on a curve would cancel eachother out. so you paint parallel to the ground and make lines

in all the Chemtrail discussion and videos, I've never seen jews
Do they have Chems in izrayle?
Didn't think so

Its easier to make stars

I keep thinking that these sky stars are some kind of occult ritual...

Like, the material component to an occult spell or something.

Cremation of care, perhaps?

You know these (((elites))) try to cast "Spells" all of the time.

If they tell you what they do it absolves them of moral culpability, that's the rules they play by.

They can basically do whatever because the goys just keep shutting each other down.
>muh its just contrails

Asked 2 pilots friends of mine when chemtrails started
Reason Why There weren't so many in boomers' years is different kind of motor propulsion