Let's talk about trannies. I hate them. Caitlyn Jenner is not beautiful. Children shouldn't be castrated or brainwashed into castration. Or taken away from their white Christian patents who tell them their correct gender. Or given hormone therapy. School curriculum shouldn't be altered as to teach young children about Sodom & Gomorrah.
Let's talk about trannies. I hate them. Caitlyn Jenner is not beautiful...
transsexuals are deeply ill and we went off the deep end as a society the moment we started to support and encourage this sickness
it is like celebrating anorexics or schizos. no benefit to it, only decay
When you would hear about a meth using cabbie who enjoyed dressing as a street walker in Los Angeles circa 1976 you would giggle.
Now this perversion is creeping upon children. In the media & in their schools. In change rooms at the pool I'm expected to think it's normal for a 45 year old man to get naked in front of young girls.
As a Christian it's my duty to resist this.
I don't hate Trannies in the same way I don't hate those with Cancer.
I mean I agree with you I don’t think Jenner should be getting any praise or treated as a hero for basically doing nothing, I think they should take politics and propaganda out of schools, don’t teach kids about all this fake 50+ genders stuff, don’t teach kids about religion or politics, leave that shit up to the parents. Keep religion, politics, and lgbtqrts#79hsucy+ shit out of schools.
I agree with you
Glad my kids are grown
I'd be doing something radical if they were still at school and forced to listen to the LGBT crap
Hi everyone. Lactatia here.
I like to see their tits bounce while they're fucking me. I don't like men fucking me.
Many politicians are trans, but too cowardly to admit it. I'm going to start walking round in a dress to mock them.
>Let's talk about trannies. I hate them.
Me too dude. Me too.
>Caitlyn Jenner is not beautiful.
Preach on brother.
>Children shouldn't be castrated or brainwashed into castration. Or taken away from their white Christian patents who tell them their correct gender.
True. Very true.
>Or given hormone therapy.
This should be considered child abuse, just like giving kids anabolic steroids or any other illegal drug.
>School curriculum shouldn't be altered as to teach young children about Sodom & Gomorrah.
Only if the school is also teaching the moral of the story- that it was destroyed because the angels could not find one righteous man in the city that deserved to be saved.
The only trannies I like are the ones found in cars and the TRANSformers: youtube.com
Are you lactating today? youtube.com
I actually happen to know a transgender person with gender dysphoria and they hate the whole situation with a burning passion. There's always been trannies throughout history, but it was at a very low rate because gender dysphoria is a very rare condition. In the past decade, for reasons I can't begin to imagine, transgenderism is glorified by the media and our prime minister, which is driving a lot of weak minded people with no culture or achievements to subconsciously or consciously decide they should be transgendered to set themselves out from the crowd. Some people call it being a transtrender.
If you've ever had the displeasure of meeting an MTF they truly are a woman in all the negative ways and none of the good and deserve not hate but pity for being born into such a fucked up existence. On the other hand the one FTM I've met has been one of the nicest down to earth person I've met, and handles the situation with dignity. What they both had in common was a distinct gender identity, and a burning hatred for tumblords who decide they're some made up gender. The thing is they don't publicly state that opinion because those degenerates are the best chance at getting civil rights.
Count your lucky stars that you don't start every morning piss with a deeply ingrained hatred of your pecker.
Pretty sure most people with cancer don’t glamorize it and push it on children.
Trannies have civil rights you absolute retard.
you mentally lose when you accepting opponent's narrative.
such thing as "transsexuals" don't even. it's just mentally ill pretending to be the opposite sex.
I like what Katelin Jenner is doing
>a giant fucking dude who was fighting other dudes for living
>goes crazy
>puts on a dress
>claims to be a woman
>beats the living fuck out of real women
>a man beats the fuck out of women and taakes the medals from them
>feminists celebrate
This is the most magnificent public demonstration of how fucked up the feminism is for everybody even the roasties to see
>Caitlyn Jenner is not beautiful
late transition -- not representative of what a /trap/ can look like with the correct feminisation regime instituted before masculinity takes a hold
argument: moot
>Children shouldn't be castrated or brainwashed into castration.
REAL /traps/ have no desire to chop their cocks -- it's literally their 'shtick' in attracting mates. what you're erroneously referring to are GENDER DYSMORPHS
argument: suppositious
>tfw onan clearly knows jack shit about /traps/, beyond Sup Forumslution shit-posting and Cucked Jews' Chattel
Thank you mr.Expert on faggots
I live to give
>...head to hawt /traps/
Fallon Fox MtoF MMA fighter 34 second knockout: youtube.com
Joe Rogans opinion on Trannies "She says shes a woman, I don't agree, shes a man" youtube.com
They have the same rights as everyone else. Whats your point? That they should have cartakers and someone to have power of attorney over them because they are so mentally ill they are not of sound mind and cannot be trusted to take care of themselves mentally and physically without mutilating their bodies, just like an anorexic, that always views themselves as too fat, no matter how skinny they are? Yes, I agree, they need to be institutionalized until they find the right meds to fix their illness or, if not, indefinitely to prevent their eventual suicide, or hurting other people.
>Jew Rogaine
>giving a fuck about what hater normies think, while dopamine is flowing through one's head
>Children shouldn't be castrated or brainwashed into castration. Or taken away from their white Christian patents who tell them their correct gender. Or given hormone therapy. School curriculum shouldn't be altered as to teach young children about Sodom & Gomorrah.
Why not? A tranny can't have kids because their willy will have been cut off or their minge sewn up. This removes degeneracy from the gene pool more effectively than legalizing homosexuality ever did.
A homosexual can still have kids if they fuck a manly looking woman from behind or if she closes her eyes and pretends a mans cock is a realistic strap on. A transvestite cannot because they have no longer a penis or vagina in working order.
Transvestitism is just a more extreme form of tattooing or piercing anyway.
Caitlin Jenner is incredibly beautiful on the inside because he's a Based Republican.
>be me
>tfw born with no ink in my skin and no metal studs
>always felt like I should have been born with ink in my skin and metal in my face
>tell kids that some people are born with the wrong body modifications
sauce on the girl in the gif?
Looks a bit like Sarina Valentina
>Sarina Valentina
yep -- it's her
What's a roastie?
I can tell you what ISN'T a roastie...
Remember the good ol days when just faggots were the enemy...
>soddom and gomorrah
First thats the jew part of the bible. Where God makes no sense, is cruel and chaotic. Second soddomites worshipped Molech and were killed for that.
Christ cucks I swear, read your fucking book.
It's a permanent body modification that people do because they feel they are not doing to be complete without it that also makes people pay attention to you. Essentially its the same thing done for the same reasons.
Pic related is no different from a transvestite who gets their nob cut off or minge sewn up.
It was vague in the bible, all it said was the 2 angels were sent to find one person that wasn't wicked, and that the people of the city all attempted to rape the angels but Lot offered up his daughter for the people to rape instead of the Angels. That all the women of the city were whores and it Lot was rewarded by allowing him to take his wife out of the city before god destroyed it, as they were leaving they were told not to look back no matter what they heard, Lots wife did, and turned into a pillar of salt. Faggot.