Who would you choose from the anime characters if you were Kazuma?

Who would you choose from the anime characters if you were Kazuma?

my best party

Make Darkness my cuckqueen.

Darkness, Megumin, and anyone that isn't Aqua.

I wouldn't be an adventurer. I'd become a blacksmith or something and sell weapons to aspiring adventurers and give them a wink and a thumbs up as they go off into the wild, my craftwork in hand.

>I was reborned in a fantasy world and now my healer is a cum dump ?!

Megumin and that's all.

I'd choose the magical sword guy, and turn him into my personal boyslut, promising him to give the sword back if he does as I wish.

Probably Wiz or Guild Girl.
Also, given kazuma's high LUK, wouldn't it be better for him to take any craftsmanship as a side job?


More like fat lazy smelly yandere neet

Craftsmanship needs DEX and if you're into smithing, you need both DEX and STR.

>that face
Truly human trash

Wolbach, Aqua and Vanir is my ideal party.

can i choose monsters from anime?

Anime fucking sucks, I'm going to start a new game on Pokemon X.


No particular reason

I know, but most games also ties the chances of success for making good quality items to you LUK stat.

And, lets be honest, his DEX isn't exactly low since he's going for a thief type build.



and pic related

Too bad Iris hasn't made a debut in the anime.

Retard Goddess
Useless Crusader


Honestly, I don't think I want to change anyone from Kazuma's party. I like his group the way it is. I'll just have to bank on hoping that I'd follow the same events so I can really cash in on Vanir, better than Kazuma ever would.

Hell, Lupin the Third's crime crew is good too. Minus Fujiko. Get me Belladonna or Francesca instead.

Lupin the Third in fantasy Australia special when?

Orihime from bleach as my healer, elza as my rogue, crusch as my tanker, yunyun as the mage.