Is the NGE manga worth reading?

Is the NGE manga worth reading?


I'll let you know once I get around to reading it myself. Perhaps in that time you'll have read it and formed your own opinion on it.

I just finished it yesterday, kind of mixed feeling. The first 1/3 maybe 1/2 were great. Lots of new interactions between characters. Rei actually has a personality she develops, Asuka is somewhat less of a bitch, Shaun acts like a normal boy his age. It has much more involvement of you'd call it that.

But then on the last 1/3 it became strange. I thought EoE adaptation was underwhelming and the last chapter just outright bad and generic.

Overall just read it if you feel like it. It's not bad, you might add something to your understanding of personalities. Hovewer, keep in mind that TV is the original and manga is just Sadamoto's version of it.


It was good until the ending
Also, it took too long to finish

It was shit until the ending.
Although the ending didn't make sense, it was still cute

I liked it.
Didn't even finish the anime though.


>Didn't even finish the anime
Opinion discarded.