>Pedestrians hit by a SUV in what police believe was a "deliberate act"
>14 people injured, 13 taken to hospital
>Pre-school aged child taken to Royal Children's Hospital in a serious condition
>It is not known if it is terrorism-related
>Police have arrested the driver and passenger
>Witnesses described seeing 'bodies flying everywhere'
>Explosions reported at Frankston Shopping Centre possibly unrelated
>Another man arrested on flinders st possibly unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

Why isnt there any proper right-wing group in this country that isnt a bunch of spastics wearing wife beaters and complaining about mosques in ballarat or dumb cunts like Pauline
I'm getting fed up

because were cucked


Terrible accident according to #muslimsdownunder

The Muslim is here to kill you

haha faggots haha faggots

Australian Conservatives. Much more competent than One Nation.

you are more like to die from a dingo bite than a mudslime attack just keep that in mind and stay safe down there friends

live feed if your interested


Quality post from Leaf land

Looks like you've got room for 13 new refugees hahahahahahahaha

I was the user posting this in the ABC Facebook stream:

>WHO IS USING "LAUGH" AND "LOVE" EMOJI TO THIS NEWS??? LET'S TAKE A LOOK: Hadi Ahmad, Hamed Hamed, Fouad-Elias David Abi-Esber, Dhanjit Prasad, Syed Sibtain Zaidi, Ahmed Abou-eid, Ahmed Ashraf. LOOK FOR YOURSELF. DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. WAKE UP AUSTRALIA.

They shut me down i'm b& and can't post anymore. Can someone keep posting this in the chat??? I would but don't have another kekbook account.

stream is here:
facebook com/


guy drives at high speed into pedestrians in an attempt to kill them injures 19 puts a 2 yr old into intensive care and you say NOTHINGBURGER

>mfw our government will just import more next year, and the year after that, and the year after that
>mfw of the 28M Aussies, only 15M are actually Australian
>mfw the media will tell us that the worst thing about this attack isn’t the dead and permanently disfigured / disabled kids, it’s the islamophobia
>mfw everyone will post #notallmuslims
>mfw no one will even give a shit in less than a week

Fuck this cuntry, lads. Our people are fucking morons.

i don't use facebook

Who lives in /Melbourne/ here?

>inner eastern richcunt here
>work with my mate in community services trying to rehouse these fuckos
>half their problem is nojobs and nohouses
>they don't want to learn english because they're angsty teens
>half of them came out of fucking violent shitty poverty and undoubtedly they'll go back into it
fuck my ass, I can't deal with this kind of shit

I guess I'm just a bit disappointed desu. all the hard work community groups put in to try and get refugees on par with the rest of society. there're a lot of genuinely good people out there that aren't me that work a lot harder than I do to try and give these people a new chance to settle down, stake up some land

and the culprits aren't that much older than me, which sucks. I mean, just what the fuck do they expect they're going to do? what's their goal here? Their motive is obviously THE WILL OF ALLAH, but that's fucking retarded as it doesn't get them anywhere and people forget about their shit after a while

meanwhile half the people I worked hard to try and get a normal life - most of whom are just fucking relieved to be away from whatever asian/african shithole they crawled out of - are going to cop a serve because some fucking psycho cunt arabs ruining life for everyone

fucksake, all I want to do is just enjoy my kebab after 3am and hold hands with my circle of faggots and degenerates and muzzies and hindus and basic white hipster bitches and not be bothered with all this religious terrorism shit.

feels defeating man

haha cia nigger haha


Thanks for taking our refo's from manus island again matey :)

Sup, I was half a block away from the incident heading up to the station when the collision had only just happened.

First happening I saw

This is now a confirmed nothingburger. It’s just a guy with low blood sugar.


was it scary?

>>mfw the media will tell us that the worst thing about this attack isn’t the dead and permanently disfigured / disabled kids, it’s the islamophobia

yeah this is what is going to shit me the most lets all hold hands and sing not all muslims when they are literally rubbing it in our faces saying shit like it was an accident

the kid is obviously going to be a sped and it will be brainwashed by leftists if it can still think properly as it grows up to not hate the muslim men that caused its injuries but love them

Did you go post on Sup Forums straight after lad?

A 2 year old may die? Who gives a fuck. The parents can replace it within a year.

Turn off your memeflag Netherlands.

Technically you'd need two years and nine months to replace it.

i thought at first it was an accident because nobody was killed (yet) and they only got 14 people.

how do you fuck up that hard? it's PACKED out there

your a fool


Here on a work trip. My wife and baby were literally a street over at the time.
Incidentally, it's right next to the intersection where they introduced female traffic light signals earlier this year.

One user claimed he saw two bodies.
Another user claimed he saw tarps covering four bodies.

he hit a bollard which is what stopped the car

This happens and you're the only people who get upset about it, the normies don't want to bring up the big elephant in the room, ie: Islam not being compatible with western society, so this will keep happening, just stop caring, let the normies have what they want, one day when it gets bad enough they'll change their minds and the pendulum will swing the other way causing the normies to become mini-hitlers.

Well, I didn't see the people flying up, just the crash, when I came to the scene I did see the injured, one of which had an aussie woman with blood running down the side of her head, there was a small puddle of blood next to her, I didn't stick around for long.
Nah, I just kept walking to the station, I was meeting a mate of mine, that was when emergency services come screaming, cops were getting the place on lock too.

Reminder all muslims should be exterminated

>female traffic light signals earlier this year.
u wot m8?

What's it like living around blacks? I live right near Sydney's CBD so I barely see any however I know that they're shitcunt no matter the region.

>female traffic light signals earlier this year.

do you think they'll respond lads?

>one day when it gets bad enough they'll change their minds

no by that time we will all be fucked and they will never wake up because they will be fully brainwashed by then and we will be living in the lefts socialist utopia

and "we" will be in the gulags

Just remember, if you're in any state/territory except cucktoria, then it isn't too late to prepare for the upcoming waves of trucks of peace.

So this isn't a mossad operation?

wrong pic

also it's funny that the cucks on /r/australia and /r/ Melbourne are getting increasingly pissed of with the niggers and muzzies

pics of what you posted


has never bothered me desu

the black pill truly is the toughest to swallow

Melbourne ever the virtue signalling city decided to swap the signal light symbols with female ones.

Yes they're that fucking retarded.

Because people here want the poo skins gone but none of the other gay shit that conservatives have a hard on for like republics or god in school or raising the GST to 15% and beyond.


an thus activateth thy almounds

your post has probably been removed

>Zero fatalities
Meanwhile a white guy walks into a Texas church

what are we looking at here?

>unconscious bias

And kills a bunch of already minority white people.


I am sorry, ausbros.

Your Muslims are our peaceful mexicans. We know your pain.

It's disgusting seeing niggers. The average IQ of Sudan and Somalia is like 78.
Which means it is likely their above average IQ specimens that commit the crimes!
Since if you look at their bell curve the above average fit into the "criminality sweet spot" while the rest are basically too retarded to do anything.

sign on church, dear memflag

Look at the sign on the church

"Lets fully welcome refugees" poster on church.

as cops direct traffic below away from the terror attack.

damn the irony

>One day when it gets bad enough they'll change their minds
maybe, if pauline hanson dies and someone with her views but some actual charisma replaces her, but probably not gonna happen, we're too fucking retarded and indocrtinated into this multicultural australia bullshit to see that islam is just a shitstain on our society.

hell, i don't mind the gooks, pajeets and wogs, i hardly like them, but at least they integrate unlike the mudslimes

Fuck me its 8.30pm and its still not a terrorist act.

Melbourne faggots deserve this. You fucking deserve it all.

melbourne is the san francisco of australia

nice i said the same thing to my baizou mate this morning

Unless I see them in a suit I feel the need to leave the train carriage desu.
Sounds awful man. Good luck in your shit city.

Think he's trying to lie about it and pretend it was something medical?

Half the victims were Hispanic

>One (1) retard kills some people in Tasmania, which is barely even a real place
>SWEEPING firearms legislation, gun ownership goes from mainstream to extremely fringe within a few years
>Crime stays exactly the same and even goes up

>Muslims and blackies cause crime to skyrocket, commit acts of terror and violence with no regard for law and order
>Import more of them

Does anyone else feel their muscles and eyelids twitch whenever they think about this shit? It drives me insane.

We did everything we could to support Real Australia by watching FoxNews.
You guys seem to hate us.
But I know that if my shit cuntry can't stand up for Australia, I'm going to finally go ahead with my suicde plans with involve painless carbon monoxide.

[reddit spacing]

It's time we send B1Bs to start carpet-bombing Indonesia and cutting down their population if they can't do it for themselves.

Isn't that a sign from God that what we have done is wrong?

News aren't reporting the deaths yet either.

you fucking redditors go

probably just hit the accelerator instead of the break. Easy mistake.

this country is gay in many ways other than the supply of hot women.

There's a couple but looking through the victims? The ratio you say is off.

Probably just a retard with no capacity to determine the difference between "brake" and "break."

Tell him that his "patriotic grandfather" probably thinks that blacks are Niggers and all Mexicans need to get out. Then tell him that the "evil Nazis" his grandfather was shooting were probably for civil rights and patriotism of all minorities, providing they left Germany.

is this the edgiest post of 2017???

>I'm a nazi fighter
I doubt that.


In Melbourne the train company used to hire security guards to protect the stations and trains. Basically a few guys in coats for the whole network.

Now we pay for an army of armed semi-police called PSOs whose job is specifically to shoot Muslims if they snackbar the trains and to stop Africans robbing and raping people around the stations.
It doesn't help that much, though. The other week some niggers followed three separate guys from two train stations and beat them up for their shit.
More recently in the suburb where two of those beating occurred an elderly woman was beaten up, in broad daylight, walking away from an ATM.


saw what looked to be a critical incident response police van driving down major highway in melbourne heading south from city about an hour ago. is something else happening?

this is the modus operandi of the police now to not come out with the motive that it was a terrorist act or reveal the indentity of the perpetrators until weeks after the attack if they are muslim

After the first hit, they should have realize something is wrong. Not flooring it until the vehicle can't move anymore.


This is some top tier bullshit.

>>Explosions reported at Frankston Shopping Centre possibly unrelated

i dunno, my gramps was at the battle of the bulge and doesn't think blacks are niggers and has nothing against mexicans
he doesn't like muslim immigration though
I got him some chocolate covered cherries for christmas

Gas bottle explosion at Bayside shopping centre in Frankston.

That ebit

I work at H&M in the city, left 2 hours before the happening, lol I missed all the fun :(

It's a delay tactic, they do it so that the burning rage of the population cools down and the people are more docile and receptive to another bout of bad news. Then they will sweeten the deal with a bunch of anti terror raids to make it look like they're doing something.

It's quite sinister the games these fuckers play.

They've amended the tweet from "traffic accident" to "incident"

How thoughtful