Redpill me on Saturn/Black Cube Sup Forums

sup Sup Forums redpill me on saturn worship.. This is the religion of the elites? Why Saturn? Saturn was once a second sun in the sky? How? Why doesn't it exist today? How does a black cube represent Saturn? What are their beliefs?

Are there any texts about Saturn/Black Cube worship from antiquity? etc.

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The black cube and Saturn themselves mean nothing. What they represent are secrets. Thousands of years ago, the elites had secret telescopes that could see the hexagon and the rings of Saturn. The hexagon was rediscovered with the Hubble but it can and has been seen with a backyard telescope. It's all about secret knowledge which may or may not be staring us right in the face.

just being a representation of secrets has no link to reports from ancient societies of a second/black sun in the sky


Sure, it represents the Number of the Tyrant or 216, which is 6 x 6 x 6.

This is exactly what I mean by staring us right in the face. I just red pilled you yet you wanna gimme shit.

How about that one is Saudi Arabia?

666 is literally just a jewish codeword for nero ceaser

When has it been seen with a backyard telescope?

I dunno about earlier origins, but the bible verse is a very specific and very direct reference to The Magic Square Talisman of the Sun Demon

Australia some old bitch

Which Bible verse?

Calculating the number, Mark of the beast, etc.

The MSTotSD is something which literally needs to be calculated to reveal the number and it was something which was literally worn.

>Saturn was once a second sun in the sky?
Not likely.
Jupiter has about 3.4 times the mass of Saturn and hasn't achieved fusion.
Best current estimates are that Jupiter would need roughly 75 times more mass to become a "cold" dwarf star.

Fun fact: Jupiter, the largest planet in our system, has 0.1% of the mass of the sun, and 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets combined.

As far as cults and religions, I have no idea.
But the likelihood of Saturn being "a second sun" seems as likely as Bernie winning the 2016 election.

Cube of Saturn = Cube of Satan

Another fun fact. The Sun is literally not the center of our solar system. The Sun and Jupiter are actually orbiting each other. So the center of our solar system is literally in the middle of empty space.


found the Millennial.

>The Sun and Jupiter are actually orbiting each other.
Sort of true, in the same way that all the other planets and the sun are orbiting each other.
>So the center of our solar system is literally in the middle of empty space.
The barycenter of our system is currently estimated as being at 1.07 times the distance of the sun's radius, so still technically correct.
But if you were to live there, it would be hotter than Adriana Lima in 1994.

It's called a barycenter. The same thing happens with Pluto and it's "moon" which makes up what I call a Binary Tortoise Comet. That's what Pluto is.

Id that is true then the Earth is in the center and thus planets and sun orbit the earth

I have seen this image many times.
No one can tell me where this black cube can be found in Australia.

oy vey the goyim know!

This is the Jewish Holocaust Museum in San Francisco. I don't see it mentioned or represented in these black cube discussions. I'll post another angle because it's not really a cube, but similar enough and probably constructed to invoke that image.

God I fucking hate modern art/architecture.

From what I can tell that's either a lie or a mistake. Apparently thats in Hamburg, Germany

>This is the Jewish Holocaust Museum in San Francisco.
Fucking Jews. Destroying Western architecture (and civilization) since 1946.
The recent lack of pogroms disturbs me greatly.

Expel the jews and earn 300 gold.

Why is there a Jewish Holocaust Museum in San Francisco?

it's where we are laying dormant in hypostasis

And here's an interesting article I read a little while ago on the subject. Pretty informative, somewhat dubious. I didn't corroborate the claims any further but you can take a look for yourself:

>Expel the jews and earn 300 gold.

>Why is there a Jewish Holocaust Museum in San Francisco?
Because your ancestors policies were FAR too lenient, Hans.

We did our best

I hear ya buddy. Growing up in SF I fortunately was never desensitized to it, always hated it with a passion. They're worse than ISIS.

Holocaust museums are everywhere, dude. They have to remind the goyim. No escape, no escape.

The numerical value of Gevurah, 216, is 6 times 6 times 6. The tablets of the covenant that Moses received at Sinai were 6 by 6 by 6 handbreadths. The Torah was given to Moses and Israel from "the Mouth of the Gevurah." It is most significant that the name of no other Sefirah is used by our sages to connote God Himself, other than Gevurah (In the Bible, God is referred to as "the Netzach [eternity] of Israel" (Samuel 1 15:29), but not as Netzach alone). Here, Gevurah implies God's essential power to contract and concentrate His infinite light and strength into the finite letters of Torah (especially those engraved on the tablets of the covenant, the Ten Commandments).

Gevurah = 216 = 3 times 72 (chesed). Each of God's 72 hidden names possesses three letters, in all—216 letters. Meaning inheres to words and names. The ultimate "meaning" of every one of God's Names is His expression of love (Chesed) for His Creation. Each Name expresses His love in a unique way. The components of each word and name, the "building blocks" of Creation are the letters which combine to form the words. The letters, "hewn" from the "raw material" of "pro-creation" (the secret of the reshimu, the "impression" of God's infinite light which remains after the initial act of tzimtzum, "contraction") reflect God's Gevurah.

The two hands which act together to form all reality, Chesed (72) plus Gevurah (216) = 288 = 2 times 12 squared. 288 is the number of 'Nitzotzot' "fallen sparks" (from the primordial cataclysm of "the breaking of the vessels") which permeate all of created reality. Through the "dual effort" of Chesed and Gevurah, not only to form reality, but to rectify reality (through the means of "the left arm repels while the right draws near"), these fallen sparks are redeemed and elevated to return and unite with their ultimate source. In a universal sense, this is the secret of the coming of Mashiach and the resurrection of the dead.

no. it is something else, i do not think anyone figured it out, or i have not ran into proper explanation for now. i always thought ot is full of shit, juden be tripping as burgers would say, it is like it was written by drunks with half a brain functioning.
but nt, especially that 666 is interesting. since certain happening i had around 2011/12 certain occurrences came about. one of them would be seeing 666 everywhere, pic is tiny collection from net travels when i noticed it is happening too often to be a coincidence. so I started taking screens whenever it happens. also it would happen when i withdraw from atm on printouts. bretty interesting but i dont know what to make of it, nor i think much about it. it is still happening. spooky right?
>religion of the elites
why called them such? they murder young and old, steal, lie and deceive - but that is all conspiracy talk right.... maybe cause they wear those fine suits, think they got the "power" and are loaded with that sweet money is it?

Yes. Which is why repeated requests for a location in Oz have gone I responded.
Thanks. user. ... Hamburg.
Shitty meme.

>We did our best
Not good enough.
You used too many Rube Goldberg devices.
In hindsight, I think I may have figured out why you failed so miserably.

There is only one /k/ube I worship

the photo on the left side was taken in Hamburg , Germany , the black cube was an "artist event" of a masonic / kike structure - "art" .....

The bible verse clearly states that the number must be calculated to be reached. It also states that it is a mark which can be worn. Both criteria are very clearly met by the magic square.

>Why Saturn
from the most ancient of times Saturn was related to Moloch, EL and all other gods of the Canaanites/their descendants.

Occultism can be traced back to that nearly forgotten tribe, but they have not forgotten who they are only we have.

Hmm. here is the NeXT logo designed by "American" Jew Paul Rand...

Saturn was the very first proof of celestial orbits because of its rings. Secret telescopes allowed pessimists thousands of years ago to simply see for themselves.

its the first process of the alchemical process known as "negredo".

this is the part where they take the lead, it has yet to be refined into gold.

so you see here, this black cube stands for unrefined material to be manipulated.

probably meaning many things:
1. the exoteric world; "things as they seem"; the MSM.
2. material existence.
3. the sum of the hegelian dialectic (problem, reaction, solution)

this goes into it well. but you'd have to listen thru it.

also julius evola's book on alchemy has

Should have made it a throne

>The bible verse
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Most "persecution" that the Jews constantly cry about comes from decent people who allowed them to live in their lands before getting fed up with their kikery and kicking their lying, manipulative asses to the curb.

Jews are a nomadic, tribal, parasitic race. Think gypsies, but more intelligent and deceptive.

Their “Old Testament” even starts with getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden when their own god got sick of their shit.
It continues to tell a tall tale of their oppression and slavery in Egypt, which they somehow miraculously escaped.
In reality, evidence points to nomadic pre-kikes infesting the area of the Nile delta (the Hyksos), slowly worming their way into positions in the Egyptian government while pretending to be Egyptian, and later attempting to subvert and overthrow that government, while finally trying to establish a new state religion (see Akhenaten) before the Egyptians kicked them the fuck out.

It then goes on to tell of their conquest of the so called ‘Holy Land’ through a glorious invasion where they killed all the prior inhabitants. Rather, historical evidence points toward migrating pre-kike tribes moving into the lands of Canaan, settling on the outskirts of existing cities, and then corrupting that proto-civilization from within by pretending to be part of it. They again pushed for a new state religion and surreptitiously defamed that societies leaders while engaging in backstabbing and assassinations until their own people gained control.

It’s quite obvious that the story of Noah was simply the stolen epic of Gilgamesh, with the names changed to be kikeish.
Some historians have even found evidence that the ‘Old Testament’ was only written around 300BC, and consists entirely of stories stolen from other cultures—slightly changed to be more Jewish, and to promote their “woe is me” persecution mythos.


The Black Stone in Mecca is covered with Black Cube
H in IHS (Jesus sign) is Saturn's alchemy symbol|
Jews wear black cubes on their foreheads during prayer
Black Cube is jewish inteligence company
Hexagon is 2D representation of Cube
Hexagon can be found in David's star
Cross could be fold into cube
Hexagon is visible on the Saturn

Carbon atomic number (6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 available electrons)
Benzen (C6H6) is represented as hexagon in chemistry


Mecca envy

Yeah and the magic square is the biblical origin. If you have evidence for pre-biblical that's one thing, but literally nothing fulfills the biblical criteria like The Magic Square Talisman of the Sun Demon. It must be calculated. Everything else is just simply a set of 3 sixes. That is not calculation. And again people actually wore this talisman.

Also OP, I'd like to bring up something interesting I realized about one point in this article. Whereas the Jews worship a representation of Saturn (being the furthest planetary body from the Sun and therefore darkness/evil), European symbology overwhelmingly associates with the Sun. Halos, the crucifix, the sun wheel/cross, the swastika etc. The Nazi's also used the Sowilo rune which, too, signifies the Sun. The black sun I'm not so sure about the esoteric content of but, again, a "sun". Just an interesting note. Pretty typical of most religions, but the Jew's inversion is quite interesting in my mind.

Good lord how many times do I need to write "intredasting" in one post? Forgive me.

>Yeah and the magic square is the biblical origin. If you have evidence for pre-biblical that's one thing

Again, much of currently known (acknowledged) human history is pre-biblical.
Kikes didn’t invent Noah, they stole him from their neighbors and gave him a different name.
They excel at mimicking other people. If you look closely at their proclaimed history, it all falls apart.
The stories they love to tell are mostly true, but not their own.
>White when I need to be, Jewish when it benefits me.

Israel, the nation of Jews, was reborn in 1947.
and still, the majority of kikes cling to their hosts like barnacles.
It’s what they were born to do.

Dave knows a few bits n bobs

>Whereas the Jews worship a representation of Saturn (being the furthest planetary body from the Sun and therefore darkness/evil),

Stop being a cunt.
Saturn is NOT the "furthest planetary body from the Sun".
>Neptune is the eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun in the Solar System.It is the fourth-largest planet by diameter, the third-most-massive planet, and the densest giant planet.
>Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It has the third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System.

Fucking kike.

Sorry, I meant KNOWN planetary bodies when these esoteric beliefs developed. Those other two weren't discovered until after the 17th century. Forgive my
>american education

>be ausfag
>can of VB giving me a dirty look across the bar
>gotta put up new cube
>"A'rite lads, pop 'er down and call it a day"
>shitposted black cube club

indeed. prison for the mind? walls on all sides, cant see past them. but that is just one 6.
what is this magic square you speak of? gib links.
>Some historians have even found evidence that the ‘Old Testament’ was only written around 300BC, and consists entirely of stories stolen from other cultures
itradasting. it also makes 0 sense too often if you read it.
>god makes adam, then eve, they have children, 1 of the them kills another, god punishment follows, he begs plz dont god or other people will kill me, god says if any harms this brother murdering prick ima curse you ...
and so on...yup makes sense

You guys really read too much into this.
The cube on the head holds small parchment. For some reason it was adopted for prayer.
Yes a cube can be viewed as a hexagon
No, ancient people didn't know Saturn had rings or a vortex at one of its poles that looks like a hexagon
Ancient people liked geometrical symbols
It was not easy to paint or draw all the way back then, so a simple representation of a geometrical object was somewhat holy
There's really not a lot to it. Just unfounded speculation.

>>be ausfag
>>can of VB giving me a dirty look across the bar
Aussies get offended at the strangest shit
That isn't Haitian, Gook, or Lebanese.
They're almost human.

what about that well know (and i forgot the name and location, ironic) stone work from sumeria was it? one with solar system depicted. did they just guess that?

Read this and you Will understand. This is some very esoteric shit you're asking about.

Fucktard; Nothing orbits Jupiter besides its moons.

Every row including diagonals equals 111 and the total of all squares equals 666

Wanna bet?

There is one problem, the hexagon on Saturn is on the northern pole. How can it possibly be seen from the perspective of planet earth?

I think my post numbers speak for themselves

Ask the old Australian couple

>what about that well know (and i forgot the name and location, ironic) stone work from sumeria was it?

Gobekli Tepe?
At least 11,000 years old.
Must be Jewish.
>B-but, Jews are only 3500 years old!!
That's horribly racist.
The SPLC would like a word with your racist thoughts.


Cube is 6
3 religions of the cube. I can tell you more

>Produced by Jerry Simonson
Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
>Over 2% of Americans are Jewish
>Therefore it makes complete sense that 168% of hollywood producers are Kikes
Nothing to see here, Goyim!

many a thing can be set to be calculated. why is this "magical" and what is the practical purpose of it?


>Gobekli Tepe?
no, there is not much there besides hunting and pray animal carvings.
sumerian clay tablets - i do not know what to look for or how to find museum original of the pic related. so it might as well be fake til then.

>Pic related had shitloads of cube symbolism in his campaign.
Frogs are retarded.

>>Gobekli Tepe?
>no, there is not much there besides
The earliest discovered monolithic society?
>Move along goyim
>nothing to see here
>Don't forget to pay your $5 at Sunday School!
>True history for 70% off retail!
>Cheap at twice the price!!


are you slow or something? and wtf do jews have to do with sumeria or gobekli? they left 0 fucking trace besides "chosen ones" stories
>The earliest discovered monolithic society
yes graham hancock is silenced/forbiden history shit blablafknbla...

bob "sold my soul to satan" zimmerman
>Zimmer is (((German))) surname meaning "room" or "chamber". It is commonly associated with Zimmerman and Zimmermann, both German for the occupational surname Carpenter, meaning a worker of wood or literally translated "room man" (i.e. someone who builds wooden structures to be lived in).


Looks like a partially buried cross, as if someone is gloating about the decline of Christianity.

That the ROM in Toronto, and that addition was bought by Michael Lee Chin... a half black, half Chinese billionaire... Not Jewish

External hard drive. When you want to boot your merchant up with unmodified kike code.


Fun fact the first red kangaroo was a copper weather vane on an Australian destroyer off Korea. The burger ships couldn't distinguish between Australian & British flags, but a big cartoon animal worked.
All Australian ships have a red kangaroo symbol to this day because we mainly work with burgers and don't want to get friendly fired.


Saturn used to be much closer to Earth and originally had no rings, thus it was bigger than the Sun in Earth's sky and visible during both the day and the night. For this reason, our ancestors thought of Saturn as what we now call 'the Sun' (with the Sun that we know today being a secondary celestial body). Astrology is REAL. The so-called 'horoscopes' that you read in newspapers is NOT 'astrology', it's bullshit. But astrology itself is REAL and it is a SCIENCE (and a VERY ANCIENT SCIENCE at that!). The rulers of this world take astrology VERY seriously because they KNOW what the true nature of 'reality' itself is. The rulers of this world do not COUGH if it isn't astrologically beneficial to their agendas. The rulers of this world do NOT want you to take astrology seriously. Everything in this universe is made of vibrational information fields. When the vibrating fields of information that a planet is made of collide with the vibrating fields of information that you are made of, we call this phenomenon 'astrology'. There is nothing 'supernatural' about astrology, we can describe the phenomenon called 'astrology' in a purely scientific language, it's just that astrology is a subtle phenomenon that occurs at levels of the electromagnetic spectrum that are beyond visible light - and that is why most people cannot perceive the phenomenon called 'astrology' (because we live in a physical world and astrology is a non-physical phenomenon..... like almost every other phenomenon in existence). Meme magic and astrology are INTERCONNECTED CONCEPTS.

The hexagon-shaped storm on Saturn's north pole is emitting radio signals in sync with the rotation of the hexagon-shaped storm on Saturn's north pole. Also, Saturn's rings aren't made of rocks but are instead made of crystals that are transmitting information-encoded energy to the Moon (Earth's moon, that is) which amplifies this information-encoded energy to Earth. The word 'hex' means 'to put a spell on' (especially an evil spell, such as a curse) and the word 'saturnine' means 'having a gloomy temperament'. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and hexagons have six sides. All known forms of life are based on carbon, which is the sixth element of the periodic table. In Western astrology, Saturn rules limitation, suffering, time and death (among other things). The Greek equivalent of the Roman deity Saturn is Cronus, who is the personification of time. In Western astrology, Saturn rules Capricorn the goat. Satan is sometimes associated with the goat or goat-like deities. The Star of David is a six-pointed star and can be seen on the flag of Israel. Cubes have six sides and the holiest site in Islam contains a cube. I could go on and on and on.

there's literally nothing wrong with being a millennial

>Fucking Jews. Destroying Western architecture (and civilization) since 1946.

Since 1946? More like thousands of years.

I completely agree with you. I was born in 1988, I'm not sure what generation that puts me in and I don't care. This is pure divide-and-conquer bullshit at its finest and, unlike other dividing lines that are based on TANGIBLE AND UNDENIABLE THINGS (like race, for example), the concept of a group of people being similar to each other simply because they were born in a certain period of time and simultaneously different to another group of people simply because that other group of people were born in a different period of time is nonsense when you realise that the periods of time each generation fit into are ARBITRARY. There is NOT ANY UNIVERSALLY AGREED-UPON period of time for ANY of the so-called 'generations' you people talk about - it varies from country to country. Not only that, but even the NAMES of different so-called 'generations' vary from country to country. For example, in the Western World, there is a generation known as the 'Millennials' that was born in the 80s and in Taiwan, there is also a generation that was born in the 80s known as the 'strawberry generation'. I can easily imagine the (((global elites))) laughing at us saying "The goyim are SO STUPID that they even fall for being divided by arbitrary things like certain periods of time that people are born in that we randomly pull out of our ass!". It doesn't matter to me what so-called 'generation' you were born in - if you live virtuously and work hard, I stand with you.

i agree


saturn worship goes back a long time, but i've been trying to find stuff on cube worship. anybody know when that started? i just keep coming up with schizo websites that talk about modern cube worhsip.

so tell me , is today a good day or bad day to start something new?

you just done a shitty web pastathat is as valid as ancient alines stories are. so no d&c, there is truth to it. checkmate.