Birth Control App

What in the actual fuck haha. It's proven that women change their minds more often about abortion when they see an Ultrasound which is why some places try to make them mandatory.

With this app a generation of women are going to move away from the pill and trust this thing. Yet they don't realize spermies can survive in the vag for quite a while like guerilla soldiers.


The roastie app

Meta analysis indicates that the pill causes significant amounts of depression in young women. This is probably better.

How does he already have a crackpipe!

You know that this type of birth control is pretty old? Also I think it were 5 days that one can survive.
The best birth control in my opinion is a spiral without hormones.

Birth control fucks up women, they shouldn't be taking them 24/7 anyway.

> so we looked at the data and it turns out Catholics were right.

Time to start checking vagina secretion

Menstruation is worse
My wife threatened to kill me once
No joke

I can shitpost here, because the spiral didn't work for my mom

The point is pol a generation of women will be off birth control. Course the risk of std's will increase because women like feeling that uncondomed cock. Encourage women getting off the pill. Then preg a red pillable girl.

Good. Birth control is horrible. You wonder why women are so fucking insane in the modern age? Imagine voluntarily subjecting yourself to an extra few doses of hormone that causes mental instability and amenorrhea.

Just hope it doesn't become popular among Mexicans.

You're wife is just a cunt

You havent met him

But cell phones are just as bad.

The app "clue" is good for Chads like me.

You can actually add your side bitches' accounts so you can see when each one has her safe day and schedule

Why is everything in that mobile in swedish, except the "use protection"??

"Använd skydd" would've been what it would've said, but i guess they gotta push their propaganda somehow

I know a girl that's gotten pregnant twice with her bf and each time got it aborted without his knowledge.

cool tweet dude

The jokes on her. The more abortions she has the less chance of her having a successful pregnancy later on in life when she gets bit by the baby bug.

>Yet they don't realize spermies can survive in the vag for quite a while like guerilla soldiers.
The app would take that into account I assume. When you track your cycle and use natural family planning (which this is just a convenient app based on it) you have a certain amount of days either side of ovulation to be on the safe side which takes sperm surviving into account.

>natural family planning
also known as unexpected pregnancy

She's very very anti-baby.

That's his BBC you racist fuck.

Well normally women use it to up their chances of getting pregnant (knowing which days you are most fertile is helpful) but it is also used this way to avoid pregnancy. Unless a woman knows her cycle super well and it's very regular it's not the safest option for preventing pregnancy. Still preferable to having women on the pill though.

They could.. y'know, stop fucking around? Nah too hard, let's make an app.

Prepare for even more single mothers with niglets then.

the disclaimer when you install the app must be awesome
>2.3.1 Liability
>You are going to get pregnant, you stupid thot

Good then one day she'll die alone and have nobody to download her socialist values on to. Of course she already sounds like an elementary school teacher anyways. At which point she fools around with an underager and goes to jail eventually. Socialists. Their lives are so predictable.

So, they need an app to remember their cycle, and to tell them to use a condom, huh?

Pretty soon they'll need an app to tell em when to breathe

>Pretty soon they'll need an app to tell em when to breathe

I started to laugh... but I ended up not laughing.

I knocked up a girl who used an app and now have an 8 month old daughter.
Point is, it's not the app or the pill or the rod that can't be trusted, it's the woman.
She lied and said she was at a point in her cycle when it would be okay to go unprotected. Tarp up lads and never trust a woman.

did an app alert you it was politically incorrect to laugh at that?

>did an app alert you it was politically incorrect to laugh at that?

No, I realized that it wasn't a joke.

Been there user. My daughter is 24, she’s great and all, but she’s only here because her mother LIED to me.

This scenario I could take in stride, however, finding out somewhere down the line from pregnancy/birth to later on in life that it wasn't my kid at all

why dont you just fucking wrap up?

What's the point of birth control if it takes away all their libido.

Birth control pills fuck with women's physiology to an extreme degree.

All the hormones they piss out afterwards is also ruining the water supply

>trusting an app in such an important matter

My experiences so far:

user we can do it without my period is very regular and today's a safe day, just pull out to be safe and it'll be ok

1) that month her period was 14 days late. Reading statistics on condom effectiveness doesn't help to calm a man's mind at all if she's close to 2 weeks late. So much for very regular.(she wasn't lieing though, since then and before that it has been highly regular)
2) From this lesson alone I'd never trust an app. Then there's ofc the fact that sperm can survive for up to 5 days pretty sure that's not taken into account. Even if, humans are not machines so generally assume the eggs do what they want when they want
3) pulling out = contraception. If I hear this one more time I have to punch a nigger in the face. Pre-cum which can't be controlled contains sperm. Please keep in mind one meeting the egg and you'll be a dad. Don't see how this myth survived until modern days
Rubbers are by far not perfect and the chance that something goes wrong is surprisingly high.
Ever heard of them breaking? For the longest time I didn't even fathom that this is not just a 'cheap excuse' of guys who knocked a girl up accidentally. Happened to me once, Plan B pill didn't work. Maximum sweating the following weeks. Was lucky though.
The coil is one of the best methods available, here again read some research papers.
Just go the safest way possible which is always rubber-up no exceptions ever, unless your gf/wife gets a coil. Strangely a lot of men don't really bother too much with reading actual scientific information. The thrill of cumming buckets is good enough for me personally, I really don't need the thrill of: Fuck, did I possibly knock her up?

I use this with my girlfriend, it's simple biology.
On the day the period starts, you start counting. 8 dats later you should NOT have sex. Another 8 days later you can have sex again.

your wife is completely normal, all women are psychotic


Are you autists talking about UIDs?


>hurrr...precum can have sperm in it!

Only if you've ejac'd, and not taken a piss since basically, if you jacked off, then somehow get into a vagina raw soon after that, then you have a chance of precum with sperm..

if you piss at all it all gets flushed out

>if a single sperm meets the egg you're a dad

holy fuck this delusion. there are millions of sperm in one moneyshot..of those MILLIONS only 1 gets in

But then she gets pregnant and you realize biology isn't just counting hours or days lol

This... from experience. Going almost 6 yrs on the pill here. absolutely cannot get pregnant in this hellhole right now. but all sexual desire is fucking gone. please kill me

I assume it's NFP in an app, so you don't have to keep track on a paper chart. NFP is something like 99% effective when it's used right, which can really only happen in a marriage where the husband can make sure she does the work and the spouses can agree to make up for the lost days on the safe days.
It's very unlikely to work for the single roastie, who doesn't know she wants sex until she meets the man she wants sex with. She's not going to do the necessary daily temperature and mucus checking to be certain which days are safe, and when she meets a guy who gets her motor running, she's going to decide to risk it.

How about you use a fucking condom?

Why is it always the most retarded with the highest birthrate? Because of this kind of shit.

My wife threatened to kill her son once. Truly terrifying.

I think what many of you haven't considered, yet, is how many half-niglets are going to inadvertently start popping up.

(((They))) don't want to use copper spirals on young women.

And you married her.

It's by far the best option though.
Effective instantly, easy to put in place, cheap, no side effect unlike hormonal ones, can be pregnant again right after it's been removed.

We're considering it with my gf because I don't want to risk her becoming crazy with progesterone. (and I'm gone through enough with exes who forget to take their pill)

Pill is a drug.
> take drug to block hormones for a decade
> not have any mental consequences

>every gf I've ever had avoids all conflict which is why the relationships always fail

why the fuck


CBC radio are communists.

This is better. The pill fucks with women's hormones and other crazy shit

This. It fucks with their mood and with our water.

>not having a gf with the superior arm implant

Raw dog every night couldn't imagine anything else at this point.

I never understood why people don't just use condoms. It's a proven fact that birthcontrol fucks women's hormones up. Is getting nutted really worth such trauma?

My gf asked me if we could try this instead of the pill.

Told her no fucking way, it's pill or condoms.

The birth control is fucking terrible, desu.

Its amazing how so many of you guys recognize that (((they))) use vacinations to fuck up our kids, but you don't realize what taking a daily pill that fucks up every hormonal pathway in a woman does to her over time.

Feminism only started taking off after birth control became a thing. We've made an entire breed of mentally unstable blue-haired hormonally-agendered monsters.


>trick your body into believing you are pregnant
>do this for YEARS
>polute water with estrogens that have been chemically modified to make them extremely stable

A condom is probably the best option.

They just have to give themselves a Lysol douche after sex, and they're good!

I don't know about the frogs, but modern women are seriously gay as shit. Half of them eat puss (which is very faggy), and the other half sucks dick (which is very very faggy). Where's the women who just want to talk about our feelings and paint our nails?

Do you think its too late to send in that coupon, I want more info.

>My wife threatened to kill my wife's son

Girls been using this for six months, I’d say it works and she’s not fucking nuts and swollen from birth control. Now she’s a bit bi-polar depending on the time of the month, but her sex drive is back also. Fuck birth control

Mine was fine until she got the ring iud, nuvaring I think it was called
Legit called me up 3 times the first week she got it demanding that I come home
She would "inspect" me for signs of infidelity because she swore I was cheating and would threaten to kill me if she found me to be
Told her to get that shit out asap and she returned to normal almost over night, scary shit what hormones can do

>t. virgin
Condoms are fucking terrible. They make sex worse for both parties.

Yeah, the ring made my girlfriend insane. An insane nagging bitch that had no interest in sex or anything else really

Pulling out is not that hard I don't understand why you losers need condoms or pills.

It turns ordinary women in to super bitches and super bitches into ultra cunts.
0/10 would not recommend

Pulling out is as effective as condoms too. The study showing precum contains sperm also had a flawed methodology.

Pull out for great justice

The fact that the pill alters female sexual preference is already a big enough clue that it's dangerous shit.

You dribble before you shoot nigger.

>Not leaving the nuts hanging out

The sensation of cumming inside a beautiful woman is like no other

My wife did this, worked fine for 2 years. Getting her pregnant was also easy since she knew when it was most efficient.
She did it on paper without app though.


Just fuck a balloon. It feels the same and doesn't talk.

They need to make an app that facilitates Natural Family Planning.

Mine had he sex drive remain the same if not get a little higher
She would always want me to cum inside her those few days and said "she felt like she belonged to me" and how she wanted to get pregnant while simultaneously having an iud in her and wanting to stab me because she was sure I was cheating
The talks we had after we got it removed were insane, she said she would legitimately want to kill me and would have probably tried stabbing me in my sleep eventually because she was certain I was being unfaithful and that if she couldn't have me to herself nobody could
Never ever

>Pulling out is as effective as condoms too.

Good, that means more white babies

Only once? You're doing it wrong you cuck.

I don't let my girlfriend take hormones. We time her period on paper together andx don't have any problems.

Should have cheated and lived out the plot of School Days

Birth control doesn't prevent menstruation in most cases.

Most women don't carry their cell phones in their pockets, which is the main issue with cell phones.

White sharia might be the only solution to this desu

Putting it in is so painful I couldn't go through with it, so it's certainly not a magic solution.

>her son

didn't know there were people on Sup Forums old enough to have kids that are my age.
also nice ID

This. This is just a NFP app which is at all levels better than birth control. Fuck the Jews and the feminists

What are u doing in japan burger??

I feel you bro. They don't like squaring up to a guy when they have to talk things out

It caused my wife to bleed like crazy every three weeks for the two years she had it. Finally removed and her cycles went back to normal.