(((Krautgate))) - Throwback Thursday Edition

zeph is streaming. Confirms Sargon knew of doxxing schemes. Argued Kraut to stop. Was not part of it. Kraut had doxx info on Alt Hype, and acknowledges JF doxx/CRP.



(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against minor alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids as a young Bill Nye type.

This Youtube debate on Race Realism goes on for the past 4 months: Kraut & Tea vs Jean Francois Gariepy (Québécois PhD Biologist) & Ryan Faulk of The Alternative Hypothesis. JF & Alt-Hype have been merrily BTFOing Kraut.

A mole inside Kraut's secret Discord sends JF a lulzy recording of Kraut & then leaks the ENTIRE thing revealing a mass dox & pilpul operation trying to destroy every Alt-Right/Race Realist on Youtube. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN TUMBLING DOWN TUMBLING DOWN & he delets everything

Alt-Hype BTFOing Kraut

>Kraut and Tea is too Dumb for the Scientific Method

>Kraut and the Struggle to Address Arguments Someone is Actually Making
>Kraut and Tea Denies the Existence of Quantitative Genetics
>Dunning Kruger Kid Mangles r-K Selection Theory

JF Gariépy's vids BTFOing Kraut

>Kraut and Tea is Too Dumb for Science #1: r/K Selection

>Kraut Turns Sauer #2: Race Realism

>Kraut Looks for the Jean and Finds It

>Kraut Teleports Behind AltHype's Back Using An Akkadian Mirror

Other urls found in this thread:



His mother is an Austrian mayor correct? Would it be possible to get a conservative mayor using this info?

Listening to youtube.com/watch?v=-i3XXPoaiIk

So Kraut lies about not having Coach's info and even admits personal info interests him

>I barely was on the server
>you only have screencaps of me saying two things
>zeph audio release proves he had more involvement
Still like I said though his fans don't give a shit and other people have dropped their torches.

No. But Kraut telling his fellow skeptics that he gave the docs on some youtubers to Sargon and summarizing a conversation about the whole thing with Sargon, proves that Sargon knew.

> pedo symbol on arm
> is on camera handling dildos and buttplugs with child in background
> is caught on twitter openly condoning doxing
> is caught on discord participating in it
> likes to crossdress and get fucked in the ass by his wife
> has zoophile friends
> half his family is black
> ^ and not wanting them or himself deported is the primary reason for being alt-right

Also he has to be redpilled on some things, otherwise he wouldn't make this complete leap from alt-right to deporting and killing all the niggers. You don't make that leap without a guilty conscience.

like...why does he even need the info if he wont use it?

The heat is on Sargon now, he might be implicated according to latest audio logs. We can always do that when KnT comes back bagging for e-shekels doing feminist videos.



Leave his mum alone.

Sargon did nothing wrong desu. Just finished watching the tapes. Good dude.


I think he would have raised hell if it were a non-skeptic but he didnt do anything bad

love and peace

I've honestly been laughing for the past week. This autistic skeptic illuminati trying to pull the strings behind the scenes is fucking amazing. They think their fucking MI6 or something. LARPin' as internet spies.

Also, being a nationalist in Europe is highly dangerous. Tommy Robinson got beat up in Jail, the dude who put bacon in front of a mosque got sentenced to a year and 'died' halfway through. We know Kraut had European nationalists on his hitlist. Yet no comment about that.

Nothing wrong with deciding to advise against and be neutral.

That's really sad desu. Good luck EuroBros.

When can we expect the reckoning?

In the same way a person isn't morally obligated to save a drowning child?

no way, bully his mom out of a job. then when she's desperate bully her into making porn with russian krokodil addicts in crocodile suites. fuck man, i'll pay for that.

>In the same way a person isn't morally obligated to save a drowning child?
Yeah? Nobody is morally obligated to risk their life to save someone.

True but it does make you look like a shitty person

DESU i only got up an hour ago. Listening to Zeph's one hour recording

Does anyone else find it weird that Kraut claims it is "a lot of work" when Ryan and Jean dont take very long to respond all by themselves?


Guardian_002 proven to had tried to save the SkepticCommunity(tm) by space goating some people.
Probably that's why he is dogpiling on the boomer CRP and puting Vee, Sargon and the others involved on Der Server aside.

Can you fucking autists stop masturbating furiously to AydinPaladin and get back to doing what we should be fucking doing. We need to take down Jeff Holiday. His fucking degeneracy is permeating the internet.

That isn't even a comparison, what the fuck are you talking about? How are those even marginally comparable?
Btw, TheBigLez Show is pretty good. Everyone should check it out.

>Vee, Sargon and the others involved on Der Server aside
They were never involved. The Guardian_002 plays by his own rules.

Well you ought to fucking be. If you're ever in a position around people who don't want to help anyone, you're surrounded by trash. You may as well live in China with that attitude.

Why is he so terrified of Sargon what the fuck?

I left yesterday and we were all waiting for Jim's video, now it looks like these threads are entirely about trying to dox that Aydin grill who was on Woesy's show the other day. It really, really looks like some of Kraut or Jeff's mates have made you look a bunch of easily-distracted lemons if I'm honest.

no more than 5 hours, really

>We need to take down Jeff Holiday
How would we do that? His subscribers don't care about his degeneracy or lies

what a straw sperg...JUST

>If you're ever in a position around people who don't want to help anyone, you're surrounded by trash
You wouldnt risk your own life to save a stranger, you are lying to yourself you pathetic man.

Kraut loyalists want Sup Forums to go after Aydin while saying "lol jeff is a dead end forget him!1"

The duo of AltHype and JF have taken down Kraut, but who will take them on in season 2?

The zeph recording with Sargon is funny as fuck in hindsight. They never thought they could lose as badly as they have

nobody will honestly

His fans don't care, but we do, and so do enough of the anti-skeptics for us to finally kill him off, once and for all.

After all the name dropping of Sargon, he ended up being clean, eh?
As always, his ideology of not making a stand and never having an opinion on things other than purple haired lesbians is saving his skin.

> Vee
Is using the kiwifarms leaks, even if he condemn it. At the same time that he preach that is ok with doxing. At the same time that he find it despicable when SJW do it.

> Sargon

Come on...

On the other side there is a horde of other people involved in Der Server and Guardian didn't involve them.
Sandre, Savvi, Habeeb, Mycroft were pretty involved in all the thing.

We're talking about a drowning child. If you don't jump in, I'd cut you off entirely if we ever knew each other.

nobody cares about jeff hallodrio because nobody cares

Lying to Sargon on tape. Spicy.

Some of the info on her is probably being pushed by Kraut's team, yes. The guys sperging out about it ... well this is Sup Forums.

Americans could call CPS.

yea, Vee has erected a really absurd standard on doxing

>doxx info on AltHype

This is concerning

>We're talking about a drowning child. If you don't jump in,
Your judging if I would jump in, I'm telling you that you wouldn't jump in.

>kekistan flag
Any fucking idiot who uses maymay flags has their opinion automatically fucking discarded.
The fact is, that Jeff Holiday played a role in this shit, and he is an objective degenerate.

It's identical in structure, but not severity. Sargon's "neutrality" is a cop-out for his cowardice.and sloth.

they just know his name, which he never hid


Ryan is already in the process of mopping up what's left of the Skeptics.

The Aydin and CRP posting is a distraction introduced by shills to divert attention from Sargoy. Don't let up

Ryan Faulk is his actual name?


Good Kraut sound drop

Also Habeeb is a fucking dog

>The fact is, that Jeff Holiday played a role in this shit
Were you asleep? People have already disavowed him and Jim is going to blow him the fuck out. There is nothing else to discuss.

Sargoy is a singular issue, the big fish here is Jeff Holiday.
If you take out Jeff Holiday, you effectively find links to Kilroy, and you destroy Kilroy, you find links to Sargoy, and you take him out as well. All of these things are connected to one another, we need to fit the pieces together, to find the link between it all.

I don't get how Youtube works, does this mean that he is subscribed to these channels?

Also, him knowing about the doxxing doesn't mean he is complicit or helped. He just didn't act to stop it.

it's the name they said

His disavowal will do absolutely nothing, he still has people who trust him, and he will not quit over something like this. We don't want to just humiliate him, the idea is to take him out.

Sargon-Woes stream from 11 days ago is "not available in your country". Anyone else has this problem?



he needs 20 youtube scientists for every autist disagreeing with him

That's you projecting. I would jump in, that you wouldn't is telling me you're piece of shit not worthy of having around.

>His disavowal will do absolutely nothing, he still has people who trust him,
Nobody trusts him.

>Americans could call CPS.
I dunno. I dont like this idea, unless some proof of actual parenting problems emerges. The buttplug thing alone doesnt justify sticking a kid in the fucking foster system.

We got tapes of Sargon talking to Kraut about it, it fits into his and Krauts previous behaviour patterns and the Skeptics agenda as a whole. Doubt we'll get a recording of him telling Kraut to get at it but if people pressure him maybe something will happen.

How to interpret what JF is saying in that tweet?

>That's you projecting. I would jump in
It's easy for you to say that but you wouldnt :)

From Sargoy and Jeff 'the cuck' Holiday

no, I live in a real country

Wheres the uncensored aydin paladin nudes?

We need more audio bits but Zeph doesn't want to release them.

>Sargoy is a singular issue, the big fish here is Jeff Holiday.
Sargoy is 3x bigger and has more reach than Jeff Holiday. Just math.

Sargon knowing about Kraut collecting real life information on CRP doesn't mean that Sargon helped, or promoted, or wanted that to happen. It just means that he was aware it was happening.
Witnessing two guys hitting each other and deciding to walk away doesn't mean you were part of an assault.


ah yes, clearly what we think

Go drown yourself and let's see what happens.

Sargon is impressively skilled at being a politician.

Sargon is beign exposed in his own comments




>does this mean that he is subscribed to these channels?
I dont think so, they could be related videos or channels hes visited in the past but not subscribed.
I think anyways

Zeph failed to censor Ryan Faulk's name one time. Also Sargon trying to get Kraut to be honest with him and Kraut pilpuling around, trying to get him to believe in his innocence. All that in context now
> they had a shitlist
> they had channels devoted to digging up information on altrighters
> they had channels devoted to their WWII ops
> even the scientists were involved in the WWII ops.


That batko guy is such a commie piece of shit that makes unfunny cringy commie videos.

I would never be in that situation though. If I was drowning I'd expect the people I pay in taxes to save me.

I spat out my drink. Seriously

Sargon is beign exposed in his own comments



>It's identical in structure
not a proper argument, and no it isn't even

well, if you really wanted to dig something up, you'd have to demonstrate that he was strategically involved in krauts op from behind while maintaining a neutral fassade to the outside, a supremo strategist in the background so to say.
it is entirely credible he advised against the dox, the interesting point would be him being in the position to 'advise'

It's obvious that Sargoy is trying to find a final, solution to the altright problem through various backdoors, like using retarded sacrificial pawns like Kraut. He himself is too scared to fuck with Sup Forums directly and lose out on his youtube "career"

You are delusional if you think Sargon isn't gonna come out of this clean. He is a dead end. Research it yourself or go to another person. Sargon is a waste of time right now. He is baby's first red pill anyway.there are more immediate and easier fish to fry.

Where is this from?

Kraut also said they just had channels on biology to Sargon.


Woes mentioned it's being banned, including in the UK. I hope someone mirrors the upcoming stream with Morgoth, that's bound to be taken down. Morgoth also wrote about this shitshow multiple times.

this is what he was talking about. Will nitpick

You really think anyone will engage with them? It's assisted suicide.

I actually clicked the wrong pic. I meant it to be the one attached here. I don't agree with that one but I do find it funny.

Free market white nationalism is literally the best though and rothbard was close friends with Jared Taylor

I don't even understand any of this shit, how carried away did they get and why.

The sheer size of Sargon means nothing, we have no incriminating evidence at this point in time on Sargon, not enough to take him out. The best we have is his knowledge of CRPs public/"private" information, that is it.
Jeff is a ticking time bomb, he is a degenerate, and his community is slowly starting to see him as a doxer.