Why did Trump let a literal merchant out of jail?
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Trump is a kike puppet
because he was a good boy, you fucking antisemites
I-i-it's just 4d chess
Do you really want to see a Jew have to spend years in prison with niggers? I mean, we all hate both of them but do you really hate Jews that much?
JIFD is going to push this shit all fucking day. Hide these threads. It's all bait.
dude kek 21389273d underwater go bro based jews MAGA
Look at him. He is wearing the hat and beard voluntarily. For crying out loud, his NAME is “Sholom”. Anybody doing business with him is not going to be fooled.
27 years was pretty much the world record for that type of crime. They guy has 10 kids.
I would pay the niggers to murder the Jew in prison.
>Sholom Rubaskin
he doesn't even need thriple parenthesis lmao
plot-twist; trump is the real jidf you phonenigger
kk ezra. nice flag
The jews who put him there worked for Forward, a leftist Jewish newspaper. He didn’t want to unionize his company so the state gave a corrupt judge the task of colluding with police and prosecutors months before his arrest to seize his company.
nice try JIFD
He realized if he made Israel great again the Jews would reward him with wins
Trump is a kike shill and always has been. That's just reality. He simply throws us a bone once in a while. Well, he gives us a handful of scraps anyway. Whatever the Jews don't devour first, because they are his number one priority. Jews first is his actual slogan. America first is just the public slogan. Still no wall. Still no mass deportations of the 30 million illegal beaners.
Here is that kike celebrating his release by Trump.
Also, more dancing Israelis.
>Returning from prison, former kosher slaughterhouse executive Sholom Rubashkin was all smiles, as he spoke words of Torah and sang in the car ride home.
>As his car stopped at a gas station, local supporters joined him, where they danced together at the gas station.
why wouldnt he? trump's a fat disgusting nigger and fake jewish woman who's in love with literally every pedo in the world
The only reason America is not like Moldova economically is because merchants are in the top positions of power in the economy there.
So at least don't act niggerish and thank us for your standard of living instead of crying about oppression
Remember all these theories you had how Trump studied Mein Kampf before sleeping in his bed, because he lost his friends 9/11 and he conducts 4D complicated chess operations to get rid of Israel and Jews, but he needs a cover so he let his daughter being fucked by a kike, because he's not a kike but a messiah... I mean a kike but he will betray Jews to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN XD
money is fake. how many kids must go missing before the jew doesnt cry out in pain as he bites your dick off and gibs you herpes
The point is there are thousands of goyim with harsher sentences and this guy was only pardoned because he is a kike
to appease the merchant guild
Because his sentence was disproportionately harsh compared to sentences other people have gotten for equivalent crimes.
sauna faggot
>Please no touchy daddy TRUMP!!!!!!
>It's 6gorillionD chess fellow MAGApede
>These shills and JIDF
I guess everyone but america already knows Isreal shits in Trumps mouth and they see it as a blessing by "the chosen people"
Sup Forums Remember Sholom Rubashkin is a russian jew, we need to side with the russians jews to have any chance of winning this war. Pic very relevant and is a must read for any serious Sup Forums fan. We are being shilled hard remember, not all of you are shills ofcourse, but (((they))) are trying to effect the discourse of conversation on here as best they can. And if they can can get us to think trump sold out to the jews thats all they need
>Trump is not a kike puppe-
>And if they can can get us to think trump sold out to the jews thats all they need
But he did you fucking fag. This is inexcusable.
I wish there were any proofs he is not jewish puppet. Right now everything he says and does benefits Israel.
merchants are in the top positions economically in Moldova you stupid fucking kike, they just loot their central bank then flee to your pedophile protectorate in the levant. the only reason America isn't like that is because we have enough important positions that you don't have your filthy claws in.
Like anyone should listen to the crap you spew.
>money is fake
It’s also what gets people to work.
This merchant looking Jew is a right wing business owner that provides extra GDP for the town he’s based in. Marxist jews and the state of Iowa tried to seize that property illegally so they could unionize it, fuck up the pricing of the goods produced so they can line their pockets and bring cosmopolitan styled socialism into a rural Iowa town. Me and everyone with actual common sense are supposed to ignore all of this dirty shit and leave it be just because the dude looks too Jewish? The fuck kind of logic is that? I’d rather have a Jew with common interest own his self made business rather than communist snakes who will fuck over everyone out of pure incompetence. The state of this board is appalling.
He caused riots in Israel. That seems counter productive to his Jewish overlords.
Russian lineage jews are different than establishment hollywood banking media jews, if we can insite the civil war between russian and german lineage jews we can weaken (((the powers that be))).
inb4 the enemy of my enemy is my friend meme. We have no other choice, we cant beat the jewish overlord without russias help. fuck the kikes
>Russian lineage jews are different than establishment hollywood banking media jews
They actually aren't and it wasn't even the claim I made. You're all getting the fucking oven or we'll die trying.
Russian jews are much worse than that US have now. More cruel, hateful, violent and stupid.
>Hire 500+ Illegals willingly
>Defraud $27M from the taxpayer
>Let off only because your a rabbi
>6-60 gorillion chess xdd
A white man in similar position would never have had his sentence commuted by this Jewish puppet. So much for being tough on illegals. I doubt he will even build a wall.
Keep dreaming larper.
the goy literally employed 400 illegal immigrants and was helping and organizing immigrants sneaking into the usa to work for him you sandnigger apologist.
so what that he was 'helping to rise the gdp' of his town, if it was done by destroying it with crime and lowering the local wages while employing mexicans
Ah yeah now that you put it that way, everything is good! I fucking love white genocide now, let's just donate all our money to the Rubashkins and then kill ourselves, they need it more than we do because of the Holocaust and stuff! MAGA you fucking inbred retard
Prolly because Ivanka asked him to and he does anything for her
Gurantee you he will not even say "thanks" either. They still publicly blame you on holohoax memorial day in Israel for not bombing the "holocaust" camps as 10,000s of your best young men died fighting to free them. Infuriating.
Either Trump is the biggest Israeli puppet they have had in the White House or he is trying to show that Israel controls American politicians. Since Normies are so fucking stupid and wouldn't be able to see that is the case no matter what Israel does, I'm gonna go with the Trump is a massive Kike option
He used illegal migrants during the recession. Every business you will work at I guarantee will have illegal laborers. Nearly 90% of agricultural work in this country is done by migrants. Businesses across the country use illegals to cut the price of their product and keeps them competitive. I don’t like illegal laborers anymore than you do but they are a reality because of competitive exclusion. Also the good paying positions in his company that requires an actual education weren’t done by illegals who mop up blood and shit for a living. He also payed the property taxes and wages of employees so I don’t see how that destroys his community. Wake up and smell the communal burritos you out of work retard.
It was a 4D chess move to make the mainstream media speak about the kike and show him as an example of kikes enabling illegal migration. Basically, Trump made the Judenpress name the Jew.
A kike in all his glory, folks.
>The only reason USA is economically succesful is because of us Jews goy, be grateful we own you
Yeah, forget the White men who built USA up from nothing into a powerhouse and keep the country functioning, its because of JEWS its economically successful as it spirals into trillions of debt under your destructive usury economic system, your not a parasite at-all, you enrich our economys!
i'm not american you sandnigger, so no, not every business in my country has illegals working there.
he paid wages to illegals who he himself brought to the country, destroying the town he was bringing them into as a result. since they weren't paying taxes, were lowering wages of locals and were bringing crime and most likely drugs with them.
just because a lot of people break a certain law doesn't mean that kike puppet trump should have released shlomo shekelstein from prison.
i guess you gonna have to release all the niggers who are doing time for murder, since in every black community in america there is lots of murder being committed. I mean don’t like homicidal niggers anymore than you do but they are a reality because of inferior genetics, so it can't be helped, right?
Literally kindergarten tier argument. You are comparing a white collar crime to murder. He didn’t even smuggle them in, they applied and he hired them under the books. Remember that this happened before tax reform and during a recession so it’s not like he had the economic flexibility to pay all his workers at or above minimum wage while keeping prices competitive with other corporation’s products. You do what you’re competition does or you fail, that’s business 101.
you are calling my arguments kindergarten trier while literally providing zero arguments of your own. you haven't provided a single argument while this kike should have been released from prison. he broke the law, and none of your mental gymnastics will make that fact go away. and yes he had the flexibility to hire locals and pay them more wages, since his business was making him millions, but he didn't want to do that since he could make more shekels by employing illegals. he would have done that even during a fucking economic boom and under current tax cuts.
and yes, I'm comparing white collar crime to murder, since if even a single one out of the 400+ illegals he was willingly and knowingly employing committed a crime, then shlomo was directly responsible for it.
I gave you solid arguments to your child like ones. There was a recession. Competitors use illegal laborers to by pass minimum wage laws to fuck your business with lower prices. Has a family with 10 kids. All of those things act as a burden on profits so he has to make compromises. Wake the fuck up out of candy land and learn American business customs. It is a cut throat free market over here and you have to do whatever you can to get by like make deals with the mafia. Also those Guatemalans spoke highly of that Jew even when offered green cards to testify against him.
literally not a single argument is to be found in your post. once again he committed a crime and should be locked up for it. i don't give a fuck if you think it shouldn't be a crime, because guess what, it is a crime. that kike should be gassed together with his 10 sandnigger kids, because all of them act as a burden on civilisation and society, so we have to make compromises by genociding them. wake the fuck up and get out of zion shekel land, and learn to follow american law.
Good goy. Keep reading their trash to turn you against the one person who’s trying to pull the worlds head out of its ass. forward.com