Germany must rearm

Germany increased its defense spending by 8 percent in 2017 and is set for a 7 percent increase in 2018, the biggest 2yr increase within NATO percentage wise. These increases will take Germany to 1.3 percent of GDP and put it on track for 1.5 percent by 2022.

Among big spending items are:
- a tank upgrade and modernization drive, both for heavy and light tanks

- the new procurement of 120 fighter bombers in 2018 to replace the Tornado

- the general overhaul of the u-boat fleet (all 6 have been in maintenance or major upgrade mode since mid 2017)

- the increase of active troop levels to 200k, which by 2021 will be the largest number in Europe only trailing Russia

- commitments to the EU military

- the new drone and fighter program with France

- the establishment of a medical center of excellence for the EU army

- the expansion of the number of frigates and support ships

- procurement of heavy transport helicopters from America

- replacement of the main field rifle


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Friendly reminder than tanks doesn't request visas.

Still not at 2% of GDP...

>inb4 restoring democracy in Poland

We are rich, 1.5 percent is fine and would in total amount be the largest spending item in Europe by 2022

i'm waiting for the media to go all ''USA/Drumpf BTFO''

Someone post the tranny commander. They're still not a competent fighting force and won't be again until after the sociocultural pendulum swings back

You guys need to put the budget at 2-4% of the GDP. 1.5 Still isn't enough, not to mention, it's happening by 2022.

The Bundeswehr will never live up to the glory and power of the Wermacht.

Are you going to fire rainbow confetti from them?

We all now know how "restoring democracy" in poland will end...

Why must invading Slav clay be always the first thing a newly armed Germany does?

So 350 instead of 250 tanks? I'm sure Ivan is shaking in his boots already.

>Brit complaining about Germany not being armed enough

France is full of frenchmen.

Better than nothing, lad. They are pouring money into the Bundeswehr from all sides. 7-8 percent spending increases per year over several years is not too shabby.

We want a challenge, we like a challenge. Come back to us when your men stop growing tits and start growing balls.

> the general overhaul of the u-boat fleet (all 6


hmm lol

Call again when the Royal Navy needs an actual enemy to sink it.

>1.3 percent of GDP
Whoop de fucking doo. 2 percent is supposed to be the bare minimum.

didn't we discuss this yesterday and pretty much came to the conclusion that your army is irrelevant and that the greeks poles and romanians are literally the wall between you and russia?I mean ffs you have 80 combat ready leos while the russians have 10k tanks not counting in the reserves

6 is all we need. They are support vessels today. The days when you torpedoed merchant vessels to win wars are over. Today you use u-boats to deploy special forces and for spying. 6 is enough.

We need more jets and bombers and ground attack aircraft and light tanks and armoured personell vehicles.

If your government doesn't uncuck this new army is more likely to attack them than Russia

We're calling now, come get us Bulgaria, bring your EU friends. The more of you we send to the bottom of the ocean the better for this planet.

Come get us turdskin gyppo.

And yet 80 percent of NATO is not at 2 percent. 2 percent is unrealistic, 1.5 percent is fine.

Yes goyim, build tanks against a nuclear arsenal.

For what reason? Russia isn't going to invade and our biggest enemies are muslims and the USA.
Russians must be shaking right now

>russians have 10k tanks not counting in the reserves

russia has 450 T-14s and upgraded T-90s. The rest is museum shit from the Soviets, mostly “in reserve” aka museum pieces.

Don't say that you'll just get more europoor memes coming

Pretty embarrassing to supposedly be the richest country in Europe and pretend you can't afford 2% of GDP when plenty of other countries do it.

>waging war with tanks in 2017

We just dont know how we are supposed to spend so much money. The size is capped 370.000 so we can´t just hire a bunch of dudes to sit around all day. We would have to bulid nukes and aircraft carriers to get rid of our huge budget and nobody in the NATO wants that.

Track tanks are useful in ground warfare but the air force and navy are what matters really. Ground troops for raping and pillaging.

>meanwhile, US and Germany run this shit

As usual, the lesser nations only want Germany to pay more gibs, gibs gibs, gibs. As long as is seems that there is something to get they all behave like nigger countries only wanting gibs. Only the US stays strong because they are #1.

>italy trying to have an opinion on war

You think you could wait for us to come before sinking?


bro the t-80 and t-72 have 125 mm guns and good optics with proper ammunition it can got through the front plate of any modern tank

2 percent is more than doable and far lower than the 1980s norm. Stop giving money to sandniggers if you find the budget is tight. Today's bundeswehr isn't capable of doing anything and minor budget increases over many years isn't particularly noteworthy.

> Ground troops for raping and pillaging.
Well GB seems to be about 1400 times more prepared than most in that regard.

Now if only nuclear power were revived…

it's a ruse. They are faking weakness.

Do you think your nation will ever get a ship? You've got 6 months to get your ships together, you've been given enough time to prepare and we've thrown you even more time with this cock up and still you don't have a ship to come at us with.

Sad really.

You don't understand your own chart.


Still lagging behind the 3 million Germany allowed into the mainland.

A navy is useless for land powers like Germany and Russia.

Meh, Russia have couple of old su-45s standing by to take germanpoop tanks out for 1/4 cost of your newly overpriced tank.

Hans, Russia has a shit ton of upgraded T-72B3 which is equal to T-90A

You anglos don't need fugees to turn into a pro muslim police state apparently.

Except when you have to invade Normandy.

>a tank upgrade and modernization drive, both for heavy and light tanks

desperately needed given how shit the Leopard demonstrated itself to be in Syria

>- the new procurement of 120 fighter bombers in 2018 to replace the Tornado

literally why

germany exclusively uses its tornados for recon, so why does it need bombers

>the general overhaul of the u-boat fleet (all 6 have been in maintenance or major upgrade mode since mid 2017)

Germany won't have a single sub on patrol until mid 2018 lmao

>the increase of active troop levels to 200k, which by 2021 will be the largest number in Europe only trailing Russia

literally recruiting tens of thousands of non-germans

>commitments to the EU military


>the new drone and fighter program with France


>the establishment of a medical center of excellence for the EU army


>the expansion of the number of frigates and support ships

oh boy, not seeing any power projection there

>procurement of heavy transport helicopters from America

that's right

>replacement of the main field rifle

will you be buying or manufacturing brooms?

Because those just fly in with no opposition.... wait that's not how war works.

Why would we do that though.

Germany must balkanize

>You don't understand your own chart.

>chart about total NATO finances by origin
>Here let me post a different chart/link with a different caption, that'll educate you even though it depicts something different than what you posted

What is there not to understand? Are you clinicly retarded?

>Do you think your nation will ever get a ship? You've got 6 months to get your ships together, you've been given enough time to prepare and we've thrown you even more time with this cock up and still you don't have a ship to come at us with.
Pic is all we need to photograph your navy sinking itself.
>Still lagging behind the 3 million Germany allowed into the mainland.
Well, you were busy importing them from way before, weren't you? There's only so much rape and mosques and island can take.

>the de facto leader of the EU can't afford to meet NATO minimums
>huehuehue its ok because other, poorer member states can't

Maybe thats why you are never global powers

cool let us know how that goes for you germanistan.

Can Muslims join the Bundswehr?

swabians are cheap and hated by everybody except the swiss, their cousins.

The only reason Russia and Germany aren't global powers is, that you (((anglos))) keep sabotaging german-russian relations. Because you fear a german-russiand alliance, as it makes your fleets completely useless.


I'll do it with your mom on this new beautiful tank

>"land powers like Germany"

Why yes! we need to import more dunecoons to populate the Bundswehr!

>Antifa supporting a German remilitarization.

I think Poland should be more worryed

Mountain Germans best Germans.

Why would you want to be besties with a country that basically destroyed yours and raped your women, killed your children and destroyed you.

There isn't such a thing as nato minimums you sperg. You stupid cocksuckers just want everyone else spend another six trillion in the middle east.

Where's the threat? Most Europeans seen Americans as the largest threat.

>>waging war with tanks in 2017
>air force

It depends on how much A2/AD catches up. We can imagine a future in which air force is useless, gets shot down immediately and then tanks become king again.

Not even worth a (You)

Why? Modern Germans are peak soy goys and Poland has nothing to fear

Yeah because we looked at you and came to our senses.

lol. So you have no interest in taking out ground radar systems, SAM sites with ship launched missiles from safe distance? God no wonder you fuckers lose wars.

You actually don't understand your graph, look at my link and get educated you stupid retard.

Yeah and the total number of shitskins in this country is still less than the number that Germany allowed into Europe between 2015 and 2017. Let that sink in, Turk.

We are the biggest european economy, we hold the most power in the eu, we are going to have a larger defence budget than russia. Anyone, who denies Germanys position as a alnad power is a fucking idiot, that shouldn't talk about politics.

>mfw when my leftist Girlfriend thinks I work at Krauss-Maffai.
>mfw when I actually work at Krauss-Maffai-Wegmann as an engineer.

>She thinks I am building machines for injection molding
>I am actually building tanks.

Fucking greatest job in germany I tell ya.

Bullshit. Most of swabia =/= stuttgart
The rural parts (that make up most of swabia) are just as conservative as most of bavaria.

Currently living/studying in a swabian dominated area. This is true, swabians are the biggest German shekel hoarders and they are also the most degenerate manchild scum around. I think only NRW is worse in terms of degeneracy.

All you need is nuclear missiles and you're golden.

Not that this will be allowed by us, we will end you before you start. Promise you babes.

I am

>came to our senses
>man gets arrested and imprisoned for putting bacon infront of a mosque
>man gets trialed for posting a video of his dog doing a hitler salute

I hope you put the UK into the ground. Everyone wins. Even the UK in the long term.

>We are the biggest european economy, we hold the most power in the eu, we are going to have a larger defence budget than russia. Anyone, who denies Germanys position as a alnad power is a fucking idiot, that shouldn't talk about politics.

I have more faith in the Polish military than the German. Also, you're talking about having the strongest land army in Europe "by 2020."

Let's see if Merkel lasts the year, because if not your country's financial plans are going to be shit on and bye bye any increase in military spending.

>Germany to 1.3 percent of GDP and put it on track for 1.5 percent by 2022.
>requirement for NATO is 2%

>You actually don't understand your graph

It says it on the top, % contribution to NATO budget. What is there not to understand? We pay 15% of the NATO budget. WHAT IS THERE NOT TO UNDERSTAND YOU LOW IQ MONGREL TELL ME, ANGLO SCUM.

>Swabians are the biggest German shekel hoarders
true. We like money. Got that from our swiss friends.
>most degenerate manchild scum
Leave the cities. Noone works harder on the land. Swabian culture has been tainted by city-babies.

Reminder that last time you tried you needed the whole world to put us down, indebted yourself beyond ever being able to repay it and lost your entire empire, while we just rebuild and are again the main power of europe.

The reality is once Trump is out of office, whether that is tomorrow of 7 years from now, the US military will become a mongerlized anti-white club wielded at anyone who doesn't use the correct pronouns or "believe women".

France, Germany and the UK will have to band together with Europe and achieve military parity with America as soon as possible or risk invasion. Countries that are over-80% white are in serious danger from the United States.

Yeah, tell me more about how few the middle-easterners are and how many asians you have.

Funny how they keep going with the Russia narrative when in reality Germany is clearly doing it because it wants to fight US for control of EU armies. Now that US doesn't have a big commitment to NATO, this is the moment for the Germany to take over as the military force of Europe.

t. mutt

maybe this time we ally with Germany and won't listen to the Anglo lies

>Countries that are over-80% white are in serious danger from the United States.
this is truth, but what can we do about that?

The rest of the old British Empire will put down nigger island before taking up arms against Germany. We learned our lesson and have reflected on our mistakes.

And still not as cucked as Germany. Thank Allah.

Quebec you're not French, you never have been and you never will be.

Read the bottom right, where it's sourced from.

Ohhhhhh does he understand it now?

50 nuclear missiles will end you quickly. God bless nuclear weapons, I can see why you want them so badly.

Here, even this thread, one lone power (the UK) is still beating every one of you fuckers. HAHAHA and you hope to beat us in war?

HAHAHAHAHAHA I'd pity you if I cared about you.

>painted broomsticks instead of guns is fine

Whats the other 98.5%?

Paying niggers to fuck your women?

Good luck and gods speed.

Quebec will also be destroyed, you cucks.

Pretty big words from a looser nation like ucuck
Bin that comment or i will call the cyber police

Poland doesn't support the EU. Once it turns into the EUSSR, there's nothing stopping Europe occupying poland

You're on the right track, but missing the point.

Merkel and Juncker have long sought an ascendant EU. King Nigger wanted to increase global governance, which naturally resulted in a decrease of US hard power and influence, especially in Europe because Barry-O's foreign policy played into Merkel's and Juncker's hands.

The EU doesn't want a reversal of what it has had for the last 8 years, hence the chimpouts we're seeing from the continent.

>nuclear weapons
reminder that france will obliterate you if even one of those steers to the european continent

>Here, even this thread, one lone power (the UK) is still beating every one of you fuckers. HAHAHA and you hope to beat us in war?
See this? The hole is plugged so the water doesn't come in. You should try it on your ships.