Baseball anime vs soccer anime

baseball anime vs soccer anime

Why is the soccer anime boring?

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baseball is bullshit.
football is better.
Yank has no idea how to play sports.

Because football is somehow an even more boring sport than baseball.

No strategy involved just mindlessly kicking a ball. An ape could do it.

Sup Forums here, 90% of sports anime are boring, because they are inferior versions of the real sport or complete made up bullshit with superpowers.
Sports anime are good only when they are a reason to talk about the characters, which is why shoujo and josei sports anime/manga are consistently at least decent if not good. At least works like Loli Basketball have cute girls.

Exactly. Football can be played even retarded.

This. The most fucking overrated sport ever.

Found the americlaps

Volleyball is superior to both
as a sport too

Found the Brazilian.
Stole any car stereos recently?

>baseball anime

it's called football, faggots

what Sup Forums considers good sports anime in general?

because Baseball is Japan's national sport while soccer is some Eurofag meme.

I have no idea waht the general opinion is, when I see people talking about anime on Sup Forums it's kyoani and other cgdct anime.

Giant Killing was pretty decent.

Do people in Sup Forums usually prefer over the top sports anime where everyone has super powers and the world spins around the sport like Prince of Tennis or down to earth like Yuri!!! on Ice? How about made up sports like Keijo?

With shoujo and josei I hope you mean Aim for the Ace!

Yea they just pay managers millions to watch them play and take off tired people.

>With shoujo and josei I hope you mean Aim for the Ace!
I meant that and Chihayafuru.

Dunno about YoI vs Prince of tennis, but people did like Keijo.

>those fucking character designs
do not post this ever again

I see, thanks for sharing.

Somebody please post that one webm where the tennis ball is imagined as the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs? Shit is comedy gold.

>Why is the soccer anime boring?


>implying you could ever hope to get something like this out of baseball
What Murrilards don't get is that football is not about the sport. It's about the banter that surrounds it.

>Sup Forums
>doesn't even recognize Giant Killing
>doesn't even recognize One Outs
>doesn't even recognize the cute and hot girls of Baggataway
>doesn't even recognize PUNCH HARDER S1

I can understand hating on Diamond no Ace since Sawamura literally takes a fucking sequel to get recognized as hot shit but the rest? I don't get it.

It looks much better in manga format since it's closer to the western style ala Calvin and Hobbes. That sketchiness is part of the charm, and the anime doesn't get to keep that.

The Zelberto play was still animated well at least, but that's about it. And it had a decent sound track.

I was in Sup Forums
nobody loves anime.
they said that anime is shit like weebs.

>Brit, plz calm down.


Do you mean football?
No one cares about your handegg

Because anime requires a special snowflake MC when football is more about teamwork than individual brilliance. As good as player like messi, he still won't win matches alone.

The ugliest character designs I've seen in a while. Are they like that to repel the fujos or what?

This aired in my country for 5 episodes, than it was dropped.

I thought Days was decent for a Football anime.

But Diamond no Ace, Jesus christ what I would give to watch that all over again brand new, That show was fucking excellent. Something about Baseball anime that can just mix a load of different genres and storylines and still make it entertaining.

Is soccer fun?
I've never played such a game.

baseball becomes extinct within 20 years

Your country has shit taste.


Nah, american football is better.

The sport anime you watch isn't actually about sport. Just like giant robots anime isn't actually about giant robots.


That's what U.S and Japan call it. No one else's irrelevant opinion matters.

alright recommend me some good sport manga/anime preferably manga. i have watched daiya no ace and am busy with reading its sequel, read one outs, watch the first few episodes of days, read kuroko no basuke, read this manga about basketball and wheelchairs, read hajime no ippo, read all rounder meguru, karate minotu,haikyu, rikudou, yowamushi pedal, two manga about ballroom dancing, big windup

Score system

Soccer you can't turn around with just one goal, at most the goal can make you draw, in some cases you go to the sudden death but most time its just a draw.

In basketball or baseball, every game can be turned upside down last minute.


>they use their hands the most

Only murricans could be this retarded.

Because soccer is even shittier sport than baseball. Ice hockey anime when?

>Why is the soccer anime boring?
pfffft, says you.
>no one has watched the dragonball/saint seiya/jojo of sports anime.
It has traps, best girl winning, what are you even waiting for?

I really like the Chihayafuru anime

Still waiting for a London Derby football anime

>second season never
>manga not even translated

I hate it.

You read this many sports anime, but you have never read eyeshield 21?
Read it now you even get to see Murata develop his art style

Because Soccer is boring irl, no amount anime spice can make it better.
Meanwhile Baseball is fun, and so the true Football.



I love how Keshin are literally Stands.

Why did team Japan lose the inaugural baseball world cup to team USA when in reality Japan beat Cuba 10-6 in the 2006 WBC???

>Muh yips

i wonder why the world still care to call soccer as football.

I love it too, SUTANDO POWA SAKKA is fun as fuck.

Because not everyone is as retarded as lardland.

Japan also defended their title in 2009, downing Korea 5-3 in 10 innings. They lost 4 years later in the semifinals.

The US has never advanced past the 2nd round of the tournament.

How one men can be so UNEXPOSABLE

Playing sports>POWER GAP>Watching
sports>Watching sports anime

Sup Forums will deny this

>Only Brazil likes football
It's almost as if football isn't the most popular sport worldwide and the biggest teams aren't european.

Why would anyone deny this? it's pretty obvious.

football is the sport of the globalized underclass

Who's the Messi of baseball?

>throw a ball
>hit a ball
>run 30m
>wait your turn

>put the egg on the floor
>pass the egg
>run 10m
>wait for comercials

Amerifats don't like football because stamina is a thing.

>inb4 bait but...
are you dumb? soccer is literally a game where anyone can beat anyone because of how low the scoring system works and the degree of variables involved in creating a passage of play to score

on the other hand you have teams like Golden State who have an absurd team who always win by a considerable margin 99% of the time
and i dont watch the baseball shit so i cant really comment on that however its is similar to cricket so it automatically makes it dog shit

>99% of the time

Mai Ball anime when?