Are we medieval English enough for you, England?

What do you think of our new soap opera? Legit enough?

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>that obvious gas fire

I'd give her ye olde dick, if you catch my drift ;)

Is she cooking sopa de macaco?

Uma delicia

As a time traveller, can confirm, 100% accurate.

>a Brazilian show about medieval England is whiter than the British ones

Not enough black people.

Whats the music?

Where are the blacks?

If it wasnt because im south american and i know brazilian portuguese from little i would think this is decent. But that samba dancing thick rio accent really kills the whole "medieval" vibe.

Not enought serfs

no, they are the wrong race and speaking the wrong language

What do you mean?

Blacksmiths daughter, wot do /tg/?

he means his wife's boyfriend's dick

mediaeval, you cheeky fellow

Who's she, Diogo?

Why are we all swarthy meds?

Lmao look at that valley floor and mountains at 1:25. England has nothing remotely like that.

It's my tavern wench fantasy come alive! Spread your whore legs for the son of Caesar.

We're white, my man :)
And you gotta pretend we're speaking english
other countries do that kind of stuff all the time too

Marina Ruy Barbosa


Sorry Sweetie
I know everything about history and I will have you know that modern-day UK was built by blacks

First by black roman expeditions and then by black british nobility

This show goes into the trash

>When a Brazilian tv show about medieval Europe is whiter than any British version

We are going to be the butt of all jokes for all eternity arent we?

At least you are honest.

Really? Do you have any names?

Brazil, are you ashamed of Portugal?

The castle they briefly showed was obviously a renaissance era construction.

Are you sure it isn't supposes to be set in Spain, they showed Puente Nuevo (pic related). That aside if it were made in the U.K then half of the cast, including the background people, would be black so looks pretty good.

Shit, I need something new to watch. Is this out and will there be subtitles? I'm not learning your garbage language for it.

Oh. That's very culturally diverse of him.

Never gonna cook anything with a fire that small

I quite like Portugal but what era of theirs could be turn into a series? To be honest I know next to nothing about Portugal
Oh, idk
I just associate those medieval times with England and France by default

BTW I'm OP but since I'm using my phone's internet now by ip changed

Is that a dyke tag on her thumb?

My wife's boyfriend is white.
Why does Sup Forums always think a husband has to be white and a boyfriend has to be black?

it's 2017

This is what true bravery looks like.

>early modern castle
>inaccurate outfits
>retarded armor and shields
>hollywood esque fake fighting

This sucks, hollywood never gets history right before the modern era.

Nah, as a bbc apointed historian i can confirm it's not accurate. No blacks, no muslims, no trannies, no fags.
And i bet christians are pictured in a favorablr way.

Nah, sopa de polo.

>Brazilian TV series on Medieval England
>not a single nigger
>English TV series on Mediaval England
>full of niggers and poos
Lmao England has officiali became browner than Brazil

countries that yearn for whiteness usually spend all their soap opera budget on getting whtie actors (look at chileno/mexican soap operas) even though 95% of the population is mestizo
I reckon such is the case with brazil
and maybe argentina, but at least they are a representative amount of the population, and now we are starting to see mestizo subhumans on tv thanks to jews

My sides

Quando é que vai estrear Manolo?

Previsão é 9 de Janeiro
Deus salve o Rei

AHAHh God Bless you, hue monkeys!!

Although as an Anglo, I can tell a few of these people look a little swarthy. Props for Scarborough fair being in there.

I laughed but also despaired.

Hey man, don't be so hard on yourself
IRL only 47% of the population identify as white
Keyword: identify