This is who they hire.
Don’t fly Delta
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't be a jealous faggot.
so he code switches to talk with his friend? he's clearly fluent in English. i don't see the issue.
Don't fly delta because it's literally the worst airline in the world, no matter who the fuck they hire.
He's probably a better pilot than all the dumb, fat, alcoholic white ones. Skills over race.
you've watched too much TV
This. I have no problem with this guy. OP is JIDF. This is bait.
Ignore this dogshit thread.
Eh, they're not too bad apart from those damn baggage fees
>flying around BurgerLand™
>have to pay an extra fee just to transport my suitcase
What is up with airlines in the U.S.? Spirit is the worst offender, I think they charge you for carry-on luggage?
OP is an ATP with more qualifications who was passed over for a diversity hire. Get rekt niggerlover.
>code switches
So you would put your children on an airplane manned by an 85 IQ diversity hire?
new Sup Forums meme
Looks like OP lost out to this guy at the job interviews. Salty much?
he's fluent in more dialects than you are, cuck
you go train to be a pilot if you're jealous
it's not ebonics it's jamaican patois
it's called patwa brother. And jamaicans aren't bad. they assimilate quite well. he was messaging his nog relative that was still on the island. they dont understand normal English over there.
Before you start going full retard I'm 99% sure they are speaking in Patois in that comment which is a creole dialect. You probably think they're writing like idiots, when you just aren't familiar with the language.
Delta sucks ass. I was stuck in Atlanta for four days last year because of their shit show, and completely missed the conference I needed to go to.
I'll never fly Delta again, if it can be avoided in anyway. Horrible airline.
On a side note, Qatar airways is fucking awesome.
Meanwhile the white pilots have to work themselves to death doing budget charters and cargo flights to get flight hours to even be considered to get hired by a major.
This is why regular people will never take Sup Forums seriously.
>Wow that nigger got a highly skilled and difficult job that takes years of work and school and thousands of hours of skill building? Fuck him
What have you accomplished? Besides being a lonely smelly bitter virgin who shitposts about successful people on an azerbaijani nesting-doll-making forum?
>T. Student aviator
Kill yourself
This so much you have no idea. 90% of modern day airplane crashes are due to overworked pilots because of this stupid BS.
Fuck off shill
Jamaican is literally just ebonics that's been around long enough to become a language
>being this much of a cuck
>OP is an ATP with more qualifications who was passed over for a diversity hire.
Okay, but they all do that. What the fuck does it have to do with Delta in particular?
The problem is merit isn't the rulebook, but him being black is.
You've posted this thread twice today already. Fuck off.
Put the gun down this morning, huh Vlad? Too bad you probably will have killed yourself before you turn 40 since your country is such a shithole. Better run to the store and get some more vodka otherwise today might be the day
This user gets it. Shame that Sup Forums doesn’t support white pilots who have MORE qualifications and have been flying since these diversity hires were in diapers.
no, seriously, if you get on a plane and the pilot is a fifty years old white guy with white hair and a great smile that's the ideal, fuck lowering standards for a diversity hire
It's actually an extension of French, English and Western African vernacular. That's a total of 3 other languages you don't know how to speak. Awesome isn't it?
No little redditor. It is not awesome.
>He's an angry nigger
Oh yeah, they are not half-illitterate, they speak "African-american vernacular English"
I'd be far more concerned with where i'm flying and on what plane rather than what the pilot looks like.
We have eyes. Typing how you sound speaking shit English is not the same as a legitimate second language. Fuck you, I hope you fly delta and end up lost off the coast of Antarctica.
He зacтaвляйтe Бoгa ждaть. Mы oбa знaeм, чтo вы cкopo coбиpaeтecь yбить ceбя. Пaпe Пyтинy нyжнo мeньшe пeдикoв, пoдoбных вaм в миpe.
>speaks fluent english
probably speaks it better than you, nigger.
If a US airline thinks it can charge you for something, it probably will. In the case of Spirit, they advertise very low airfares but expect you to pay extra for a lot of little things that would otherwise come standard with most other airline tickets.
No, it's not particularly awesome. On the other hand I don't really see any problem with him speaking his own language with his friends. His English was better than fine in the original post, so I doubt he's an 85 IQ diversity hire (although he probably is a diversity hire). It's not like pilots need to be particularly smart to fly a fucking plane.
He obviously shouldn't be in America because he's black but as far as black people go he's probably fine.
Language is just language that's been around long enough to be language.
He's obviously qualified for the job and I'd bet the uniform gets him lots of pussy. Good for him
>extension of French, English and Western African vernacula
And yet they can't speak or write any of those three fluently.
I flew Delta earlier this year, never again. It was a complete shitshow. Sad, because I flew Delta a lot in the 90's and they had a great product then.
He seems like a nice enough lad. You don't need to be particularly clever to fly a plane and he'll not be doing it on his own. Good on him.
wow this shill is pissed. i guess your little bait thread didnt work out the way you wanted it to huh? hes not even "le based black guy!!" just some black dude thats grateful he got a kickass job.
>they had a great product then
They never had a product. They offer a service.
This newspeak infuriates me more than niggers.
Let's define what America is before we start booting people who are legal residents.
>hit me with the Reddit meme here
Going to school, landing a premium job and being grateful for it > taking a knee.
Skin color will never work as far as criteria for establishing utopia. Playing by the rules will.
Quite honestly, I'd rather be in the foxhole w this pilot fighting for "America" than with a lot of the low level bots on here with easily refutable talking points.
Oh look out, we have an infuriated English teacher in here.
I'm not seeing what these various traitors who need a bullet have to do with Plane Negro m8.
>Skin color will never work as far as criteria for establishing utopia. Playing by the rules will.
Statistically speaking, black people can't play by the rules. It's regrettable but necessary that they should live separate and apart from white people. In an ideal situation, voluntary segregation would occur. You'll lose the occasional black scientist, but for each productive one, you also lose fifty gangbangers and welfare cases draining valuable resources. Ideology won't solve black America's problems.
Apologetic weak brits who bend over backwards to virtue signal are worse than either tbqh m8.
>Skin color will never work as far as criteria for establishing utopia. Playing by the rules will.
they highly correlate
So how about all those White People in Hollywood and Wall Street then? Does you good to see all those successful White People, doesn't it? It's so great that White People have a massive influence over everything.
Meme flags get the bullet first, then PCSOs.
IQ nitwit. Read what the fucker actually wrote. “Called for an interview on the same day as his first flight...”. You and your “years of work...”. KYS
Nice google translate you got there, buddy. Too bad that you're still just a butthurt nigger that have nothing to say.
I've never flied Delta, and I've been treated like literal shit from Jet Blue, so, noted. Fuck Delta.
fuck you fag, Delta is cancer and your damage control won't help.
fuck all these shit airways with incompetent niggers aboard. we will not fly. you can have empty seats. go suffer.
truth. nigger pilots have only been through literal microsoft specific training situations.
fuck microsoft
fuck niggers
go fuck yourself, i will not board a plane with a nigger at the helm, i dont care if my ticket is non refundable, i have left 5 flights because of this in the past and given no fucks.
fyi only 1 of them was ever on time. fucking niggers.
Holy shit, you are an actual nigger. The absolute state of American education. I don't even want to explain this to you because you should be able to understand it. Are you drunk? What do the words "Happy Anniversary!" mean to you? What do you think the numbers "2011" mean? What year is it currently? What year were the comments in the second post made in?
Fucking christ the Amerimutt meme is more true every single day
>нeчeгo cкaзaть
>oтвeчaeт нa мoй oтвeт
ты - чepтoвa peтapдa.
cдeлaйтe миp блaгocклoннocтью и yбeйтe ceбя. вы cлишкoм глyпы, чтoбы пoнять, кoгдa ктo-тo ocкopбляeт вac. никтo нe злитcя нa вac. ecли yгoднo, я жaлeю o вaшeм бecпoлeзнoм cyщecтвoвaнии.
C'mon Sup Forums is just a guy that wanted to be a pilot and achieved it.
If there are no proofs that afirmative action was involved in pushing him up and everything went as equally as with anybody else, why do you care?
>trying to get me to hate
"creole" is literally a term used to politely describe a severely dumbed down version of actual language because nogs couldn't grasp it
Thank you for the warning.
>IQ nitwit. Read what the fucker actually wrote. “Called for an interview on the same day as his first flight...”. You and your “years of work...”. KYS
You do know simulators are a thing right?
Reminds me of when that one police station bragged about their first Somali cop, and a year later he's in the news for shooting a pregnant white woman to death while sitting in his car
Won't blame you if you don't remember that because of course its been completely memory holed and to this day we don't know what even happened
This is a field where ex military pilots with >10k hours are turned down for jobs at major airlines because they can pick from even more qualified candidates. That is literally a thing that happens and isn't unheard of.
This guy is 24, and if I understand his post correctly it sounds like he must have gotten his private license at 17 and commercial shortly there after. If I had to take an (educated) guess I'd say he has between 1500-3000 hours. 1500 is a realistic best guess from what helicopter pilots of that age typically have in the best cases.
You do the math and tell me if you think he's a diversity hire.
Delta is the best of the legacy air carriers and probably the best airline in the US. Yes, yes I understand Etihad and Arab Emirates come with a communal harem of super models and that Lufthansa and Singapore Air are incredible and that AirCanada is probably the best airline native to the Americas, but whatever for a country that invented the airplane and perfected air war—we suck at domestic travel via the air. And Delta is just marginal, but one diversity hire doesn’t mean shit to me, okay. That’d be like close your bank account with Wells Fargo because they hired a street shitter
Delta gives you free rum and cokes if you ask for one. No shit. I haven't paid for one in years!
I thought one had to have 1500hrs to be ATP?
>Amerimutt meme
>Canucks are the ones actually being raped by Muslims and Somalians
Projecting shill is projecting.
Nigger he's autopilot
What's the name of this bitch again? And no, not for research purposes, I want to look at her tits.
>Successful black man achieves a desirable career
>Jealous neckbeards screaming because they're working at McDonalds
by than logic american english is nothing more but ebonics and you people are just to stupid to learn the real language
congraz you played your self
There’s literally nothing wrong with this. I wish more black people would launch careers like this. Chicago would be a much nicer place if there were more black people like this.
My guess is that you’re trying to bait us into saying something derogatory for the MSM article you’re writing, because you think we’re all just a bunch of racist pricks who hate seeing black people succeed. The truth is, that most of the people here (from what I’ve seen), just want blacks to act like functioning members of society, quit shooting each other, and have the same opportunities that everyone else has.
If that’s true, and you’re baiting us, feel free to go fucking kill yourself. You’re literally the worst of human filth and the world would be so much better off without you (assuming you’re actually MSM). If you’re just naive and don’t understand the reasons in which blacks are criticized so heavily on this board, then read up and maybe you’ll understand.
As long as the nigger can do the job and was offered the job on merits, why the fuck not?
mup da doo didda
po dum mofugga
Bix nood
there only the question if it was a diversity hire or if is actually competent enough to do the job
if he's qualified and is able to do the job as expected, who cares
sadly we live in times where you have to ask your self this verry question and make a choice for your self
if they would just the best people get the job regardless of race, sex or mental disorder people wouldn't mind so much and it wouldn't even be a topic
patois is literally a pidgin language. pidgin languages are literally dumbed down versions of the original
the pilot is a nigger and so are you
What's wrong with that ?
Better than becoming a rapper or being on welfare
Also having a passion in plane is pretty cool.
From the comment, it appears he was promised the job his first day of flying. That's not merit.
This man got me thinking, since I don't know much about the world I cannot have an opinion but can we check that he isn't going to pilot something like cargo planes in nowherestan or something like that? I mean if he is a diversity hire you wouldn't trust him with a real plane and if he is not you wouldn't trust him with that age and experience.
Lol you think they will the job of pilot to someone just because of his skin color ?
Do you know the amount of money involve in one single commercial plane ?
*give the job
>Lol you think they will the job of pilot to someone just because of his skin color ?
Yes. This is what they do. It is literally the law in some places.
How do you visit Sup Forums without being aware of the concept of diversity hires? It's pretty much a prerequisite to visit this place.
Then address the comment
>Don’t fly Delta
I prefer to fly Delta. Their skymiles programs sucks, but the planes are much nice than Southwest or Frontier. And Atlanta is not the worst airport for connections.
im not in the mood to bother with the explicit expectations of diverse workplaces regarding the cokpit
i don't know if diversity quotas are for the company or for each branch i.e. cargo passenger
but rereading the tweet is giving you enough information desu
"October 3rd i woke up to an email that i was invited to an interview."
"this was the SAME DAY in 2011 i flew an airplane for the first time"
pretty straight forward if you ask me
Are you this uneducated in the English language? He didn't get the job his first day, it happened to fall on the 3rd which happened to be the day he had first flown 6 years ago. That's what "anniversary" means. I don't know how you idiots skate through life without basic reading comprehension.
yeah no shit sherlock
stop beeing a fucking nigger for a second
>6years of having a pilot license
>worked as pilot
>probably was flying in his downtime too
if you wouldn't be such a faggot who desperatley tryes to whiteknight all day you could think for your self you subhuman faggot
i hope you and your whole family get raped tortured and salten
So he flies a plane ...... so the fuck what... you are an sjw who wants affirmative action coz a black guy got hired...
>see this
>wat do
Kill them and pilot the plane by my own
It actually makes me happy to see someone so excited and happy to get a job they wanted and worked for.
>Marlon was born in Jamaica, where he was raised by a single mother.
>Flight instructor for only a few years, never touching air forces
>Also quite rare that he managed to get his degree with only his own means and being an inmigrant(might be the 0,05% that actualy does it but still too rare, I will take Ockhams razor and say that afirmative action and welfare got his degree)
>Sudden media outburst with a job offer out of nowhere, this smells like a PR maneouver for the company.
Kinda checks out now, sad that you have to check for every nigger that seems to come out of the getto as a man to see if there is a political agenda behind. It shits on those who might have gotten there by their own merits.
This. I felt that way my first job at Microsoft i love thinking. Of all the faggot. Kids here who get mad and jealous and wonder why don't i have that job. Because you're a fucking faggot you little bitch. And nobody wants to work with you or would ever want to recommend you. I have been fired from jobs and the ppl Still reccomend me to others. Know why? Im not a little bitch like you.
What? Nigger what are you even saying? If English is not your first language, please stick to your remedial boards like Sup Forums if you can't keep up.
This guy here said he was promised a job on his first day of flying. That's clearly not true, as indicated by his facebook post. I knew you Germans were stupid as fuck, but I didn't think you were dumb enough to wander into an English speaking forum and not understand English.