is mma the post pro-t sport there is? what other sports are Sup Forums approved?
Is mma the post pro-t sport there is? what other sports are Sup Forums approved?
Pro t?
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Strength athletics.
>pol approved sport
Jesus christ, do you need pol to teach you how to take a piss too?
>what other sports are Sup Forums approved?
Nigger stomping.
high testosterone
Yes. It is the modern day Colosseum.
MMA is the ultimate sport.
Starting MMA and Jiu Jitsu was a pivotal point in my life. It made me a man after that i was able to unlearn the the jewish indoctrination
>what other sports are Sup Forums approved?
MMA is for dumb chimps.
The effects of even one punch to the head and one knockout likely have lifelong consequences. They're discovering more and more CTE even in young athletes. The more you get hit in the head, the worse off you are, and permanently. MMA, football, rugby, all major traumatic contact sports is for people with nothing to lose in the brains department.
Learn a martial art, learn to defend yourself but for fucks sake don't ever get hit in the head on purpose.
Self defense should start with a gun, not your fists. Get a CCW and learn how to shoot.
same here tbqh, ive been doing bjj and muay thai for a couple years and just started fighting in amatuer mma bouts, i live in texas so theres a bunch of spics and niggers who are street fighting retards who get heemed out of existence
cte is more severe with lower iq, if your able to train smart and fight smarter, you wont take significant head damage
problem with body building is that you can still get the shit beaten out of you by some random nigger on the street
Hi guardianista
>what other sports are Sup Forums approved?
Pretty much any practical combat focused sport is Sup Forums approved.
Most definitely rugby. It will make you fit and hard as nails as a bonus you will also make lots of friends and meet lots of hot girls.
>cte is more severe with lower iq
What the fuck are you talking about you absolute imbecile? Your IQ score isn't going to stop your brain from turning into mush.
> train smart and fight smarter, you wont take significant head damage
ANY head damage is more head damage than you should take. Why the fuck are you in a sport where that's even an option? Why are you in a sport where the biggest steroid chimp with the least to lose wins?
Presumably if you're white and family oriented you actually have something to lose and you have an IQ high enough to have a real job.
>sport where 100% of it's participants are guaranteed to have brain damage
sounds like Sup Forums alright
even headshot in football have been linked to brain damage over time, any kind of sport is at risk
pol cant fight without a keyboard
Damn... wtf I hate MMA now
But /thread. Reading and lifting are the most high T things you can do
soccer players can get cte just from bouncing the ball off their heads, besides severe cte only comes from a life time of constant punishment, you can still train responsibly and avoid head damage while still being able to properly defend yourself in hand-to-hand combat, bjj is probably the safest route anyone can go to avoid risk and maximize their effectiveness in a fight
i think this is true for pros but my guess is that op meant it at amateur level? i went to a few of those places for a while, usually the trainer has security of his guys health as his top aim
might be very variable depending on where you go tho, of course
if you talk about brain health yeah, but bjj disintegrates your joints if done at an agonist level. source: went to bjj class for 3 years, almost everyone was broken (most of times their fault for not tapping out, but whatever)
It's as close as you can legally get to a fight to the death, the ultimate in proving one man's dominance, over another without having an actual fight to the death. Win or lose there's very little room for bullshit.
then tap, ffs. No shame in losing of you're rolling.
hey i agree 100%, just saying how other people got broken, i still have all my bones in the right place (messed up a toe in a wrong throw but nothing big)
sometimes adrenaline and winning hunger suppress your pain until it's too late, i guess
anyway it's still possible to get injured even if careful, a couple guys were always doing things wrong when sparring, thinking overpowering someone 20kg smaller made them big boys
We have meatheads come to us from time to time. Then they get choked by skinny manlets and most of them never come again. The ones that stay tend to drop the meathead act. Still, I can't believe Sup Forums of all places is advocating against it. Either this thread is filled with fag shills or with murifat hikikimoris.
Why hasn't there been a volunteer to "identify" as a lady and get in the ring to beat the shit out of a real mma woman yet? You want to save women's sports from the trannies, let a high T male in a sports bra get in there and go to town. Libs heads would explode.
It's a sport for trailer trash Americans and favela monkeys.
90% of MMA fans are uncultured white trash subhumans who wear TAPOUT t-shirts and drink Monster Energy Drinks.
I mean if you unirionically enjoy watching white trash faggots roll around in the middle of a cage you should consider suicide.
"Muh brain damage"
God you all sound so small and fragile, if you can't get hurt somehow its not even a sport anymore.
soylet detected
This tbqhwyf. Pro sports exists to divert your attention and energy away from productive and edifying activities. Who in their right mind would willingly watch pro sports when 75% of the damn thing is commercials? Watch local amateur sports if you need to live vicariously through someone else so badly. Doing MMA is one thing, but watching it is pleb tier.
Road cycling, mostly white people practice the sport.
Don't do actual boxing/mma sparing unless you're actually wanting to become pro. It can do damage to your head. I used to do boxing/mma myself as a kid but luckily I didn't get affected by any fucked up brain shit.
However, there are no excuses for not do boxing training like bag work, shadowboxing, ropes, and punch pad combos with a m8. MMA training however you can always learn throws/take downs which are very useful. Groundwork is useful too but try not to get in a habit of staying on the ground for any longer than 5 seconds because in a street fight your opponent could have lads around who could come up and kick you on the ground.
More importantly, just learn to defend yourself first. Make sure your face isn't on show while you're fighting. Oh and :2) Do face conditioning. Face conditioning is where you lightly flick a straight hand in your face while keeping your eyes OPEN so you get out of the habit of eye squinting while you're having punches thrown at you irl.
Diaz bros are God tier. Even though they're nigger beaners. Prove me wrong senpai
No you can't you skinnyfat pussy
but all the champions are black or soon to be black.
Yeah man totaly, only a PUSSY is afraid of brain damage and becoming retarded
Not a fan of mma, but thats not true at all. Its always been a 50/50 of white and black champions
Checked for Hitler
t. never seen mma fights
the only sports niggers absolutely dominate is boxing, so no kicks or grappling or elbows cos then it gets to complicated for them.
It was so hilarious seeing all those niggers paranoid AF that Mac would kick or elbow that mininigger Mayweather before they "fought"
No it isn't
Why is this copypasta always used?
4 black guys
1 hawaiian
1 maori/samoan
1 mexican
1 white guy
Stipe is the HW champ. Conor is the LW champ.
Stipe fight hasn't happened yet you little nigger lover.
Fuck TJ dillashaw too.
TJ is a faggot screen cap this post
Fencing is the sport of the white man.
Also, sabreurs and foilists are faggots.
>no practicality
>makes you worse at fighting
>makes you unable to move properly
it may look good but theres literally no benefit. Fighting is much better.
lettuce be honest, stipe is getting mauled and dj will smash tj.
>Self defense should start with a gun, not your fists.
cowardly, guns should only be used in war or serious defense. Men fight and defend with their hands, cowards/niggers grab a gun.
Stipe can win. That nigger can't into groundfighting
only betas are this against combat, we all die eventually you dont need 100% of your braincells for your whole life and sports accomplishments are just as if not more impressive than making alot of money as a no body in an office. Are you pussies pacifists too? want to know whats really damaging? war. Fucking beta cucks.
Fencing looks fun desu
I "sparred" with a friend and his larping swords and armor a while back and it was AWESOME.
Fuck anyone who disses larping kek.
>I mean if you unirionically enjoy watching white trash faggots roll around in the middle of a cage you should consider suicide.
people who hate it this much are 90% autistic weebs who weight 120lbs wet
(or 300lbs), and lost a fight when they were a kid so they convince themselves its stupid. Go watch some anime and tell yourself its ok to be as weak as the average female.
I was really thinking pro-t meant pro-trump
>God you all sound so small and fragile
they are, remember that Sup Forums is the place all the "waifu" furry trap loving faggots go to act hard. They get all uppity about MMA because it reminds them of how weak and useless they are irl.
pro homoeroTic
look up HEMA
longsword with full contact
All combat sports are approved. The only approved team sport is hockey.
Everything else is literally nigger tier.
>from productive and edifying activities
the leaf will tell us whats important and whats not. I agree if your talking about american football but MMA has real life benifits and pro sports can make you lots of money and fame, hardly unproductive.
McGregor got his ass whooped by Diaz. Diaz was robbed in the second fight.
No, the most important thing you can do for the white race is to have a minimum of 3 kids because otherwise we go fucking extinct.
Every white man knows that he should keep his own life in order. Only niggers need to be told that.
I fucking hate this copypasta.
What are newfags?
Also, Truth is eternal
Isn't this the same faggot sport that was seriously trying to push Ronda Rousey as a fighting beast when anyone with two functioning eyes could clearly see that she was just a tiny woman beating the crap out of little girls who were even smaller than she was. Not only that, she had to rely on submissions for most of her victories.
This is also the same sport were two grown men grope each other on the ground and hug each others' nuts. Pride Fighting Championships were a Yakuza sham but they had the right idea with their version of MMA. They made sure that it was mostly a strike fest resulting in a bunch of fighters getting brain damaged because they got soccer kicked in the head if they went to the ground unlike modern-day MMA where everyone ground-fuck submits each other on the ground like the fucking fags they are.
>but luckily I didn't get affected by any fucked up brain shit.
like literally 99% of fighters, why is everyone acting like its guaranteed?
Wew fuggin lad
I'm going to do this.
not true in any combat sport
World's Strongest Man. Dispelling the BS about whites not being the strongest on this planet.
HEMA is a bad joke. they take their basics from french fencing (which was literally developed for not injuring the other guy to badly) and try to imitate german and italian fencing. Needless to say, they usually fail pretty bad and somehow never think of simply joining the traditional schools rather than trying to reconstruct something that has never been lost in the first place.
Also, their so-called full contact is laughable. Look at the dog brothers, Unified weapon masters or M-1 for actual full-contact weapon fighting.
Do you compete MMA? I train BJJ, judo, and muay thai but I only compete in BJJ because I am too afraid of being knocked retarded in MMA competition.
I'm surprised this practice isn't mocked more. And why are there shit stains on the wall? Do Pallies defecate down it at night or something.
>popular with white trash
>causes brain damage
It's definitely Sup Forums approved.
>cucking those digits
Blacks only came 50/50 in MMA after the rules changed to artificially favour strikers. Watch the early UFCs and you'll see black has nothing to do with it.
I haven't seen the term "white trash" so much in one thread, ever.
>Self defense should start with a gun, not your fists. Get a CCW and learn how to shoot.
knowing how to shoot won't help you unless you're able to access the gun in the first place. Before you start carrying, you should at least be able to break a grip / hold and get some distance. While MMA isn't the best place to learn this, it's still a good option if you don't have the opportunity to takepolice classes and aren't interested in learning a gun-using TMA.
Turkish oil wrestling
You want to know how I know you've never gotten into a fist fight before?
But he isent the worlds strongest
Stipe will BTFO Nhannou or whatever his name is. McGregor is LW champion. GSP should've been MW champion but he rejected his title and Mike Bisping was there before him. That's 3 white champions for (You).
Here is the same "bodybuilder" knocking out a Gracie Ju jitsu blackbelt with one punch.
>bjj is probably the safest route anyone can go to avoid risk and maximize their effectiveness in a fight
The fucking delusion. In a real life fight you're just going to get stomped to death if you seriously try to apply Blow Job Jewjitsu in a street fight. MMA style fighting is only applicable in a sports setting where the mindset is that you're not trying to kill your opponent.
Sure thing Mr. Alpha male. What ever nigger kek. I ain't against combat at all. I just think that the MMA style is not effective at all in real street fight. In an actual street fight the most you can hope for is to hit hard & fast like how Classic Mike Tyson used to d it, even then he'd still get his ass easily killed in a street fight once the knives & guns come out. It's you fucking faggot self-proclaimed Alfa males who are living in a mass delusion acting as if your BJJ is going to save you in a fight. Some training in Muay Thai, Savate, Boxing or any
stand up striking art can help save your life but only if your intention is to delay the attackers from shooting or stabbing you. Then getting the fuck out once you've beat down the few who are in your way. Fuck your bullshit. You don't sound like an alpha at all to me because you're not living in reality. Real life fights only last for a minute, any fist fight that lasts longer than that always evolves into a knife & a gun fight. Yeah fuck that.
I'd agree with you, if you were talking about Classic MMA from the 90s-early 2000s. Modern MMA is too orchestrated and restricted by the ruleset. The end result is that MMA fights look nothing like real life fights. It's why barely anyone watches MMA or Boxing, they both suck ass as combat sports. Although Boxing did used to resemble real fights during the Heavyweight era from 60s-80s. I see way too many tryhards in this topic who hilariously think that MMA is manly or realistic or will actually help you fight off against a wild pack of niggers.
We need to find a venue where these matches can literally go to the death. I think it could happen. Am I dreaming?
What you want is some good, old-fashioned Mandingo fighting. Buy a few slaves in Libya and it could be doable.
Best route is
>learn to box/kickbox
>learn bjj or rastlin
>always carrry a gun and knife
>if someone fucks with you stab/shoot them
If that fails at least you know how to fight with your body.
Fallon Fox
Rolles Jr. is a tomato can though. There's nothing impressive about beating him.
Pudzianowski literally got knocked out by a guy who didn't work out a single day in preparation for the fight.
MMA is a nice sport, but nothing more. It doesn't teach you how to fight any more than american football or rugby do as (at least under the unified rules) the most effective techniques (snake-type submissions, vertical elbows, headbutts) are banned to prolong the fights.
Shooto or Kali Tudo are way better - while they do reuire more protective gear, they don't limit fighters nearly as much.
Considering most of these guys have to take synthetic testosterone to stop their balls shrivelling to nothingness, i'd say you're the typical 16 year old yank faggot that started watching the sport as a result of meme fighters like ronda, potato nigger and brock lesnar. You kids ruined the sport.
MMA is intensely soyboy. I've never met a guy who was big into MMA who wasn't obviously trying to compensate for his own numaleness.
Predator Nigganu is coming for that belt. Rooting for Stipe though.