Christian General

This Thread is to discuss all things Christians

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We should ban gay marriage and exile catholics

This is not related to politics.

We should ba gay marriage at least

This is not politics that flag

Reminder that Catholicism is not Christianity.

What denomination are you

Your evangelical Christians, and Catholics may have lots of land to farm, and a weird form of welfare state. But why should protestants tax paying money , help raise a family of 12 Catholics leeches. The celestial family design doesn't work in Britain. Nuclear family's are best familys

>pope with bent cross
What did the heathens mean by this

Catholics in a nutshell


I have a question for you religiousfags. I'm currently involved in a legal wrangle of sorts. If I state I'm against homosexuality on religious grounds, where does the bible say it is wrong?

Unorthodox Christians are barbarians

You misspelled Degeneracy faggot

I want to use religion as a shield to say I find gayness wrong and against family values, if anyone wanted clarity.

You can to specify which denomination.

I don't care about the bible, I choose the religion which best resembles my beliefs.

Grow a pair of balls and tell them but if the world was gay, there'd be no tomorrow, I'm against gays on a fundamental bases, not person. Fucking homophobe

I'm not religious in the slightest. I want to disparage someone based on them being a faggot, and I want to use religion as a way of getting away with it.

You... you shall also burn come the day of judgement (I tell myself to stop myself from physically lashing out)
See how it works? Religion isn't an excuse. Be a man, and tell them your homophobic

That doesn't tend to go down well when you want something and will only end up with me looking like the bad guy.
If however I say, "my religion says gays are bad", I can still say I hate gays and they won't dare to tear me down because muh religion.

If I could be jewish, i would be. But that's something your born into. So I'm quite happy being a good goym, maybe I might find a jewish girl one day.

christians are jews and jews should die

Thanks. How do I justify hating dykes?

Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13
Romans 1:26-27

Awesome. Is there one about girl on girl?

Romans 1
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

And krauts belong in a zoo for endangered animals

That's the Romans one.

You guys are /r9k/ tier except you found religion to fill the vapid and miserable existence that is your lives

Also I'm becoming a doctor so I can abort babies regularly and trigger christards

As a protestant, I support this.
NO point having a baby if your not willing to love and care for it.

Ah, 1:26. Think that'll do the job, grand.
Bless you, christfag.

>look i'm so verbose
kys idiot


Cool. By being so miserable and degenerate person, you'll allow us all to justify ourselves before God that much easier.

kike detected

Psalms 2
1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

This has to be bait

Such my Christian cock! My jewish overlords will laugh and reward me


But I agree, that OP didn't choose a pic of a Christian.

you will be rewarded with a nice warm place in the oven alongside your jewish overlords

That's not how slavery works.

>Being mad at a religion for encouraging higher white birthrate.

How do i pray the rosey?

Reminder that Catholicism is not Christianity.

Religion is for everyone. So if I'm going to shove my religion down some dindu's throat, I don't want it to back fire. Church of England is the best church.

true. but thats how concentration camps work

Nope, but it's how Labour camps work.

Im 50% danish what do i do

Another thread where Protties are eternally butthurt that Christianity has always been far closer to Orthodoxy or Catholicism currently is than it ever was Protestant. When will you guy admit that your "Christianity" is a modernist invention of the 16th century? The early church is clearly nothing at all what you guys preach, read a book that isn't a KJV Bible for once.

Temptation should be minimised so you have no need to pray Rosie. Also you should be able to Devine the correct course of action. God blessed you with a mind, use it

I what to convert fagget fuck you
pic related

What difference does that make?

Thank you god bless

now you're splitting hairs. accept your fate, you're gonna be gassed and burned

Btw protestants are like the heathen Christians. Where Christianity chose the one book. Protestants choose the good bits from that one book.
I accept I'll never be jewish, but I refuse to be Muslim.

>It's another thread that gets derailed by the same divide and conquer tactics that have all but destroyed Christianity.

It's the same divide that lead to the north Ireland conflict

You are my brother user

good thread

Well yes, and no. Partially northern Ireland troubles are about religion, but both sides used religion to mask a national border dispute.
There's going to be some form of conflict there no matter what as long as there are two groups who disagree over what country they should be in.

that pic

remember to eat well

You 154042 000
me 15404 1911


>puts pic of the leader of the satanic church


Not my god

If you're not a Catholic you're not a real Christian.
Hail Satan.

>i-i-it's just Jesus coming out of a nuclear blast goy nothing strange about that

Reformation was directed in the same manner. North european noblemen wanted an excuse for having political independence from Rome. They did not hesitate to ally with anyone who facilitated this.

We tried to rebuild Europe's political-religious unity without success. We went bankrupt twice for this.

That pic good shit fuck you

>Alright faggots, who here an /heretic/?
not sure if the trinity is unscriptual but I hold that it is the biggest piece of nonsense in the christian faith
I am but a layman though

>It's another thread that gets derailed by the same divide and conquer tactics that have all but destroyed Christianity.
Absolute heresy. There is but one Church of Christ not many. And it's not divided but united. It may be small, but you judge where true Church is, not by quantity of souls, but quality of them.
Therefore, I profess, one Church of Christ, not of heretics, but true believers, outside of which there never was, is, nor will be salvation.

Christianity is kike subversion spread by a kike named Saul (you know him as Paul). He wrote the majority of the New Testament.

Christians slaughtered millions of white europeans in the name a desert cult leader. They forced their beliefs on us, we did not peacefully convert. They destroyed our temples, our statues, and killed us.

Christianity is the reason the morality of western man is so cucked. It's the reason we are so divided and individualist.

Christianity is SEMITIC CANCER

>Christianity is the reason the morality of western man is so cucked
You are literally full retard.

Yes, Christianity has been (((subverted))) same as everything else.
But saying that Christianity is "semetic cancer" is like saying Star Wars has always been cancer because Last Jedi is cancer.

Semitic religions have destroyed Europe

Thay fucked up your nation my brother.

>He wrote the majority of the New Testament.
That's not even close to true. Paul wrote most of the epistles, yes, but epistles don't even constitute half of NT.
>They destroyed our temples, our statues, killed us.
Well, we didn't do good enough job... But wait! You aren't really pagan. You have already learned paganism from books on paganism that were made by Christian scholars.
>It's the reason we are so divided and individualist.
Well then, go ahead. Live in collectivism as chinks do and tell me how it's better.
But before you do answer this.
Have achievements of white race, that I assume you take proud in, been achieved during pagan or Christian period? By Christians or by pagans?
And all the ills of todays society, that you bash here, have they started in religious Europe, or post-French Revolution secular Europe?

You can't /thread yourself, faggot.

>Christian general
>Posts a pope

I'm not referring to "turn the other cheek" but the inversion of values Christianity gives us. Christianity gave us the slave morality which is the basis for SJW cancer. It's a cult of death. Teaches the goyim he is a bad bad sinner and should constantly repent and beg the Desert Cult Leader for forgiveness

good bait image nice

>slave morality
gtfo, Nietzsche you're supposed to be dead

Any other Christian antinatalists? God says it's good for me not to have kids:

>Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it. (Matthew 19:11-12)

>An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world. (1 Corinthians 7:32-33)

>Salome: How long shall this miserable world of finitude last? How long shall death prevail?
>Jesus: As long as women bear children.

Do you agree with some Christians that what made Christianity great was the pagan element in it?

No it doesn't and anyone who thinks that only knows funhouse mirror version of Christianity taught in ridiculous protestant churches with guitar music and lesiban ministers.
Christ died for your sins. You don't have to beg any fucking cult leader for anything. You have to recognize that sinning is bad and you want to not sin. But you must also recognize that EVERYONE sins and that Christ's sacrifice was for just that reason: so nobody can hold sin over you like a kharmic debt jew.

then why SJW aren't Christian but liberal anti white trash
Funny to see how you mention Nietzsche without knowing that he praised Catholicism because the master morality won in it. All of this according to Nietzsche, of course.

Now that's a word from the Lord bless you and thank you brother.


You too. Discovering those passages was like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. I used to be confused how I can't perceive life as a gift worth passing on but still believed in loving God. At last I understand.

>not even close to true
He wrote the majority of books within the New Testament.
>You aren't really pagan.
Because christcucks came and took Europeans natural religion from them by force and replaced it with a repressive desert cult.
>Live in collectivism as chinks do and tell me how it's better.
Whites not being collectivist is the reason Jews have so easily subverted every institution and are dominating our homelands. Worship of the desert cult leader and neverending repentance for 'sin' becomes the ultimate defining thing for Christians, not race, family, or nation. It isn't a healthy belief system.
>achievements of white race
We would have achieved far more and be far less subverted today had we kept our native religion and it's traditions and institutions (which includes women being virginal before marriage). Christianity did nothing but hold us back.

Go forth and do what is right amen.

This is what Christianity teaches

>humans have irresistible urge to commit degeneracy
>all humans are degenerate, but to different extents
>degeneracy makes you an enemy of God
>but God hasn't forgotten about humans and sent His only Son to die on the cross, so that they would suffer stain and power of degeneracy over them no longer
>so your degeneracy is forgiven, as long as you don't persist in it and you hold the true faith
>that means that you should always watch out not to commit degeneracy, always fight against the urge to take it easy and do whatever you want
>such is the only way

Now SJW/liberal
>we're all equal
>there is no degeneracy
>religion (if not Muslim/Hindu, etc.) is an extinct superstition
>don't judge others, they can do whatever they want
>we should fight against those that explain as what to do
>there is no one path, for your only goal is happiness and that can be achieved in many different ways

Where's the overlap?

I recently moved to Atlanta and my priest at my new church here says I have to sing this song instead of the normal church songs. Is this normal in the south?

My brother loves this shit.he lost he rosary.non Catholic.pray for him.

You conveniently dodged every point that I made. It's ok, for I never thought you'd even respond.
>He wrote the majority of books within the New Testament.
Any proofs?
>Because christcucks came and took Europeans natural religion from them by force and replaced it with a repressive desert cult.
You just admitted that your religion is a LARP.
Not very religious of you, dare I say.
>Whites not being collectivist is the reason Jews have so easily subverted every institution and are dominating our homelands.
No. It's because we lost touch with our roots, forgot who we are, and allowed our cultures and religion to be "de-constructed" by post-modernists. Same post-modernists that you adhere to.
>neverending repentance for 'sin' becomes the ultimate defining thing for Christians, not race, family, or nation.
Repentance isn't the most defining feature of Christianity. They are three things that will persists thru death, for they are perfect: Hope, Faith and Love. If you don't consider that family is about love, then I don't have words for you.
>We would have achieved far more and be far less subverted today had we kept our native religion and it's traditions and institutions (which includes women being virginal before marriage). Christianity did nothing but hold us back.
That's a baseless assumption and I will treat it accordingly.

The ethics are different on their face but they are similar in other ways. Neither Christians or SJWs value objective truth. Christians held back science for centuries in fear that it would contradict the Word of God and SJWs reject science in favor of feelings and liberal ideology. Christianity is a religion for the weak against the powerful, it originally spread like a virus amongst the oppressed. SJW is an ideology for the weak against the powerful and spreads similarly amongst the weakest among us. Both are about being holier than thou while never admitting that that's ultimately what your trying to do, both are ultimately subversive and semitic in nature. Both want to force their retarded beliefs on you, Christians did this with murder and SJWs by calling you a bigot racist