I want to learn about libertarianism/ancapism. Where do you recommend I start...

I want to learn about libertarianism/ancapism. Where do you recommend I start? I've heard this guy's name a lot along with Hoppe, Mises and a couple others. Which one is best for someone unfamiliar with libertarianism, and which book(s) should I start with?

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Do you guys not read books or something

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Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
Economics in One Lesson by Hazlett
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal by Rand

I have a picture collection let me look for it.

Start with Anatomy of the State. If it doesn't turn you AnCap after the first chapter then this probably isn't the right ideology for you.

start by going back to 2012

If you only read one book, read pic related.
It's essential reading, even for NatSocs.

Go listen to Econtalk. It's pretty accessible
Also read Hayek. Road to serfdom. It explains how communists and national socialism are both a reaction to liberal democracy, and how they both inevitably fail as central planned economies

Btw here's a link.
I also recommend another Hoppe book called The Great Fiction

Really though, if you actually want to understand ancapism, you have to understand Austrian economics well. You can't go wrong with Man, Economy, and State by Rothbard (who was a jew, but probably a good one).
Free audiobook here:

He said libertarian books. You know. Small state. Not over whelming state that controls your life and can kill you subject to you failing random purity tests

He said
Not sure what you mean.

Have you even read this book? At least he's honest that ancapitalism/lolbergtardianism leads to medieval feudalism.

I haven't read it so I guess your summary could be completely on point, but I thought it was a criticism trying to create a libertarian society that could remain libertarian. If you have enough degenerates created by a wealthy society (people who don't care to have children, drug addicts, homosexuals, etc.) then they will cause the society to create a state with liberal policies such as welfare.

By physically remove he meant that all the business owners and landlords refuse your business or to give you a lease (which they have a right to since they're free to discriminate as it's their property) thus forcing you to conform, go elsewhere, or perish.

The book does not promote an overwhelming state that keeps you in line. He's just a leafposter I guess.

>By physically remove he meant that all the business owners and landlords refuse your business or to give you a lease (which they have a right to since they're free to discriminate as it's their property) thus forcing you to conform, go elsewhere, or perish.
This is correct. Jared Taylor is always talking about how people voluntarily segregate themselves in the absence of regulation, and Hoppe's view is the same.
Hoppe talks about the bad neighbor problem here.
Start at 21:50 and play at 1.5x speed.

Shit recommendation, Hoppe's books aren't entry level and they're too focused to be a general overview most of the time. Don't be silly user.

Anatomy of the State - Murray Rothbard
The Law - Frederic Bastiat
(both are very short books for the lazy cunts)

David Boaz and Milton Friedman are always great, easy to digest but still quality. Then you can work your way into Hoppe, the rest of Rothbard, Mises - Liberalism/Omnipotent government, Hayek's Constitution of Liberty/Road to Serfdom etc.

Purely on the Capitalism side, nothing really tops Henry Hazlitt & Thomas Sowell, they really do sum it up in layman terms, Sowell prides himself on not adding complex graphs/arithmatic in his books and Henry Hazlitt hit a home run with Economics in One Lesson.

God bless.

>1.5x speed
Didn't expect that to help. I prefer 1.25x.

Thanks, I can't believe I haven't listened to this guy before.

J.S. Mill - On Liberty
John Locke - Two Treatise On Government

That's all you need. Supplement with some Friedman and Hayek. You can read some Nozick but he aware that he creates retarded rhetorical devices.

Libertarianism is simple. Remove all government regulations so powerful corporations can fuck us all in the ass forever because it’s their god given right to do anything and everything to increase profits, and we should all just be happy if they allow us to bask in the glow of their radiance.

Which powerful corporation raped you when you were a child? Please identify some regulations that saved you from harm.

Hazlitt's basic economics
then read anything you like by mises

after that, you're on your own.

If you are old enough to remember how polluted the country was before the EPA, that should be a big clue right there. Fear not though we will likely get relive those days again now that the EPA is being dismantled so Struggling small businesses like Exon Mobil can finally make enough money to survive.