How the fuck can anybody deny Southern and Eastern Europe is heavily mixed?
How the fuck can anybody deny Southern and Eastern Europe is heavily mixed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Northern France is touched, but Northern Italy is clean
L'éternel anglo qui traitre du monde de batard, hilarant..
t. abo
>heavily mixed
Mixed with what dumb cunt?
lmao, Italians and Spaniards have more nigger in them than t*rks
Who cares? We will have genetic splicing within 30 years, so it doesn't really matter. I guarantee you there will be purple and red eyes in that time. 8 foot tall humans too
African Admixture includes White Meds from North Africa. North Africans are shitskins because of arab admixture, which Turkey has a lot of.
North Africans =/= Arabs
I've never heard anyone in Europe use the one drop rule. what you would consider wogs in Australia (Greeks for example) are considered white. Europe isn't obsessed with race anyway, nationality is more important. People are just as rude to Poles as they are Pakis. And yes, you can tell when someone is not English, even a dutch or french can be distinguished. Would be hard for you mongrels though.