How the fuck can anybody deny Southern and Eastern Europe is heavily mixed?
How the fuck can anybody deny Southern and Eastern Europe is heavily mixed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Northern France is touched, but Northern Italy is clean
L'éternel anglo qui traitre du monde de batard, hilarant..
t. abo
>heavily mixed
Mixed with what dumb cunt?
lmao, Italians and Spaniards have more nigger in them than t*rks
Who cares? We will have genetic splicing within 30 years, so it doesn't really matter. I guarantee you there will be purple and red eyes in that time. 8 foot tall humans too
African Admixture includes White Meds from North Africa. North Africans are shitskins because of arab admixture, which Turkey has a lot of.
North Africans =/= Arabs
I've never heard anyone in Europe use the one drop rule. what you would consider wogs in Australia (Greeks for example) are considered white. Europe isn't obsessed with race anyway, nationality is more important. People are just as rude to Poles as they are Pakis. And yes, you can tell when someone is not English, even a dutch or french can be distinguished. Would be hard for you mongrels though.
I feel bad for you guys. Poles seem like real fucking assholes. I swear to you man, every girl with a name ending in owski is a fucking coal burner at my uni
It's not nigger, it's nigger and berber.
8foot is impractical af
7feet you are already useless unless you are an athlete
Pure North Africans are white meds, they're shitskinned now because of high arab admixture. North Africa used to be incredibly prosperous and made many advancements until arab immigration.
Don't hate on poles. I live in an area where there are a few people from Eastern Europe and quite a large amount of Pakistanis, but really, the immigrants are probably smarter and better behaved than most of the natives.
It's because niggers come on boats from africa. Thousands of them get on the coasts of sicily and they either stay there,move to northern countries or are sent back with our money
True, we don't want anymore lanklets
North Africa used to be the "granary" of Rome
Really makes you think about how subhumans the Arabs are if they are able to get mass-starvations
Get the fuck away from my country, Kanake subhuman. Or at least start behaving as bad as possible to heat up the ethnic tension
Oh man, its awful! I saw Barbosa running down people with a SUV the other day. He was such a nig that made emus and abbos look white.
Judging by the state of things we will have american housewives coming here looking for a new husband.
There is nothing worse than an Albanian
Phewww that was fucking close
Beware the Schizo Albanian is here
Can confirm, with 0.5% we are basically basketball Americans at this point
0.5 is NOTHING
>Swedish african admixture 0,20
>Greek african admixture 0,08
How do you feel now you know Swedish have way more african DNA than Greeks??
nordcucks btfo
kys sholomo
reminder that theres a thing called invisible blackness in australia
meaning you can marry someone who is at least 50% abo and passes as white
then your child will carry the subhuman abo genes