People in Spain are saying that this bitch did not see it coming:
People in Spain are saying that this bitch did not see it coming:
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Wether or not she saw it coming it gives you no right to do that you fucking animal.
I'm not trying to defend the guy, but she is actually as degenerate as him
English please. I don't speak the language Mexican speak.
Why is this news?
Bitch deserves it if ahe dresses like that
Because she wore a dress that showed some cleavage? You really are Muslim rape babies.
god damn mexicans coming over here shooting up all the jobs
>defends (((cleavage)))
le based woman XDDD
It is well-known that southern Europeans are sexist trash. Well done.
Cleavage is now a Jewish invention? Jesus, I can't tell if you kids are trolling anymore. You must have been huffing some high octane to be this Abbo level of dumb.
So? Doesn't mean you should start grabbing people like a nigger mudslime. No one should go around touching strangers like that, weather they're man or woman.
This is why women should not be out in public alone.
Inb4 sand nigger
Modest women are a thing of the past. They enjoy being groped and raped (if you're attractive enough)
>muh body muh choice based women should be allowed to dress how they want xD
back to /r/eddit you must go, cuck
t. soyboys
Nah, I like it here. You idiots are easy to troll.
At least I'm not a Muslim rape baby :^)
Only niggers & sand niggers can't restrain themselves in front of a woman dressed like that.
You have to understand. These American mutts are cuckolds. They promote homosexuality they watch Jewish films that tell them men and women. Should not be attracted to each other they raise other men's kids and they think a women who can't cook is a good wife. They just don't get it. They have no testosterone and they have no idea that women and men are sexually attracted to one another.
>British flag
Yeah, it's a Paki. The Muslim rape babies seem to be pretty ok with it as well.
I wonder what the common connection here is.
Well she clearly should have seen it coming.
Who the fuck would use the Renfe trains with all those sub-humans "cani" scum riding them? They are basically niggers.
Cant watch it right now, someone tell me what goes on in the video?
Elvira take public transportation.
Can I get a quick rundown?
>I'm so frustrated that I justify my urge to jump on every lady in the street with "muh instinct"
I can understand why you impregnant your cousin, but how can you call your educated and tempered fellow burgers "cuckhold" when they must have a healthier sexual activity ? Tyrone, is that you ?
I watched that video with the sound off, and I do not speak Spanish. It's not hard to decipher what is going on.
No, far from that m8. I'm just not a dumb nigger like yourself. Plus you think it's just a scale of just Soyboy vs Feral Nigger, which makes you eben more dumb.
It says it was removed
Damn that’s fucked up
You're doing something wrong friend. It's still up.
This shit is disgusting to watch and it actually fuels the feminists narrative that there's a rape culture/constant opression agaisnt women.
The guy should have got beaten on the spot, no matter how degenerate that dress is.
It'd have been enough to adress her about the dress issue with good words not some corny cheesy predator-like comments. And even less with actual physical sexual harassment and assault.
This shit is disgusting.
very true.
why you treat your own women like shit paco? babe was generous to show off those milkers as any woman should and they go chimp like on her. low.
He's behaving like a wild muslim. That's sick.
Good point sven. Not even mass rapes make the news in svierge
>hey gurl, your tits are so nice you'd stop Spain with them!
>haha, that's a new one
>show them! show them before you leave
>nah :)
that doesn't look staged at all
>not knowing the ways of your neighbouring country
I wish I could say I havent seen guys with that attitude on public transport on festivities or 'party hours'.
Both grimey fucks. But u can't be doing that to strangers. Slut should get a slap from her dad and the guy should be getting beat up by some hard cunts for thinking that's ok
Go back to watching the religion of peace run over 80 ppl. I hope you get nuked. So that when in public i say it was a nuke of piece i can laugh even more.
Both are incredibly stupid.
>showing massive cleavage on public transportation
>walking up and licking someone's tists
I mean, I give him props for having the balls to do that, but still, he's wrong too.
Really makes you think
The thing is, being as stupid as she is, the moment he starts physically harassing her it stops being about the dress and starts being about the guy's actions
that dog is looking at a bigger steak.
Cuckolds. They are mad that one guy. Was able to feel and kiss a nice tit. And ass on a roasie. Without sounding 200 dollars on dates with a whore like they would have had to.
Thanks user. So he was just some random old Spaniard on the train, and he groped her?
What is the controversy? (other than that people shouldn't grope people)
It's just sad that you value tit feel so much you justify this subhuman's behaviour.
I bet feeling a tit must be THAT hard for you, huh?
Tinder exists friend, I haven't had to pay more than 5$ for gas and $20 for a cheap bottle of wine to get laid in almost 2 years.
That's kind of like saying that Chad McExtrovert is jealous of a manlet nigger who raped a white woman. Just because he said the nigger was in the wrong.
Well yeah, but like I said, both are at fault in their own ways. It's like that scene in Die Hard 3 and not expecting issues.
Controversy is feminists in Spainare using this to maintain the 'every girl is getting raped!!1!one!' fantasy
Those tits are practically falling out of the dress you retard
All anglos and or French or even worse. German and nordics. Maybe when i fuck your wife mom and sister and than i kill all your male members and than i say allah akbar.
Than you will finally say the motivation for the attack was islam.
Until then have fun figuring out the motivation for a nuclear explosion by a afghan man who had "drug" issues and smoked cigarettes
This. They're fucking pathetic.
What is this gay shit? Who gives a fuck
That's nigger tier behaviour
Found the Muslim
Oh right. Well that's probably just them projecting their rape-fantasies as usual.
>Hates on whites
>Has poor punctuation
>Fragmented sentences
Alright Jose, the jig is up.
You make your argument seem irrational when you come off as irrational. It's not the Jews, it's your own stupidity.
based muhammed
Replace it being a white guy with a black guy. Hmm, really makes you think.
No excuses for degeneracy.
Hello muhammed
>dressing like that in public is not subhuman behavior
slutty dressing is sexual harrasment in it's worst - it makes a direct and targeted appeal to physically arouse men, while knowing that acting upon that natural effect is socially a taboo and legally a crime. a good woman keeps her body to herself and her husband. a slutty dresser DESERVES to be raped, because her intention is to cause distress and pain
>that guy
The absolute state of britbongs.
Why did he set up a nuclear warhead in Sydney mate? He was just an iranian from palestine. Butb what was the motivation?
>walk around with huge tits practically exposed
>cmon goys treat me like a person!
80 IQ people exist, color me surprised
>I do not speak Spanish
your kids will
What is this meme?
So you also enlarged the definition of rape from "master-pink slave and master-black slave" to everything? Sad!
I don't know. Nothing really bad happened so who cares.
It seems you may be the driver of the truck, Abdel.
Being this mad for reminding you got the behaviour of a rabbid nigger.
If you want to get laid, swipe right on tinder. It's haram, I know but you will see lightly dressed women in a totally different way. You won't feel the need to cover them with a burka !
based jew
i never will understand how touching something you are flaunting purposely is suppose to be rape
if i walked around women with my dick out swinging around its because i want someone to look and touch
I just got brain cancer
Based jew
Non mon ami, mes enfants parleront français, et Anglais. Perhaps Spanish as well, if they want. Both myself and my fiance speak English and French and she also speaks Russian and is intermediate in German. Our children will speak multiple languages.
Rather than groping he should have punched her in the face, then maybe you wouldn't have a bunch of white knights clanging their shields on Sup Forums
>Cuántxs de vosotrxs
top kek, fucking lefties retards
Two degenerates being degenerate. Gas them both.
You sound like a faggot
nu-huh, silly boi
looking is free, touching is $50 ;)
He's speaking french ! GET HIM !
>using a nigbull known for snapping and killing their owner over any luttle thing as an example
Harrassed fine, raped, NO.
Take a shower, filth.
>Yesterday, Bree Wiseman was brutally mauled to death by her beloved pet pitbull, Hilldawg. Friends and family say the gentle family dog would have never dun nuffin, but authorities say discovered Hilldawg ripping out Bree Wiseman's spleen. To the officer's amazement, the steak she had left out was still on the plate, untouched.
That based jew did it to our countries while not allowed in his own.
When did Sup Forums become infested with mgtow faggots?
Defending your women is white knighting? My god, kill youself with anglin and (((weev)))
>Controversy is feminists in Spainare using this to maintain the 'every girl is getting raped!!1!one!' fantasy
I see the swedish virus has spread
And even if they were fully out, that's perfectly legal in Spain. It doesn't give you the right to commit assault and battery
you hijab loving mofo beta go live amongst mid easterners.
i want woman to feel safe and show as much as that espanola did whenevr they feel like it. but only if they are at least as fit as she was. what is more beautiful in this life than a sight of a beautiful woman? nothing you cunt, that is what.
prick that groped her should be exiled to pakistan.
FOOKIN BASTEEEE!!! Our based president in a trump hat has already thanked them by doing this ---->
>A ver cuántxs de vosotrxs
Nice to see Spain ruining their own language.
that's a great picture
so creepy
Her reaction was very weird, maybe she went into shock? Also throw that guy in jail and put a turtleneck on the girl desu
Not even using @ like normal people.
Franken says she asked for it
>t.abdul mustfa
Your moorish side is showing
Sure. Most dogs will sneak up to the table and take the steak if you leave them unattended. So this is dumb ass food analogy is more accurate then she thinks.