I have a question for Americans. You're all so gung-ho about being PC and racism and all that shit but how do you let pic related fly? These guys are racist all the time and it's funny as shit. How is it that this is not pulled off the air? Is it because you consider Philadelphia people trash and it's supposed to be derogatory or some shit?
I have a question for Americans...
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The only people that are PC are our kike journalists and academics. The most polite person on earth will recognize nigger foolishness if they are comfortable enough with a person.
liberals LOVE this show. dont try and make sense of it. they are just blind followers and consumers. Path of least resistance sorts. Lemmings.
The show is based off the premise that they're horrible people who usually get their comeuppance in the end.
They're acting.
They could act like a bunch of nigger-hating, gay-bashing, spic-killing white people and I wouldn't give a fuck.
and they literally had an episode where they broke into song about how bad of a time black people have it and everyone should lay off.
Goddamn it, that one pissed me off.
You know, this is true, I have a brother in law who is super liberal and swears by this show
Gimme one good reason. Woah-oh-oh-ohhhh
yall buggin mayyyyne.
niggas were hanging from da raftazz
Because they're universally represented as stupid. That makes the left feel good.
I still watch it, because it's fucking funny.
Is everyone else out if Dennis leaves? I hate when shows keep going after a character leaves.
This was done ironically, I'm sure, but I still find it funny.
Yes. Dennis is the best character on the show, hands down.
nigga its a tv show calm down
Still... There's a piece of truth in every joke.
I love them all desu. Shit is like my favorite show and I really don't even watch tv (cord cutter from 2009). I may check out of old media permanently if Dennis bounces.
Sorry for the blogpost. This shit just hts close to home.
The show is loaded with Kike actors and writers. Didn't you know Goy? Kikes like a nigger pet can do no wrong! They are the new standard for what isn't and never been funny. Dry try hard humor. It all kikes know.
Is this, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?" Because I've never watched it. I avoid anti-white bullshit.
I'm well aware that Hollywood is filled with kikes and pretty much every TV show has kike employees, writers etc. I just was under the impression that Always Sunny was relatively free in that regard.
Does that matter, though? The Left doesn't care about humor, they just want their brand of authoritarianism. Honestly, I'm surprised this show hasn't been attacked yet, unless I've never heard about it (a likelyhood).
its not anti white lmao
Yes, because it's called satire.
Its stupid. Family guy manatee writing with humans. Best parts the opening credits.
The Actor far left is a Kike and the two on the far right are Kikes. Diveto might as well be an honorary Kike and then they have their Shabbos Goy Anti White whore. All for whatever a Kike thinks since these libshits cannot think on their own and they have to be told lies to regurgitate.
The cast is all white and there is absolutely no anti-white shit which is surprising, there are episodes with blackface too which is why I made this thread
ofc its anti white. its the normalization of psychopathic narcissistic behavior that is all too common in tee-vee shows these days.
It's funny yea, but it's also meant to normalize abnormal anti social behavior among impressionable whites.
Charlie Day isn't a kike, he's basically Irish
I learned when people call someone something or state something about someone and then say oh I was just kidding. Guess what they aren't kidding. Now go neck yourself in the backroom kike!
its an off-beat comedy show, and they use the so-called psychopathic narcissistic tendencies as a source for its comedy.
>it's also meant to normalize abnormal anti social behavior among impressionable whites.
Meh, I always saw it more as "these people are the absolute worst kind of people, don't be like this."
Lots of Jews have stolen White man blood over the Centuries. Call them White but they don't live like whites or think like whites. They want whites to live like them and to be animals like them. Which they have come a long way at debasing us all. They like to even brag about it. That is how proud they are.
It's an ensemble cast of 4 Archie Bunkers. The (((producers))) think they are mocking the stupidity of working class whites, but they are truly showing what we all think. The characters just lack the oversocialized filters the rest of us are constrained by.
Don't be a moral busybody. Leave it to the regressives.
One thing I'd like to tell you when Kikes arrived and took English last names. They went with names like Day, Fox, Fields, Gates, Hill, Lee, Tree and many other simple words in the English language. They have been in Europe with their Abrahamic filth for Centuries if not Eons.
That's is nothing, watch some of this.
Yes, and tell me why do so much comedy base their humor on self derogatory jokes on the whites expense? Narcissistic characters?
It's all meant to humiliate and indoctrinate, TV is, or was a HUGE part of where the most impressionable of us draw their behavior, or learn about social norms and roles. It's not a coincidence the jews always seek to take control of first is the media.
Kike bitch on the right of Archy with her tribe want to indenture slave and servitude whites and blacks and Mexicans for what ever their reasons, purposes, or gains. When Whites and Blacks truly unite and respect each other. The Kikes will know the beginning of their end! Like the bean headed screech next to Archy.
It called a mirror, sorry you feel so bad about yourself.
The message was for you Kike. I'm glad you got in crystal.
regarding the show OP is referring to, the show was only good early on. Since then it's cast and writers have been corrupted and the characters they play have been corrupted as well. The degeneracy of the main characters from the early seasons to the latest is astounding.
I don't feel so bad about me as much as feel bad for everyone else. Everyone else like kikes want me to feel bad about myself. Kike Abraham filth wants me to feel bad about myself. Kikes religion like a nigger project on everyone else what they are and their culture. Unlike what kikes and their leftist pets say not every race or people are the same. No matter how much Kikes try to brow beat people. Kikes are just lazy and greedy and most of them literally think they are better than everyone else. Thanks to their stupid religion and shekels. They continue to build the brand of money daily. To have the rest of us worked up about it while they scheme and plot like the sub humans which they are at this point. If a person says they are a Jew then they are subhuman just by the religion they choose.
P.S. I'm not kidding!
Racism is funny when done right.... add hate into it and it turns into a kkk black hole
Noice :)
The absurdity of something can be funny, but many times the reality of it is not.
oh hey
They had the most pro-gun thing you can expect from Hollywood. I watch the credits too and it's all goyish names.
Devito is opposite irl and Dee is a pinko on the network show of hers
and don't forget about nazi episodes.
Literally who?
it was right around some controversial stuff with BLM or some black incident, the whole thing reeked of some higherup coming in and writing a script. The episode had no point and wasn't funny in the least.
They went sjw for sure, but at least the message was not the white munz is bad and shieet but more like shit's complicated for both races. That season is them toeing the line of sjw-ism, though
Try suicide
I personally love this show. It has me laughing like nothing else. It is true that libtards love it though, because I know a lot of them and they all love it too. It's because they have immunity because of virtue signalling. Danny Devito shilling for Corbyn earlier on this year, for example.
Yeah, it was the first episode of their latest season and I was pissed that this shit seeped into the show. It was weird because it was just shoehorned in there, while the rest of the season was pretty good.
Kinda. There's an episode where Frank's cola company gets run by Dee and that shit was Feminist Central
That's what
>American humor
actually is. It's being egregiously stupid or obtuse or outrageous. That's why the protagonists of shows like Family Guy or The Simpsons are retard fucks, or why Sheldon in Big BLACKED Theory is any 3 autistic shit. The earlier South Park eps were exposés on the ridiculousness of adult life essentially as all the adults were construed as totally out of touch or stupid and ridiculous. Always Sunny just takes the ideal to its maximum and makes all the characters as despicable as possible by average American standards in the humorous way. Uneducated and brutish but pretending to be competent.
Now as for shows like PICKLE RIIIIIIIICK XDDDDD it's more the outrageous factor. Same with many Adult Swim shows in that regard.
>any 3 autistic shit
An autistic shit*
at the end of the day, we like to laugh at ourselves and there are plenty of people in Philly that are just like the show. Only the angry feminists cunts are the way you described.
Theirs an episode where they visit the new bar in town. They constantly kept talking about how the new bar had a black guy . pretty good show with some very memorable episodes
Because of you fucks on this website I can spot social engineering in a goddamn cereal commercial. Never got that vibe from this show, maybe the last few seasons in episodes but I haven't seen them all. The Boggs episode was great, so was the one in Frank's POV. I always got more small red pills from this show than anything else.
Would you bang Dee? I would.
Yes and yes. Absolutely.
Literally the best country in Europe, sure we're poor as fuck but that means when immigrants come in we just tell them to fuck off and they leave in less than a week. There was a situation when the mudslimes actually tried to get jobs here but we just told them that there aren't any
>Would you bang Dee?
Idk desu senpai
liberalism is just complete nonsense, if a handful of bloggers went after this show it would all come tumbling down in less than 24 hours, thats the power of virtue signaling at work
>Literally the best country in Europe
you sure Ivanas?
Go eat some cabbage Slovak while I bang some cheap and beautiful whores
I feel sorry for you and your post soviet shithole kiddo
They had to be magically turned black and then Charlie gets shot by a cop before they learn that lesson, though.
Still in character.
Also most of them are liberal assholes except for Mac and very likely Frank.
They made a few dumb topical episodes in the last season.
Making a Murderer with Dennis was kino though.
We're way past the post soviet era while your flag is basically Russia 2.0. have fun sucking Bosnian dick
Whats some good comedy from outside the US that's relevant. Save your Mr. Bean, Monty Python and original office shit Every time o turn on the tv, thete us some unfunny Brit queer here in America.
They did an episode mocking hands up don't shoot and there was outrage from the left.
None of the main cast are jewish.
It's like the anti-seinfeld
they're full social justice in real life, that's how they get away with the show
Is that a bad thing though? I find that it's not a good idea to follow the private lives of musicians, actors anyway. They might be SJW but that doesn't mean they will never say meaningful shit.
They aren't glorified. The things they do are so ridiculous that they can be laughed at.
Is because "Sweet D" is a dude who has a "Sweet D"
I've enjoyed how the characters of the show have flanderized but it's actually the logical conclusion of these very insular, unhinged and out of touch people who are obsessed with their youth.
nigga it's just the EU calm down
How high are you exactly
If it's funny it's usually fine. Comedy gets a lot of slack.
The characters are supposed to be terrible people.
I don't remember the last time I've been sober
literally nobody is PC stop watching television
>time to check internet
>check out Sup Forums
>see thread
>its another thing this board hates
Can you anons go 5 seconds being happy for once in your life? Really convinced this board is where the virgin psychopaths of Sup Forums reside.
Oy vey*
Kys yourself