Liberal speak
>Thank god 2017 is over, what a nightmare
Liberal speak
>Thank god 2017 is over, what a nightmare
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
get the fuck out libtards
Obi Wan Xenophobi
>This winter, start a dialouge with your family over holiday dinner!
There is nothing I hate more than universities/left wing organizations telling kids to go home and try to change their old racist/sexist/homophobic parents. It's cult like. They drive a stake straight into the heart of the family unity.;
This is not ok
Well it was. Fuck 2017. I miss Obama so much and I wish Hillary won. I hate Trump so much.
The only people that voted for Hillary are the ultra rich and welfare niggers. Based normies all voted for Trump.
In other words, the only people who voted Hillary were people from sprawling urban centers where the sense of community and family values has long been dead.
Urban niggers struggle standing out from the crowd of faceless roasties and don't give a shit what happens to the people surrounding their habitat as long as they get their individual recognition and gibs.
Seriously. Every day since he's become president, I've had to fight for my life!
When I'm at the gaybar, trying to get my neghole pozzed, who says trump won't enter with 2 assault rifles and mows us all down?! He does that all the time, according the CNN.
But I needn't worry. CNN promises that trump will be impeached soon. This time for real. For actually real, For really, actually, totally, this time for sure real. Trump's daughter used to be friends with someone who knows someone who once had a russian exchange student in his parallel class, so the connection is OBVIOUS.
Ah yes, those urban centers, bastions of great housing, high education, the lowest violence across the board. Man the rest of us could learn so much from those smart smart urbanites.
>trigger warning
Brave story, bro.
Keep fighting the good fight to get more dick in that ass.
Trump can't stop you from getting the two scoops of cum you need.
>current year + 1 will be better
you go xir!