It's a fact
You guys like the Cherry Pick the ugliest ones out there so it fits your racist propaganda
But damn they look great.
It's a fact
You guys like the Cherry Pick the ugliest ones out there so it fits your racist propaganda
But damn they look great.
This "thing" is good looking? user.....
>Race mixed people are better looking than White people
Couldn't it also be said you do the same but to fit your own brand of racist propaganda? Cherrypicking pretty ones?
Average ans still better looking than 80% of White people. I know it's pathetic
OP is retarded but this broad is just being a whiny twat
This is really bad bait.
Try again tomorrow, but make a thread in defense of yellow fever. Say there's nothing wrong with it, and say that Elliot Rodgers only did it because he's half Kike
PoC need to breed with white people to have children that look half decent
White people don't
PoC need white people but white people don't need PoC. The relationship between poc and white people is dictated by this basic reality in all of manner of things. No exceptions
Made like twelve seconds.
One imagine being that insecure and two no one wants to touch nigger hair.
As others Said earlier,she's average at best,it's not Cherry picking
This one isn't ugly and is pretty gorgeous
> Average '''''ans''''' still better looking than 80% of White people
Yes, white people are ugly. Go breed with blacks and chinks. Fucking mongrel.
Their lips are literally bigger than their brains
>they look great
Nigger detected
Come on pol let's show these kikes what the little porgy really stand for
>Race mixed people are better looking than white people
Okay but
Why are ya posting niggers?
Their lips are bigger than your brain and your future
Hey post that mafia movie guy's Daughter now! Keep the Cherry picking!
The one on the left looks like your average mixed person (Korean and black)
That's the 100% White face,what's your point?
>Nigger DNA overwrites all other races
>90% of mixed babies look 99% nigger
Fuck off Jamal
So a shitty jungle asian? Because that's what she looks like.
Is she? Looks fucking hot to me.
Looool ,id love to see your selfies
>Race mixed people are better looking than White people
Is that supposed to be attractive?
Dude you seriously need to get an eye test....
Why put the 100% White inbred face on someone that was blessed with genetic diversity?
See? She's average at best and still better looking than 80% of White people
I know you're gay OP, that goes without saying, but you can get by at least one day without sucking cock. It's the first step that leads you to the road of recovery.
>better looking than 80% of White people
Did you hit your head on something?
it's a bait
It's a fact*