What's Sup Forums's opinion on how to take a piss correctly?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on how to take a piss correctly?
In the streets
The only correct way to piss, is on a communist.
Why you people smell like shit food?
I always take my piss with a boner
Only way to take a piss correctly.
lel my kraut friend and his kraut mom had a sign like this in their house when I was a kid
everytime I went over there I pissed all over the seat and walls and they blamed it on his little brother
Don't you hate when you're sitting on the toilet and the erotic nature of taking a massive BBC shaped poo poo makes your cock hard and as the blood flows more the helmet of said cock brushes the bacteria infested toilet bowl. Feels good
wait out the erection
don't you have a Muslim uprising to be worried about instead of shitposting about your race mixing fetishes?
Nah I'm a Jew. We good.
i also piss with an erection every time
i used to do the left one but my wife(literally german) compels me to do the right one so when I'm home the answer to your question is right form
In the tub, duh. Hard or soft, no worrying about making a mess.
if you pee sitting and can avoid it touching the sides of the bowl, you're a micro-dicklet
the only way in a "situation" is to do a hand stand above the bowl (if you're not athletic you can press the knees upon the wall above)
if I sit my benis touch the loo, not pleasant feeling, when I poo I have to hold my benis so it doesn't touch the loo.
Lmao how? Does she check up on you while you're in there?
Why would it touch the side of the wall if it hangs in the water?
>Says the mutilated goblin
When it's semi erect.
If it's semi erect you wouldn't be able to sit down in the first place.