Article 7 has been triggered agaist Poland.
EU is putting it's food down in a threat against mostly right-wing eastern europeans. How long till EU completely falls apart?
Article 7 has been triggered agaist Poland.
EU is putting it's food down in a threat against mostly right-wing eastern europeans. How long till EU completely falls apart?
>food down
I meant "foot", sorry.
>Article 7
That sure as hell stopped Germans in destroying everything back in 1945.
That's the thing. This is barely more than sending a strongly worded letter. Everybody knows Germany essentially rules EU, regardless of who has voting rights in it.
Can then not see this is just making Poland leaving eu evenmore likely? Or is that the goal?
Why would the EU fall apart because of Pooland? We're completely irrelevant, our GDP makes up like 3% of EU GDP. As long as PiS doesn't understand this, we are fucked.
This isn't just about Poland. It's about every other country in the eastern europe that refuses to take rapefugees and stands up to EU bullying.
Domino effect, probably. Enjoy your color revolution.
food is actually funnier.
This will stops once britain is out, and the EU shall remain.
the shits actually did it
why aren't you getting out of that shit?
You literally dismantled your hard owned democracy.
You fucking idiots.
Nah, unless they give Orban substantial gibs, we are good.
Why does Frans Timmermans still parade around like a peacock when he wasn't elected by the Dutch?
He's such a fucking faggot with a face I want to smash in with a hammer.
And how will you build your highways if you leave?
Seriously, how?
I'd be happy to, but I have plenty of liberal friends(I live in the capital, most liberals are here) think it's gonna be the end of the world if we leave the EU. The skys will open and the 4 horsemen of the apocalylse will arrive. I shit you not. They think EU is magic that keeps europe from starting WW3.
Why is Poland relying on Hungary only and not the rest of the lads
Kind of tired of seeing everybody pointing to orban while giving Slovakia Czech Slovenia Romania etc a free pass to kike around
>dismantled democracy
>done same shit other gov did when it got the power and any other part before them
dont fall for the memes
what is the article 7?
If Poland gets frozen out, it shows the rest of Eastern Europe what Brussels thinks of the region - you either fall in line or you get sanctioned.
So it's incredibly likely that EE would follow Poland.
How the fuck do you figure we're to blame for this?
Wow.. Just wow. Even when this rapefugee shit was happening we told the EU not to do this.
He fucking told all the EU that these were not genuine refugees. Look at Amnesty going batshit over it. So don't blame us, this is all the EU's doing.
Why does Poland even need voting rights?
Just give the EU the middle finger and continue siphoning gibs while keeping the gates closed.
poles are niggers all they do is steal and collect gibsmedat
kick them out already!
Also in Capitol and it does feel like liberal infested shithole sometimes.
My greek friend came to visit and look what he found in a fucking Old Town Palce Museum.
7th passage in communist manifesto
Is Poland cucked enough to back down because of this? Or are they more likely to say fuck you and leave the EU?
How the fuck should i know that :D
Timmermans is a kike.
Taking away voting rights from an EU member state.
I think there needs to be a 4/5 majority to actually go through with it, but I'm not sure.
The point is to get the liberal retards in Poland up in arms about it. It's meaningless in practice, but it will get a lot of people into full-on hysteria. That's what they want.
Nothing will happend out of this because you need agreement off all EU contries for this shit to take an effect.
It's just "deeply concerned" UN tier shit.
Precedent is a hell of a thing, man. Once a precedent is stablished, get out of the way cause things are getting spicy.
They will send us a letter with suggestions with what we should change, we will tell them to fuck off. National governments will vote about sanctions but Hungary and Lithuania will veto the vote so EU will have to fuck off for at least a year.
>We're completely irrelevant, our GDP makes up like 3% of EU GDP. As long as PiS doesn't understand this, we are fucked.
This. They overestimate the weight of Poland. They should pass laws that are less controversial instead of going full retard for a headbutt. Sovereignty is a meme. Only strong and rich countries have something like "sovereignty". You have to make deals with stronger ones. No other way
U are member of EU x'DDDdd
Plexit when?
Oh yeah because we all know how democracy works in Sweden. Couple of men gangraped a woman in Sweden, and now they are free. Tell me more dude.
It's just another "warning" lmao, the EU doesn't have the balls to actually go through with 7.2
Throwing insults is not gonna hide the fact that EU is just Germany trying to take control again. Go service some muslim imigrants with your asshole Hans.
Some protests will happen in Warsaw by some deranged liberals that think EU is magic and then nothing else will come of it. The current Polish government is stubborns as a mule. They will not back down. They are pretty stupid in some behaviours,but at least they are consistent in their views.
based hungary is vetoing anyway. fuck the eu.
>but Hungary and Lithuania will veto
yeah I bet Hungary and Lithuania will want to risk their reputation because of an irrelevant Poland... the government fucked this up, this is a lesson in foreign policy
>giving Slovakia
Our PM has already decided to give in and get Slovakia \fast tracked' to EU cuckiness.
Refusing the mudslime was our last gasp at staying free.
>fuck you and leave the EU?
hopefully this.
Sean Bean told me you wouldn't allow this to happen, he told me Poland was stronk
>risk their reputation
Where the fuck have you been for the past few years?!
what does that have to do with democracy?
They got released because the chic willingly met up with the guys to buy drugs and probably was down for it at first, but it got out of hand
Drug addicts dont really get that much of a chance here
>bong thinks Cameron is opposed to the EUSSR lel
For a feminist country like yours I'm surprised that people can get away with rape. That is if they're brown of course.
I'd bet a good ammount of money that the EU will be dismantled before 2030 if the odds are at least 2 to 1
He blocked us getting migrant quotas and told the EU repeatedly to stop inviting immigrants in, he also believed in EU reform until he got redpilled by the dimwitted commission. He complains about the EU now, calling them idiots that are shooting themselves in the foot.
You know the EU does more good for leave voters than even we do. Say what you want about Cameron, he was better than Traitor May.
>Shatalan flag
Is this a memepost or they really let 5 rapists walk away ?
lol there is massive public outrage going on.
The left is protesting while the nationalists are on a manhunt.
And the case is being taken to supreme court
but they won't take risks because of some stupid judiciary bills
>EU is putting it's food down
Don't put your food down, EU! For the love of god, DON"T PUT DOWN THE FOOD!
Huge possibilty it's not a meme.
When people say SWEDEN YES! they mean it.
>How long till EU completely falls apart?
A global currency would be enough to kill them. Everybody hates the Euro.
The US is such a strong country, and they obviously support Poland in this. Not a card you want to play carelessly, but it's valuable if played properly.
No really famfalamino.
Where the fuck have you been.
They will risk it because if Poland gets ARTICLED, the Hungary will get one too.
Sure they are. They'll probably get 2 years in the best case scenario.
Stay strong pooland, nothing the EU could do to you is worse than refugees. Speaking out of experience here.
But Germany still has to pay denbts
>Its about rapefugees
Its about your pants on the head retarded goverment who wants to erodate the judicative part of the state you braindead pooloid.
>How long till EU completely falls apart?
if the EU is so evil, why don't you just leave it?
(protip: most of Pooland's economy exists thanks to the EU)
>hard owned
The expression is "hard earned." And democracy is worthless if the people don't control their money. In a fiat currency/private central banking marxist system this is obviously not the case. People are slaves to debt that's created the minute the money they rely on to exchange for goods and services is printed. They are slaves to planned inflation that they have no say in stopping or slowing short of murdering all bankers and taking control of their own money supply.
Not really, it's more about purging geriatric communist filth from our judiciary.
Replace just like the previous party did and the party before them.
Same shit happens everytime, but because this time the EU cannot control Poland like they did with PO, they got buttmad. Fuck you kraut.
>global currency burning
>Phoenix rising above the ashes
What did they mean by this cover?
they will scare you with russia and you will fall back into place.
EU will damage itself with it, its not as much about poland its the fact that EU uses force tactics on its member states, which makes EU seem authoriterian.
>Vote for policies EU don't like.
>EU deems it undemocratic and takes your vote away.
really actimates ones almonds
Just invade Brussels already.
I know that was on purpose too bad no one laughed because they think you're so "based".
Yes, it's almost as if EU thinks they can control internal politics of it's member states like some kind of... dare I say it... satelite states?
>Say what you want about Cameron, he was better than Traitor May.
Both cherish and welcome invaders, and only a retarded bong draws a distinction between globalist pigs. Enjoy your cuckoldry, bong.
All of us combined are poorer than one Germany.
Nah, Russia would be crazy not to use this opportunity to improve relations with Poland and draw it to it's side.
Remember who your allies are, Poland
Join us and the fields and towns shall overflow with bubbling, brimming Aryan blood
Negerlands and Brusseljews rule you, imbecile.
>the Hungary will get one too
for what?
Execute order 66
It's all and cool m8 but last time we were allies, you sold us to soviets.
We can still be good neighborough and drop you few totally not stolen cars from time to time.
Lol are you retarded? The best course of action for Russia is to improve relations with Goymoney. Poland is a US puppet state.
Where the fuck have you been?
For opposing EU politics.
The time has come for the plumber union to flush the EU down the drain.
Cameron didn't welcome invaders m8, he blocked invaders coming in.
Nice try though, Shatalan shitskin and you are a prime example of cuckoldry, you get fucked over not only by Spain, not only Africans running you all over in Las Ramblas, you the EU fucking dropped you as well.
And like the good little doggy you defend the EU.
HAHA! Sad.
What's EU?a dead meme
Why are you confuding matters of state sovereignty with matters of economic prosperity?
Rules use? They definitely try to. Let's see how it turns out in the long run, shall we?
Polexit when?
> invades Czechoslovakia, enabling USSR to attack you to defend defence treaty partner, essentially staring WW2
> muh war muh ebil nazies and soviets muh gorillions
The problem is that Poles want all that nice EU money but they want none of the responsibilities of EU membership. If they want out, go out like Britain, it's very hypocritical to try and have it both ways.
>hurrr based Poland
Most of Poland is a post-industrial hellhole, they won't leave the EU because they benefit from it.
>For opposing EU politics.
they must have a concrete reason and Orban is already 7 years in power
Hungary is a smart player, they know their weight and they know how to conduct balanced politics. Meanwhile we in our lunatic megalomania will clash over some unnecessary bill that won't even touch the judges that are already giving sentences
The thing is that 90% of Europeans are not Sup Forums tier and they genuinely think that the EU does a right thing when punishing Poland because Poland is the problem and the only authoritarian country here, not the EU. I bet no EE country but Hungary (and I'm not really sure about them either) will vote to help Poland, they all will vote against us, because that's what their voters want - to punish authoritarian Poland that makes EE look bad in the EU.
Economically you're irrelevant, but if you would leave the EU you will be very relevant politically, and the economic consequences for the EU wouldn't be irrelevant either. It would destroy the trust in the EU of other members states and foreign investors.
>the EU is a charity project
Because you can't be truly sovereign when you're poor and economically dependent on your master, in our case - the EU.