Honest opinion on this guy
What does Sup Forums think of Vee?
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Far too rambly and doesn't really add anything other than a layman's opinion. I typically get bored when watching his videos and turn them off halfway through. Not even "podcast to listen to while playing video games" tier.
Any other eastern bloc guys that do it better?
Not all Romanians.
insightful and funny
he's my #1 treeger neeger
looks like a gypsie
spastic poverty accent but seems fairly reasonable & principled
Like the rest of the skeptics:
Good for low hanging fruits,
Shit for anything else
Romania is rightful Bulgarian/Hungarian/Russian clay.
Are we being raided?
Depends on the topic, has an annoying penchant for moralfagging, some funny stuff. I like the stuff where he shits on the EU and talks about his own country.
Is this stemming from the Coach Redpill debacle?
The wallpaper in his house makes it look like he is in a library.
He is working the long con on Sargon. Soon he will have all of Sargon's shekels. He just has to convince all of Sargon's viewers that his Romanian medical degree will allow him to practice carpentry in South Wales.
Just another fence-sitting cuck.
Unless he starts supporting at least race realism, he is just another septic™ sargon Bitch in my book.
I listen to him when I can't sleep. His videos go on for way longer than whatever he has to say.
His Accent (IOW: His Schtick) wore thin long ago.
He is really good you should subscribe to him!
he's alright
>when I can't sleep
Probably the worst person you could watch if you're trying to sleep. Like nails on chalkboard. It's not just the voice but his way of talking with random pitch changes
kek I do always wonder when I see a Romanian flag. There can't be that many gypsis with internet
Hello Romanian pretending to be Vee farming for (you)s
A try-hard fucking idiot
he's the best at top tier gypsy banter
*shrug* I dunno. I can fall asleep to Vee. I can also fall asleep to Alex Jones.
I dislike his voice.
I have never been able to listen to the man speak at any length.
As long as he steals from the Westerners, though, I support him.
He's alright, don't go to the gypsy camp tomorrow
If Kraut is going to off himself for other people discovering just how much of a cunt he is, he's solely responsible - twice.
Fucking hell the little shit for brains endorsed doxxing too so there's literally no argument against hanging him out to dry.
He is basically a civnat right? I like his videos. I love when he rips the faggot commies since he has actual experience with communism.
He's a furfag and a gypsy, why do people listen to him?
he's not a bad guy, he's not dumb but when it comes to life/politics he's not a high level thinker and just regurgitates the same pleb tier shit
I enjoy his rants. His voice has grown on me. I like him
Annoying as hell. He doesn't talk about anything interesting and just rambles. Jim, JF, and E;R are pretty much the only e-celebs I give a shit about.
I cant stand his voice and the first time I saw his face, I was immediately convinced that human races are real
You realise E;R is just LARPing, right?
He might be. He follows enough semi-obscure people on Twitter for me to partially believe it. Either way his reviews are still funny.
*teleports behind you with high pitch noise*
Fat greasy stupid gypsy, lackey and sycophant to Sargon who speaks about things with little depth or analysis. Is literally Sargon's dog and on a short leash.
He hates gypsies unapologetically, and he's more right-wing than Sargon and the goons give him credit for. I like him.
>men wanting opinions of other men
This fucking faggot shit is why we dont like you rebbit idiots. Can you not be cucks for one second? Jesus christ, enough with this e-celeb bullshit already. You're shitting up pol with this nonsense, go back to that garbage site if you want to shitpost.
His voice makes me want to hang myself
His voice is the best part.
Porked and zweihander!
I like him a lot better than Sargon. I watch his videos because he’s funny not because he is the least bit insightful. I already know what’s wrong with society hearing Jordan Peterson or Molyneme tell me doesn’t do anything, I’d rather watch something funny.
He's a pigeon-eating gypsy who pretends to be a doctor, but I watch him, he's amusing.
Meh, I've got a soft spot for the guy. I moved on from the "rational skeptics (tm)" long ago, but I always kept watching Vee.
Dunno why. I just like him.
I like him but he is always late on topics
I've gotten more into Redlettermedia and esports related youtubers. I considered watching Alt-right videos, but I just disagree with so much of what they say. Sup Forums is my go-to for political-related things, though Styxhexenhammer seems to always be right in every video he makes, he even has a point when he defends Net Neutrality, but I still disagree with him on that. Right now, my political opinions can be summed up with: I want to protect white women from Jamal, I want a white girlfriend, and I wanna eliminate roasties. And I want more capitalism.
I think he will look good as the next penguin in a batman movie
>040901 [Reply]▶
>Honest opinion on this guy
Annoying sargoy shill with a dumb accent that sounds like Doctor Nick. Do all gypsies sound like this fag?
Don't forget to leave a tip goys. patreon.com
Sa mi se suga pula/ may my cock be sucked
You're alright, Vee. Show us your flag, we know its you
Yeah Styx is pretty good. He's a class of his own, though.
He's more of an intellectual than most of the self proclaimed intellectuals on Youtbe
another eceleb (i assume) for my filters i suppose
What do you make about this?
Mainly because he's smarter than the skeptics. I've known a lot of people of different intelligences over the years and the skeptics absolutely are not nearly as intelligent as they think. Styx also has an attitudinal advantage due to his open minded nature.
Apart form Styx, the race realist crowd is also far, far smarter than the skeptics which should be obvious to every neutral observer capable of recognizing it. I think what happened with the skeptics that limited their potential is a combination of having formed a group leading to a clique mentality, and perhaps getting involved too early in their intellectual lives. It's not a great idea to start staking out strong positions before you've become proficient in the material you're going to be taking on. Even Sargon at 38 has only started reading heavily in the last few years so it's not even a matter of age. Molymeme is right when he says you need to make the method central rather than the conclusions, a lesson the skeptics failed to learn in time.
I like his Romanian vids and stories about communism.
No idea who he is, looks like a bit of a fag.
Come on goys, daddy needs a new camera and Christmas is coming.
I can't listen to anything with him in it for more than a few minutes before I have to just turn it off. His voice is the most annoying sound on god's green earth.
I liked the guy at first, but I stopped watching him after he went full retard in 2015 on Trump.
He went way out of his way to attack Trump for no reason, so he focused on the wall for many videos. He made many videos trying to debunk the idea of a border wall and I even got into arguments with the guy.
Once I realized he was simply strawmanning his opposition I stopped watching him.
The idea that he kept pushing was that Trump's only policy was ''hurr I will build a wall'' and nothing else, whenever anyone brought up deportation and more border security he would simply dismiss it and shift the conversation back to the wall, and how easy it is to bypass walls with ladders.
He lost all credibility in 2015.
He looks half downy
Unfunny gypsy screecher
Woes is up there with them
who the fuck listens to podcasts whils't playing games, how lonely are you?
Lonely people, or people who want to assimilate knowledge
Looks like a faggot, probably is a faggot. Why do you follow youtubers?
we think all the people in the dox server are scum. Vee is a Jew and does not sound honest to me. I don't care for listening to him quack.
a retard it will be amazing if he truly works in a hospital most likely he just uses his diplomas to make him seem as more of intellectual
He's boring.
His opinions aren't that bad but fuck me it's a chore to actually get trough an entire video.
When I stopped watching him he also was sucking Sargon's dick too much, don't know if that's still the case tho.
Nice saved
Romania actually has some of the fastest internet in the world.
Very cute and informative! youtu.be
Only in cities.
But half the population still live in rural areas that have no internet.
Vee, you're a glass shattering mimic.
Jim killed Styxsuckssomeblackhammer666 last night.
hes pretty cool. straight shooter and has more common sense than most of that bunch. he has one fat fucking head tho.
is that supposed to be a bad thing?
he looks retarded.
what happened between them? All I found was CPR saying Vee wasnt a doctor.