Star Wars

maybe it's just me but after seeing Star wars I think Ahsoka from the clone wars is something rey will never get to.

-actually been trained as a Jedi, is functionally totally normal. no plot armor ingrained force knowledge. she was just a standard padawan
- dumb as all hell initially but becomes legitimately strong and helpful
- briefly has a love interest but the show never really panders to it. she just more or less accepts that she's a Jedi and it can't happen.
- goes toe to toe with grevious by the end
-leaves the show in a completely reasonable way. and it makes sense she was never talked about in ep 3. doing so would invalidate the Jedi and demonstrate that they are far from infallable.

maybe I'm wrong though

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They shoehorned her into Rebels later on, but overall I agree. A decent character with actual chronicled development without being a Mary Sue at the same level as Rei.
Too bad it'll never be true to the cannon though, because the Clone Wars series was actually very well done.

Ahoska started off as a bit of a little shit, but she was SO much more realistic than Rey will ever be. Not that Kennedy cares - this is HER self-insert feminazi fanfic and she'll keep it that way!

I'd species mix with her desu

yeah I haven't gone far enough into rebels to see if they fucked her character

I honestly think TCW is one of the best storylines in star wars.

as far as a prequel it's very consistent and while yes there are a few legitimately stupid moments (jar jar episodes, some droid shit) it did move the story along and explain things.

I also like the clones in general more than the Jedi so it was very nice to see more about them and how they felt and whatnot.

egh. padme was annoying as all hell but if rather fuck her

hmmm. I'm going to self bump because I do actually want yo talk about it or compare the two. there may be things I'm missing

best girl by far

I also think there's something to be said about the parallels between her and ventress throughout. very solid character progression for both.

I am with you on this one but would it be not better to post this on Sup Forums?

mmm. possibly. I went for pol because pol has been talking about TLJ and I'm more curious about political statements than a character circle jerk.

As a statement for politics her character is well done to the points of
>having character development vs being strong independent "wemyonz"
>rey is already fucked up beyond believe through episode 7, 8 is only breaking the straw giving her all without the heroes journey
>clone wars had overall consistency (I did not see all episodes, only like 2/3 with my nephews while babysitting)
So yeah if you want a good product clone wars is well above the new films but even the prequels are better in my opinion.

star wars beyond the original trilogy and game franchises is total and utter shit

i thought rebels and the clone wars cgi series were both cannon?

Jedi's are the ultimate cucks.
> Dont have attachments goyi-uhh I mean, padawan!
> Yes yes! All have sex with one another! Kehehehe who needs pair bonding?

She's a hoebag who has her cunny creamed by strange men in robes.

I think the prequels are mostly judged by episode 1. 2 and 3 really aren't the worst things. but I do agree the prequels are better than the newer sequels

they are

TCW is canon though.

what specifically was wrong with clone wars?

I like her but as far as female SW characters go, I doubt anybody will top Kreia.

since when did Jedi ever fuck eachother?
you may have been watching star wars on porn hub

I haven't played the games really beyond old battlefront 2. whats cool about her?

You'd have to play the game, but check these out:

it can also be said that clone wars didn't have to invent anything to make their characters strong.

rey gets "force visions"
massive force strength and ability
an actual connection to the bad guy so she can randomly see what he is doing

nobody else got any of those things. not even luke if we're being honest. sure like sped through training but he was still being drilled CONSTANTLY after being found

Since always. It's literally canon. They're allowed sex aslong as it's without attachment. Kai-adi Mundi (dude on the council with the big head) was allowed wives under a special circumstance, since his species is dying out. He was never allowed to bond with his children though. Or wives. He could just fuck and leave.

It's not uncommon for masters to have these relationships with their padawan too.

This isn’t politics

This is the problem with people getting involved that
a.) don't know what consistency is and
b.) don't give a shit about lore
You can see that with many franchises that get to a point where the original created lost steam or is gone for good.

I wanted to fuck her

so it honestly seems like it all is pretty political. sure it's a stretch but clone wars seems pretty right wing in that work gets rewarded and everyone for the most part has a place in society.

whereas tlj is absolutely riddled with handouts and they STILL have to be bailed it of every situation throughout the movie.

pretty much everything is political.

sure it's not directly talking about Trump but the ideologies or situations that go into any character in any story can be related to politics.

>is functionally totally normal.
Mental illness is a liberal virtue.

They are.

om not sure if you're joking by I'm not saying "she isn't retarded" I'm saying "she isn't a god like the Skywalkers/Rey (who is still a Skywalker let's be real)"

You are correct. The reason why the Jedi Council was so reluctant to have Obi-Wan train Anakin is because Anakin was already 9 years old when they first met, which meant that he had already formed a strong attachment to his mother.

sure. and that definitely comes out in ep.2
but it's not once mentioned in the movies that Jedi are boning eachother so it's a bit of a nonfactor in the topic at hand

>but it's not once mentioned in the movies that Jedi are boning eachother

True, but it is mentioned in supplementary materials which are canon.

Female obiwan who doesn't give a shit about your feelings and tells you the hard reality of life. She is also a secret sith.

Jedi are over structured and stifled in order to maintain control. Sith are too often portrayed as chaotic stupid and everyone in between is hunted by both.

Victim politics is about being the runt of the litter. Mental illness makes you a victim who is loved and protected. Which is why Rey has childhood PTSD.

are they still?

I figured she was more gray than with. which becomes more and more evident. honestly I'm both happy and mad at this as every fucking star wars hipster loves talking about gray Jedi but ultimately that's what she ended up as.

>debating cartoons.

What are you, 12?

so whereas in the prequels anikan fails to overcome his desire to save padme. and luke succeeds to overcome his desire for power and also revenge

this trilogy s set overcoming herself... yeah that's not at all hard to believe. she spends all of tlj asking for a place in the world. she's lost a fuck and yet STILL somehow op. how they sit there and claim she's ready to be a Jedi is beyond me

cartoons by nature are a parody or unrealistic adptation of real world events or possibilities.

besides. this isn't ed edd and eddy

To be honest, I don't know. I hope so, but knowing (((Disney))).....

Get a fucking life you loser. Talking about made up fairy tales while you have so much in life that needs fixing.

Shits like you are the reason for the decline of Western civilization.

if its not a movie, clone wars or rebels then it is not.. maybe there have been books made since disney though

The whole Jedi can't love wasn't even original.
Lucas added that after his divorce.

currently getting my masters degree. just bored and can't sleep.

will also never have orange buttcheeks

Yes and it was harder to indoctrinate him into a boitoy for the masters.


So you're telling me Anakin probably plowed Ahsoka?
Hot desu

Honestly, the clone-centric episodes were some of my favourites. The whole stuff with Domino Squad was great. I loved that they gave these usually blank fodder personalities, it made seeing them get slaughtered a lot more powerful.

>tfw no qt red-pilled Chiss gf

Life is suffering.

I do find it funny that people in this thread are calling star wars not political when entire episodes of clone wars were spent debating banking structures and what the chancellor had power over.

granted comparing Rey and ahsoka isn't super political buy it can be if you talk about what their creators were getting at.

Rey is Tumblr and gets handed everything
ahsoka spent years learning and being on the field and willingly left after being betrayed by everyone.

which one makes the better hero

Light-side Sith is the best of both worlds desu.

I completely agree with you, man. That shit really pisses me off, considering that Poe is more of a hero in the sequel trilogy than MaREY Sue. Poe helped to destroy Starkiller Base, he appeared with other Resistance pilots on Takodana to help out his friends and he also fought against the First Order fleet at the start of The Last Jedi. Poe literally did nothing wrong. Dude's a hero and should be treated as such.

Poe > MaREY Sue

I agree with his character eval. but I think he's also busted.

dude single handedly disabled one of the single greatest star destroyers to exist.

like c'mon star wars why is everyone now op.

bleh..dark side Brianna-Handmaiden for me

>like c'mon star wars why is everyone now op.

I disagree, the sequel trilogy has given us flawed characters (like Finn and Kylo, for example) but Poe being op is actually a part of his character. For example, even Kylo calls Poe 'the best pilot in the Resistance'. Even Poe himself brags "I can fly anything."

don't get me wrong I am happy enough to say that he can do that. he is clearly very good. I just think showing him be capable of those feats without also showing a few people dying in the process makes him look a little too good.

yes some bombers died but after and for different reasons

Man, the old canon was so much better, anyway

fuck k*kes

My biggest problem with Star Wars has always been how pathetic and easily defeated a lot of the villains have been. Boba and Jango Fett, Count Dooku, and General Grievous were all talked about or portrayed as the most challenging opponents a Jedi could face and all of them are dispatched in five minute combat sequences. Darth Maul was the only one-dimensional villain who gave the Jedi a proper challenge.

and Darth maul continued to do so.

I do disagree on Dookie. I thin he relied way too much on manipulation and lightning. plus much like most bad guys I think he got overconfident and cocky, and expected that if he lost he'd just escape again because the baddest fuck in the galaxy was right next to him to stop anikan from killing him. instead he wasn't stopped.


man if I don't constantly micromanage my autocorrect it's pretty awful. better than the alternative though probably

Sup Forums

Wedge Antilles is better than that faggot.

Agreed. Lucas selling Star Wars to (((Disney))) was the greatest mistake in cinematic history.

I also completely agree on at least jango.
mandalorean bounty hunters were ery good at anti jedi combat as shown by pre visla in tcl. to die that quickly is pretty sad. I don't know the book lore very well. was jango just a mandalorean wash up or was he actually supposed to be good?

He is. No disagreements there.

Didn't late imperial remnants have some op pilots too?

A man of taste I see.

>entirety of the Jedi, save Obi Wan, and Yoda are wiped out by Sheev and goons and forced into hiding
>abused young Mary Sue comes along and reks everyone

Garbage. Capeshit in space

Love how Sup Forums pretend to be cool but are obsessed with children's star wars cartoons

fucking pathetic, lmao

God I love the high level of political discourse in this community

I wanted to fuck her too and I can, because the Star Wars galaxy is real in an infinite number of universes.

I honestly can't tell if you're talking about rey or luke.

sheev and rey never meet. if they did she would be fucked.

anyone who still strived to be seen as cool never really left high school.

Luke got his ass handed to him multiple times and only won against Vader because the later wanted to spare his son.
What's Rey excuse?

TCW was much better than anyone gives it credit for. Storyline was much darker too, especially since it was on a kids network.

that's a very good point. well played.

rey trained for a total of 15 minutes so clearly she deserves to be the strongest Jedi.

Jango got unlucky as fuck. If his jetpack hadn't gotten busted he probably wouldn't have died in that arena.

i love how they tried to make it a kids show... but only adults really cared so by season 3 people were getting beheaded and suddenly genocide was happening on planets.

how did boba get a good as he did with jango having died so young?

I know in TCW he falls in with his own group of bounty hunters but is pretty shit so does someone train him?

holy fuck I butchered that. how did boba get as good as he did when jango died when boba was still only about 10