Sup Forums Rage thread





This is what a pedophilic cross dressing fetish look like.


I'm perfectly fine with crossdressing boys, but I'm not okay with these garish abominations that seem like complete parodies of women. Not only does this "objectify women" (which should be a concern from the left), but it also looks utterly repulsive and against everything the right loves.
Why are "drag queens" okay, again? Please, I'd like an explanation from somebody on the left. I am 140% with trans people, but not with these creatures.





one of the most paranoid nation about child sexuality at the same time praised a sexualized little boy dressed like a girl. this is called a schizophrenia.


What the hell am I looking at, some cosplay shit?


The only thing that even remotely looks like a cosplayer is the ginger girl, and the girl in the back with the overalls.
It's not a cosplay IMO, these appear to be their real clothes.

>> great parenting
>> child abuse
Pick one

>name my band

Am I the only one who wants to bed the ginger? She's the only appealing thing in that picture tbqh.

Mass of the Fermenting Dregs

IIRC, Evergreen college. Cuckada. Some gender liquid sorority, or some shit. They all started to spaz since they failed to mind rape a professor and force him into quitting his job. Hence this photo. Prolly trying to signal that they mean business. Typical SJW retardedness.


t.homosexual individual


She's going to be incredibly exciting in bed, what's "homosexual" about that?

Left Wing Alt-right And A Few Fags

was it autism?



Maybe, but most likely identity politics.

dropping a bacon sandwich just outside of a mosque is a racist attack????


Small town near me has an apple festival every fall. They elect a high school girl Apple Queen, then a younger Apple Princess, and so on down a few ages. They used to also elect a Sour Apple Queen, which was one of the high school boys dressed in drag. Really bad Monty Python-type drag. They'd usually pick the roughest boy, preferably one with a beard, because that was funniest. Then he'd have his own float in the parade, looking ridiculous.

It used to be possible to have fun with stuff like that, because no one ever even considered taking it seriously. I don't know if they do it anymore. They probably had to stop to be sensitive. Either that or they changed it to Sweetest Apple and have effeminate/gay boys actually trying to look pretty.
They have to ruin everything.


From a thread on how much you can mooch from Sweden state healthcare.

My wrath on thee!
Kike, shill, faggot, cuck and nigger,
White man's brain is surely bigger!
I do not want to be a soyboy,
You say "oy vey please eat my soy, goy!"
I do not want to join a Klan,
Or be a skinhead Nazi man.
Look soft! The glow of CIA in the night!
A-REE! A-REE! Screech the alt-right.
They holler and shriek with all their might,
Forgetting Americans aren't even white.

what the fuck

>where you’d think your going Fascist scum?

delet this!

>this is called a schizophrenia.
you would know


>not satire

The day came and passed long ago.

you forgot pic related


>This is what a pedophilic cross dressing fetish look like.
>pedo loving anarchist flag

That’s is what degenerate parenting looks like. Should be titled “how to raise an abomination”


So you can dress a 9yo up as a drag queen but not as a mexican? The hypocricy is stunning.

This. It's impressive how easily the left contradicts itself.

I don't see a problem with this. What am I missing? Should we not feed people well in hospitals? Should their beds not be comfortable? I'll rag on Europe for their lush prisons all day long, but I have no problem with treating laboring mothers well.

>state funded

Yeah, and I don't agree with that in general, but regardless of who's paying for it care at a hospital should be top notch.

Wood berry.

Are this people tried to justify themself after ?



How does this guy go on living

>never heard of recidivism.

Queer Team 2

Is this motherfucker wearing the hot dog eating championship belt with an H over the front plate?

it's typical DM half reporting
the group led a campaign going into mosques, shouting at everyone, harrassing and abusing them. Then after a while they upped it to leaving bacon sandwiches and muslims get out signs outside the mosque
punishment is well deserved, and anyone who wastes their days doing that is a waste to society anyway

Is that the adoring fan from oblivion?


What is this, the Harley Quinn dyke fanclub?

He sounds like he did a good job desu.

the "defenders" of evergreen university, look it up. seeing their degeneracy is basically what prompted me to take the redpill



evergreen is in america

>one of the most paranoid nation about child sexuality
what? have you seen the show "dance moms"? plenty of child sexualization going on over there.

>This level of delusion

>incredible parenting

The Fluid Druids

>Opposing a religion = racism
>Leaving a bacon sandwich on the floor = an attack
The absolute state of my country

for azura for azura for azura, its the adoring fan

this is what "diversity" looks like
dumb fucks are not even hiding it


fucking hell lol

Fucking hot.

Smashing Drumpfkins

this is straight up surreal.

both the idea that "all black" is diversity as well as the idea of state incentivized race-quotes

One Oppression


Dammit Pajeet, this is literally one of about 4 pictures i have ever seen here that truly makes me rage.

Why is "White People" it' s own category? That' s racist.

Here's a good one

kek thats actually a really good on user :3

What the fuck America?
You were supposed to be the chosen country
Now you've devolved into nothing more than a glorified bully that's hell-bent on spreading it's degeneracy

Lost. One of the signs of a sociopath is cruelty towards animals. And a bunny or a dog or even a cat has more capacity to love then the average female. I mean am I wrong?

Coalburners are retarded and lack the common sense to not brag about fucking black men, and since this woman didn’t brag about it [not that there’s anything to brag about, women who associate niggers (especially sexually) have poor decision making skills and are mentally deficient], it’s likely that those negroes are just friends, at least to her.

That is what child abuse looks like.

unfortunately they are (((chosen))) country now

But God forbid they learn the stations of the cross, English uprising when?

Had a big fat kek
Well done friendo

thaaats right!

>I'm about to finish highschool, in the process of exploring college choices. >One of the first opportunitys that pops up is a full ride to evergreen university
>my mother hides the letter, ends up telling me out of guilt a few months later
>pretty pissed initially, takes me awhile to get over it
>fast forward to 2015, she dies of cancer
>shortly after that, while I'm browsing, discover the true nature of evergreen university

Thanks Mom

Is this achievable natty Sup Forums?

What routine should I do if yes.

12 years in jail and death. Really user?
In france some feminist went in notre dame and simulated an abortion desacrating the place with pig liver all over the place. No jail, no death.
Double standards much?

Wow, subhumans can tell good jokes

they hid behind the *ohh its art so you can't arrest me* -_- my POV at the next campus dorm party i'm going to

thanks dad ^_^


Yeah, I'm sure it was all the kid's idea.