How do I stop being a Germanophile?

I'm obsessed with anything German,I hate on Slavs and other non-Germanic peoples,staunch Nordicist,I listen only to German marches,classical music and Micheal Muller and I despise the perfidious Anglo. Can somebody help me?

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Realise that the Germany you are obsessed with died in 1945.



>How do I stop being a Germanophile?
you just cannot.

My grandfather came back from the war, so that's not true.

Same but i dont hate all the slavs i hate servs bosniaks monteniggers and pooles (a little). It fucking boils my blood when i see a panslavist and im extremly natsoc and also listen to german marches (i advice you to check out westerwald lies)

I've been to Bayern once and I go to Austria every year and it seems 100x better than anything southeast of the Alps. I actually got sad when I got back home and realising how shity Slovenia is and how much better it would have been had the Slovene lands been successfully Germanized.

Damn nibba you just went full cuck tear just be proud of your nationality


Without Germans, we's never have terms like "schadenfreude" or "Scheissefaust"

So, God Bless Germany

HEIL! Keep on going. Move somewhere where u can exploit that treat of yours
I think all that would be considered offensive or even illegal in Germany (:D)

>How do I stop being a Germanophile?
You grow up.

because you know how incompetent slav countries are

What about Croatians? I like them

Buy a BMW off warranty

>I'm obsessed with anything German
>staunch Nordicist
Germans are not Nords. So do you mean Germanic like in pic related?

Stop being a cuck

They are based guys that fought the servian scum

>I hate on Slavs and other non Germanic peoples

Nice try, Schlomo.

>I actually got sad when I got back home and realising how shity Slovenia is and how much better it would have been had the Slovene lands been successfully Germanized.
That's still happening. Be patient.
The EU is the continuation of Germany by other means.
Let's just hope that it continues a better Germany than we have now.

But there is nothing to be proud about. Slovenes are a bunch of peasants, aside from a few peasant revolts and some miserable literature about how hard it is to be a peasant "oh woes me/o joj bogi sluenci". Slovene identity is just based on "muh language" that was spoken by rural hicks.

Liking Japan and Germany is patrician tier

The eternal Anglo strikes again

Yes... Accept your inner Croat. Slavs are trash

Not a Schlomo. I sort of like Romance people to a degree with the exception of southern Italians. Slavs I absolutely despise (I live among them).

Im pretty sure you guys are better than servs just enjoy your nature and based castles.

So are your leaders planning to just continue the nation only? Or the nation and her peoples? Because it seems at the rate you're going, in 100 years there won't be any ethnic Germans left in Germany.

just consider this

>claim to be superior
>lose ww1
>lose ww2
>70 years later you get raped and murdered on a daily basis, and you still elect Merkel and give lefties a total of 40%+

why did you started liking germany in the first place?

if you mean the Germanic Caliphate of Europe yeah that continues well

Why would you want to stop? German autism is cute desu

>100 years
make that 20

>mfw no german is fighting against it
oh well

Does he ever talk about it, user? Is he still /thefuhrersguy/?

Christ. Why are Greeks so salty? This is almost a polish level of butthurt

Hurr I despise the Anglo, the closest racial brother to the Germans who both got sold out and turned against each other during the war but I wont blame the elite who did it!!

Hurr I don't despise the French because they were so weak, I despise an opponent who actually held their own, the Anglo!!

Hurr even though the Anglo was falling it's own ally treaties and America wasn't, I don;t despise them, just the Anglo!

Neck yourself, moron. This is why slav shits like you are dumb retarded degenerates. You just seek to divide Western Europe.

what is the best nordicist literature you recommend? FK gunther books are hard to find, I can only find The Racial elements of Europe. Madison Grant seems interesting but I haven't read yet

maybe you've felt it, but i feel angry when i see Germans saying they have a non-Germanic gf or blood like its nothing... not that I hate other Europeans but races shouldn't mix at all...its like Germans nowadays larp as NS but forgot 90% of what the ideology was about

Start taking the /Bavariapill/. The Northern half of Germany is irredeemably fucked because of genetically refined Prussian autism. Alpinoids have the superior ethnogenesis.

Phahaha like your pathetic excuse of a country is better than (((modern germany)))

I'd try and flame you as well but then I remember that your grandparents got kicked out of UK like literal jews so I don't bother


>implying germancucks are better than slavs

begone faggot

>no u
amusing tbqh

>lowest of Englishmen kicked off motherland and sent to inhospitable shithole on other side of 5he world
>150 years late. Greeks consider this a better home than their own country
Lmao, m8

The German meme was created by the elites to be a force against the Russian/communist meme. Tension was created from the compression national prides. Meanwhile, anglos created with worthy of real pride and squandered being fooled by those responsible for creating and destroying Germany.

Stop being a faggot Cerar. Just because we don't want to keep that Muslim here doesn't mean you get to cry about it on Sup Forums.

Nigga take a look at your country
>sandnigger floating with boats
>bankrupt as hell
>state is pretty much non-existant
>LARP as an ancient greek/Byzantine warrior even tho Byzantine was cucked as hell
>think you have ancient greek blood

Fuck off Germaboo

Hitler je rekao da su Hrvati najblizi Germanina od svih Slavena

i think your hatred for balkan groups is generational tied to petty regional disputes

you are all very alike and might not know it if you were in the room with one.

>France gets a say on who is top race
Fuckin lol. Germans fucked you country in like 6 weeks, last war.

Actually that was a good comeback

>mfw second biggest diaspora is in AUS, 700.000, second only to USA and not counting Cyprus for obvious reasons

It's actually Slovenes.

this includes all nations not just non-whites

Fuck off commie russophile

Germans have history,achievement and culture. Everything nice in Slovenia,from old villas,old town houses,townhalls to castles was built by Germans. Germans have contributed immensly to music,art,science and philosophy. I would say Germans have more idealism than Slavs and sense of aesthetics (or atleast had at some point in history).

Da je to mislio o vama bila bi nezavisna drzava slovenija a ne nezavisna drzava hrvatska

biggest minorities in Germany are all nonwhite (and muslim)
muslims have a birthrate of 3.1, highest worldwide
white immigrants have relatively low birthrates

but yeah, I agree, it's the Poles that started shitting out 5 kids per family it's definitely not the 3 million niggers and muzzies (and nigger muzzies) that the krauts invited over WITH their families

>So are your leaders planning to just continue the nation only? Or the nation and her peoples?
Our current leadership is probably not giving a shit about the Volk as long as they can get reelected. But a lot is in the move right now in Germany. You just don't hear about it on Sup Forums.
If you are talking about Mitteleuropa ie. whether our government has any plans for Hungars and Slovaks to be germanized then no. We'll just do some "adjustment" for economic thinking, I guess.

The only thing that's incredible in that map (by the official Ausschuß of the Bundestag, mind you) is that Netherlands and Flandern aren't part of Mitteleuropa.

Ignore the greek shill hes obviously anti german because his mom didnt get a tip when she was cleaning a german guy's room

I'm a Spaniard as you can see in the flag, I live in the Canary Islands. This is the first time I tell this story in "public" mainly because nobody would ever believe it and because every time I told my friends they would stare in awe.

There was an unterseeboot refuel station in this archipelago during the war, but after the war as you know most nazis fled to Spain (Franco's a friend) or Argentina (Peron's another friend).

My grandfather was in charge of leading Hitler here, he survived, my grandfather has pictures with him. Pictures I WOULD NEVER share for the sake of the movement/party.

They made it here in one of the last (or maybe the last walther type XXI sub) we know where he stayed, we have the pictures, but soon after (during the period of 1946 to 1950) he was relocated to Tierra del Fuego (nobody would look for our loved Fuhrer there)

Be in love with it my friend, as far as I remember (I'm and oldfag 42) my grandfather told me he was a lovely man with a dream of their people not being pissed on their faces by foreigners... all I know is he died in a remote archipelago while the world looked for him in Argentina.

yeah, of destroying Europe every few years


so you're basically liking a nationalistic movement of a country because said country is better than yours? Why the fuck
you alone listed philosophy, science, art (Bach is bae) etc - none of them had anything to do with NSDAP

Nice bait bro

Feels good being a Slav, I thank my pagan gods every day for making me one!

forgot picrel on culture
guess who voted her in

Just take a look at their girls

Stop larping as a pagan.

start off by killing yourself

>mindlessly hates on slavs while germany and other EU countries are being taken over by nignog migrants
>migrants freely raping white women
>Meanwhile slavic countries are actually standing up for their culture and protecting their women.

Sort yourself out, you're thinking like a fucking cuck.

i wish there was less skinheads larping as pagans tbqh

What an absolute retard kek.

Also OP is prolly croat faggot who cant even write proper slovene. Sisni ga pederu.

Stop larping as German, you are clearly a Slav.
I on the other hand can actually be proud of my own Slavic heritage be it pagan or not.

get rekt cuck

Luckily we have you mostly contained in shithole lelbourne

By recognizing that Germany is the eternal failure of Europe and a complete laughing stock to the rest of the world?

t. Bosniak who can only work cleaning toilets
Stop being a faggot. You don't like our country? Feel free to move out.

Unfortunetly i agree on most of this but im pretty sure that i could distinguish a Bulgarian and a serv

>second biggest city after sydney (by barely 300k)
is it really that bad?

I used to be just like you
but then I grew up and realised that Germans are losers and our marches are superior

Oh my fucking god does any fucking picture has made me angrier than theese bunch of pathetic communist scum celebrating the end of Europe and the white world

dunno if troll post or serious user.

Anyway slavs and germanic people come from the same family just as celtic and romance.

>I hate on Slavs and other non-Germanic peoples
hitler wouldn't approve

>t. Ukie living in Bongistan

Yes. All the whites are full leftycucks soy latte drinkers. Chingchongs everywhere, The Greeks and Italians larp as Greeks and Italians, but have picked up all the obnoxious traits of anglos and lebs. I actually hated Greeks till I met some that were actually from Greece. Also lots of niggers now who bash and stab people once a day at least now.

Croata are the scum of the balkans.
No, wait, I forgot about albos for a sec.
I wish I could forever.

Real Slavs defend their motherland, even Polaks, despite their love to Germany
Turk rape babies wont understand...

>chingchongs everywhere
I thought that was a meme

yeah med diaspora tends to be super obnoxious, sorry about that kek

Russians despite being victors posesing enormous teretories and natural resources still manage to become a shithole nation with lower standard of living ,rampant drug and alcohol use and HIV.

Germany is the nation destined to lead the brotherhood of European nations. But you shouldn't despise your own nation. Its pathetic. Anyway, if Germany rises again as a real German state we will be finally able to get rid of vermins like Communism, globalist capitalism, Russians, Servs, Gypsies, Kikes and other degenerates.

Why is Switzerland circled? Do you wanna fight, Danecuck?

You most likely met turks and arabs.
They like to pretend to be us with people who never saw our kind.

He doesn't, but he used to. Was Wehrmachtsoffizier (not sure which rank). lost a leg and and eye.
He was a soldier through and through, not an ideologue.

My great-grandfather (mother's side) was in the SA. Much more of /thefuhrersguy/, but I got to spend even less time with him.

>They fought to come back to this shit.
USSR was a prison in which were held Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and many others. Not a motherland.
The fact of the matter is that eastern Europe wouldn't be such a shithole today if the Judeo-Bolshevik filth had lost.

yes, americans celebrating make me angrier

Hey hans are all your woman kinky as suggested. Thinking of getting a German gf.

Honour their memory, lad.

Anglo-Saxons are Germanic you absolute brainlette. Where exactly do you think these people came from?

>just because your land currently has different name than usual means you don't have to fight for it
hope next muslim attack happens in your city

I honor my grandfather, not so much my great grandfather. Know too little about him, and his son turned out to be a piece of shit.

>fight "for europe"
>kill millions of europeans in the process
germans are subhuman


the more you hate anglo's the more likely we will have another european war killing yet more whites.

t. Shlomo Shekelstein