The response from Melbourne reddit is ABSOLUTELY gold

wiggycj 40 points 6 hours ago
Yeah I'm starting to notice a trend who those far right racist jerkbags are. They jump right on any tragedy thread like this and immediately spew racist Bullshit.
I hope neutral people don't assume they represent Melbourne people.

MUHAHAHAHA, /pol completely BTFO!

>Please keep reporting any inappropriate / unsubstantiated comments

After a major terrorist attack this is the #1 thing the mods want on your mind. Jesus when the fuck does the west fight this shit back?

It's over user, rumours saying (((people))) on reddit are powerful, highly likely could become our future politicians.

don't even think a faggot's anus is this pozzed

there has been ZERO islamic terror attacks in victoria, (besides one attack on a police station by a teenage boy)..
this incident should make it crystal clear.

just like the last attack in melbourne CBD it was an insane meth head who had made terror threats and was ignored by the police and repeatedly released on bail for serious crimes.

the victorian judicial system, and police to an extent are entirely responsible.

sooner or later they will have to admit that 'meth head terrorism' exists, and is a much greater problem than islamic terrorism, thanks to our corrupt judges, and 'anonymously funded' criminal lawyers..

You think they would be able to notice a trend of muslims killing people. But their bias is so strong they can only look for the evil racists to blame.

>They jump right on any tragedy thread like this and immediately spew racist Bullshit.
Sort of like how the Left does the exact same thing when anyone is killed by a gun. Except of course the the Right is generally correct in assuming that Muslims are involved in terrorism whereas the Left is generally wrong in assuming that tighter gun laws would solve anything.

>apex gang bashing
>literally some dumb mudslime cunt ran over a bunch of people today
>yeah nah no terror attacks mate
>fucking liberals

kek. Salty as fuck. Can't believe they consider T_D to be racist nazis. Isn't it entirely alt-light civic-nationalists?


fearoftheskyDumb, Regressive, loony, probably a feminist. 34 points 6 hours ago
Oh my god I'm so sick of Facebook edgelords trying to capitalise on a tragedy by blaming Muslims before a single thing has been established, then calling people who call them out "cuck" and "soyboy".

Absolutely REDDIT.

never thought i would say this, but i wish Sup Forums would go back to supporting palestine and taking a more neutral approach towards muslims like we did 5 years ago.
it really clouds our judgement.

>gets established that it was Islam-related
>"well they don't represent real Muslims"
Guarantee it.

Absolutely guaranteed:

vibrate 1 point 9 minutes ago
My best wishes to anyone in Melbourne affected by this tragedy. Regardless of the motive, it is important that we don't let this shape our perceptions of our Muslim community. If it turns out it was an extremist attack, then we should condemn extremists, not all Muslims.
I realise this is obvious to most of you, but regardless of how you view Islam as a religion, the vast majority that live here just want to live in peace and enjoy the wonderful Australian lifestyle.

The man with a bag of knives turns out to be a CHEF! According to a redditor:

ftjlster 8 points 2 hours ago
Anybody mentioning what that bag of knives were? Like an actual bag of knives? A shopping bag of kitchen knives? I'm ... sort of curious - if he isn't out and about attacking people, what is this dude doing with that bag of knives?

vyynsynx 6 points 2 hours ago*
Maybe he’s a chef, or maybe he just bought a new set for home.

Have fan guys, I can't handle it anymore, reddit is too STRONG.

Super proud of all the emergency service people who attended to the scene so quickly.

Also proud of the mods removing opportunist biggots from trying to turn this tragic incident into a hateful i told you so

god! i cant handle it anymore.
one of the top comments just said "lets just talk about the emergency response services being so great n on point!

They're not wrong. Many on t_d are hiding their power level to appeal to moderates or to avoid being banned. Recall it started as a Sup Forums colony.

>one of the top comments just said "lets just talk about the emergency response services being so great n on point!

I'm super impressed by how quickly our new police state can clean up the corpses that diversity creates!

It's, like, how Dumbledore could wave his wand and clean the tables at Hogwarts! :)

>not all Muslims
>not all
Yes. But is it some? Is it more than none? How many? Can we talk about that instead?

>Can we talk about that instead?


Wtf, charges dropped. WWWTTTFFFF

we can do this all day.


The absolute state of melbourne. "No terror attacks by muslims in melb" "other guy was a chef". " don't judge all muslims". Get the fuck off pol you faggots. The absolute state of melbournian faggotry

The final goal of Western Civilization is to be slaughtered as unracistly as possible.



>Super proud of all the emergency service people who attended to the scene so quickly.
Yeah, I'm not proud of it. Victoria Police announced a brand new "elite police unit" to respond to terrorist attacks just last week, and they did fucking nothing here, because they could do nothing, because men with M4s can only clean up an attack, not prevent one.

NSW Police with it's "highly trained operators" with 10 fucking hours of M4 training are only slightly less embarrassing, because at least some of those men might have genuine experience with Steyrs from their time in the Army. I would laugh at them, but we haven't seen them at work yet (disregarding the unfortunate incident a few years ago, but those people don't deserve to be mentioned since they put their own retarded opinions above the proper advice of the SASR regarding the use of M4s inside a packed cafe).

This is embarrassing. Just give the SASR a blank cheque to do whatever they see fit to prevent immediate terror attacks and let them use their intelligence links to stop this shit. When the widows and relatives of the first 35 slaughtered terrorist cells come forward demanding compensation, give them $100,000 each and a free listing on ASIO's terror list for life.

Guardian, what we know.

>the proper advice of the SASR regarding the use of M4s inside a packed cafe
What alternatives were rejected?

I've never even considered calling normies soyboys before. Now that I know it works, definitely going to.

Anyone have that Jimmy Nu-Male Soy Genius meme? I lost mine.

Not fucking infliling in the first place? Sniper already positioned with appropriate ammunition. Tac team breach was a fuck up - they blinded themselves with their own flash bangs. School boy shit.

Fridays cover of The West Australia shows what I would assume to be the other man caught with Knives Filming the incident.

>Apparently the two arrested men don't know each other and have no connection.

Are you 12?

Correction: It wasn't the SASR that made the suggestion, it was the 2nd Commando Regiment.

They were told to use MP5s to prevent overpenetration, they said no. I believe either TAG East were also offering to take over, but the police refused.

>Sniper already positioned with appropriate ammunition.
Even the snipers at the time had doubts about the ability of their rifles to pierce the glass.

>Not fucking infliling in the first place?
What were they meant to do? Monis had started executing hostages.
>Sniper already positioned with appropriate ammunition.
I'm the furthest thing from an expert but we're the windows some super strong bank windows? Wouldn't that either stop, fragment or totally change the flight path of the bullet?

>another dune coon was detained for filming it
just a coincidence move along nothing to see here certainly not terrorism

>They were told to use MP5s to prevent overpenetration
Right I can see how that makes more sense. I wonder if that would have saved Katrina or not? I don't know if they figured out exactly what happened.

Looks like the sandturds should cull more of them

>I wonder if that would have saved Katrina or not?
In this case, no. A 5.56 round hit the leg of a chair that Monis was hiding behind, said round penetrated and fragmented, a single piece of fragmentation hit Dawson's aorta. If they had used any other type of bullet she probably wouldn't have survived.

But in general? Probably.

is that romesh ranganathan

You mean you were an oblivious cocksucker five years ago?

What if they really don't know each other and it was two unrelated Muslim terrorists that just happened to attack the same target at the same time?
Must be really akward.