Why is it that hardcore leftists (George Soros, Linda Sarsour) typically oppose Israel and support Palestine? Why is it that all the people we hate seem to be against Israel?
I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely curious.
Why is it that hardcore leftists (George Soros, Linda Sarsour) typically oppose Israel and support Palestine? Why is it that all the people we hate seem to be against Israel?
I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely curious.
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Groups who've made their livelihood and worldview based on deception, espionage, thievery and fraud don't actually like each other and are generally unsure if there's any sincere appreciation between people.
Sup Forums is a Zionist board. Every comment you see here against Israel comes from Soros shills or extreme leftists trying to divide us.
Israel needs to be destroyed for their prophecy to come true.
I thought they had to establish 'Greater Israel'.
They want the world, israel will be their sacrificial lamb.
They play both sides in every conflict.
communists hate israel dont be fooled by the muzzie shill infiltrators
and communists are allied with muzzies at this time
yeah everyone who doesn't agree with me is a jewish shill too
Soros pulled femen funding the moment after they appeared in Israel. They'll never get another dollar of lefty kike money again.
Ever see anyone campaigning for open borders for Israel? Not even the J-left.
Sup Forums comes to consensus over months of debating, chances are if you go against the grain you're either misinformed, a newfag, or a kike shill.
FEMEN is a ukranian based org
why were they in israel?
and didnt netanyahu already have a detente on soros at this time?
>netanyahu already have a detente on soros at this time?
>mossad assasinates billionaires, celebrities and politicians worldwide
>netanyahu wants soros
>netanyahu directs mossad
>soros remains alive
>open society doesn't spend a single dollar shilling for open borders in israel
By the Way of Deception Thou Shall Wage War
They will all be forcibly deported to Israel one day. If there's no israel, there's nowhere to force-deport them to.
come on mate this is just speculation ffs
at least try and work with me instead of spouting prophecy tier lines please
There is a difference between supporting israel and supporting the isreal/palestine shitshow. Think back to Vietnam where a lot of people didnt support the war, but supported the US.
Its like saying Soros corrupted the election, but Trump won anyways.
It falls apart like a Russian plot if you look at it.
I'm surprised no nation is just went Seal Team 6 on this mother fucker and ended him
Israel is just a pawn to globalist elites (many of whom are Jewish themselves, but not all) which is ultimately populated by expendables.
This is further compounded by the fact that creating a physical Jewish state, a nation for them to call their own, resulted in removing large swathes of a formerly cosmopolitan ethnicity with little loyalty to any state into die-hard ethnonationalists. People may have seen me post this before, but in Nazi Germany a lot of early anti-Jewish propaganda relied on "othering" them from Germans; "there are no Jewish soldiers!", "there are no Jewish farmers!". They don't work the soil, they don't defend the Fatherland, they're all merchants and manipulative usurers.
Well, that shit is patently untrue in Israel. There are Jewish farmers. There are Jewish soldiers. There are working class Jews of every stripe, from milkmen to mechanics to shop clerks. And these lower class, soil-working, sweat dripping, blood spilling Jews of the Nation have palpable interests that are only going to diverge more and more from the cosmopolitan Jewish global elite. That's why you see Netanyahu willing to break from Soros. It isn't good or evil for him, it's pragmatic: Israel's existence relies on Western support and Soros is eroding the vitality of the West.
>Israels war against George Soros
Like why ISIS never rocketed Assad?
Yet the Yemenese just Scarabed King of Saudi Arabia.
France went straight for Quaddafi.
Its more of what does death bring versus trial.
George Soros cut off funding to femen and BLM as soon as they began to target Israel. Israel said nothing about Soros until recently when the public began to notice in mass. gtfo shill.
If Israel really wanted to, they could take him out. The fact they haven't suggests that he is not actually a problem for them.
Since Soros pushes a progressive left agenda, he can't openly side with Israel because people would immediately point out his hypocrisy. It's all a ruse.
God damn fpbp
This is unironically true.
Also a lot of the demoralization threads come from them too.
Hur dur 50 page manual for entry level jobs. Thanks JDIF
fuck off fagoot
It's all a rouse. George Soros played the fall guy for much of the mass 3rd world immigration into Europe. Most of the normies completely blame him for. But they don't understand the sheer scale and cost of such an operation far exceeds that of a single billionaires capabilities.
They're jewish atheists who have different interests than orthodox jews.
There's nothing to understand here. Some jews want to take over the ''holy land'' and cause the Apocalypse by creating chaos and a greater Israel, other jews just want to turn the world into a multicultural shithole with no borders and only one government.
It's basically people who want to turn the entire world to shit vs people who are causing wars in the middle east. It's also worth noting that the wars caused in the middle east allow the jews like Soros to push their agenda, so even though these two groups are against eachother, they have a symbiotic relationship.
The vaquero needs to kill one ox and give to the piranhas so the whole livestock can cross the river in peace. This is the same thing, they're sacrificing Soros so the whole tribe can jew in peace.
soros is not a hardcore leftist, he's a capitalist who uses leftists for his own gains.
leftists hate israel because it's an ethnostate. on the other hand, some zionists try to push jews to "come back" to israel by flooding other countries with muslims.
good cop, bad cop.
not all jews are evil goyim
doesn't matter what you belive just trust the good cop, he will defend you from the bad cop. he doesn't even want much in return
Israel is a nation-state with colonial undertones. Nationalism and colonialism is bad.
The Soviets were on the side of Palestine during the Cold War and their positions are still echoed in communist circles.
The real question is why nationalist are against a nation-state for the Jewish people.
Because that state has aggressively taken over governments worldwide. Globalism and zionism are two sides of the same shekel.
Israel is a capitalist western-style nation state.
Internationalist Jews (globalists) are against nation states.
Now the Zionists are the whole other pain in the ass, but the Globalists are aginst Israel.
enemy of my enemy is my friend?
It was a hyperactive diplomat. The next day Netanjahu fired him and gave his full support to Orban in a phone call
FPBP, also, it's how they've done things forever. "Never let the left hand know what the right is doing". Except, instead of it being secret charitable contributions, think geopolitical strategy.
I hate this mother fucker, but he's really good at collecting useful idiots to his "causes", like Richard Spencer and Antifa.
That’s why I like Sup Forums, it’s like nazi zionists or some other shit that doesn’t make sense
Because the victim pyramid.
Palestinians are on top of it because we get to hear all about Israels actions against any and all aid groups that try to bring foodor medicine to Gaza while also hearing about them bombing Gaza and so on and so forth.
Israel is a nationalist traditionalist apartheid state and its the closest ally of USA. Whats there not to hate in them?
Because Israelis aren't real Jews.
Watch this: youtube.com
That is a fake war against Soros
Soros funded femen a radical feminist org in every Western country.
When they tried to start a chapter in Israel he pulled funding for the group.
Globalist kikes have to maintain the illusion of division
So basically, it's like this?
>Zionists want Greater Israel
>Globalists want one world government
because the muslim-loving narrative is much more important. they want to flood the west with muslims so sacrificing a few joos in the middle east is secondary
flooding the west with muslims is their Magnum Opus, so it's extremely important to keep playing the global "help the poor muslims" 4d chess narrative going
arabs do all those working class jobs, not jews
>Zionists want Greater Israel
>Globalists want one world government
Yes, with headquarters in Greater Israel.
There is a fracture between jews and israelis.Israelis are slowly realizing,that now that they have their own country they cant just move on when they get expelled, and having Europe in muslim hands means muslim nukes,muslim carrier-killer subs and muslim jets will be really,really bad for them.
Israelis start to behave like a normal nation does after 2 generations.Give it some more time and they will hate the jews just as much as everyone else.
This. I want to fucking know too. From the same lefty coworker I hear "Israel ismean to Palestinians, poor Palestinians" and not a moment later she's complaining about anti-semitism from everyone.
Am I supposed to hate the Jews or protect te Jews? The PC tards don't even know anymore.
Wasn't there some story about Soros pulling support for FEMEN after they announced their Israel campaign?
Soros only appears anti-Israel on the surface. I doubt he actually is. And Sarsour is a useful idiot.