Meanwhile in Sweden
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Stockholm syndrome is real
Let me know when she gets raped to death by Muslims.
>roastie boasts about her surrogate husband
I hope she gets raped and killed
She is not wrong. A socialist state can definitely work, provided it is white-only. As soon as you race-mix, it's over.
lol wut a fga
I hope she's enriched by the end of the year
God I hate this literal weakness of spirit.
America was founded to be the place where high agency Euros could go and be great. Of course the social and economic floor is lower...it's because the ceiling is so goddamn high.
I wish I could just live in a country with fellow right wingers and never have to talk or be taxed by a Lettie ever again.
>break foot
>become a total invalid who has to be helped by an army of state-sponsored caretakers
>a woman has it good in a feminist "paradise"
swedes do they really send two BBC hunks to some American's apartment unannounced to give someone who doesn't need a wheelchair a wheelchair?
>still going
Absolutely worth paying a shitload of taxes every month just to get comfy the one time every 15-20 years or so when you have something serious.
its not about you faggot, its about everyone. taking care of your population is a good thing. you 14 year olds are so gay
Do europeans think americans dont have access to health care and insurance at all?
If you work in the USA, and you have any job other than flipping burgers, your company gives you health insurance packages...
>salty inferiority complex burgers inbound
>mothers' and childrens' health care is free
Mmm taxes.
>this is a bad thing
no pls no pamper im strong american
Kek. Do you what know what minimum essential coverage gets you? One physical year per year for men. Women get a little more, I think a pap smear. That’s it - if you break your arm, or need antibiotics, or whatever, you pay out of pocket. It’s not just burger flippers who get stuck with this. It’s pretty much everyone making less than $15/hour. Secretaries, unskilled laborers, etc.
He is telling the truth, sweden is a great and prosperous social democrat state. However, taking too much third worlders in has almost ruined it, they even had to send pregnant women to finland to give birth because hospitals in some places were so overcrowded. There is no point taking in refugees when the country is a small sos dem country with homogeneous society
They broke their foot, they didn't lose a leg or get knocked into a coma. This kind of babying (using other people's money, no less) is absurd.
>Do you what know what minimum essential coverage gets you?
There are more kinds of health insurance than just this, retard.
what would you rather tax money was used for
they have their infracstructure
their companies make money
they can afford to improove their citizens standard of living
why is this bad??
refugees will be your only point and its valid but why is a state like that bad in general is my point
Too lazy to read it
Is he mentioning that 95,6% of all convicted for assault rapes are non-Europeans? Is he mentioning that 90% of all convicted for group rape are non-Europeans? Is he mentioning that 84% of all convicted for aggrevated rapes are non-Europeans?
>Slavs are subhuman because of asiatic admix
>Spanidards and Italians are subhuman because of negro and arab admix
>Hellenics are subhuman because of turkic admix
>Anglos are subhuman because of mixing with gaelics who were black eyed/dark haired negro egyptians and later on Anglos mixed with colonial slaves, native americans and australians
>Scandinavians are subhuman because of Sami mongoloid admixture
>Finns are all mongoloid subhumans
>Amerimutts are all All Romanians are gypsies
Fuck off, """" Aryan"""" """warrior"""
Pretty sure this is a woman bragging about how good she has it in that feminist hellhole.
If you like high taxes so much, then emigrate. We don't want you in the US.
So who do you think pays for this shit?
Is it really absolutely necessary to have someone wipe your ass just because you broke something?
>high schooler with no work experience thinks he knows what he’s talking about
Fuck off kiddo. Do you know how most warehouses, factories, doctors offices, and distributors staff their facilities? They use temp agencies. Temp agencies provide a stream of unskilled workers. Temp agencies only offer minimum essential coverage.
>what would you rather tax money was used for
Uh, I would rather keep my money so I can use it on my own family rather than giving it to some pathetic wastrel shit who would rather sit on their ass than work simply because they broke their foot.
No it won't you retard socialism is the very most corrupt system in history and in addition it lacks all incentives to innovate and compete. You faggots are cancer just cuz "muh white race" doesn't mean that socialism still isn't the greatest calamity ever wrought on human civilization.
Not a single detail of what you've written is correct or even a complete thought. Who are you trying to fool here? Because it seems like it's just yourself.
No, it can't.
Sweden doesn't invent or make anything. It's literally a (((socialist))) state where everyone is equally poor with small houses, no cars, and using American/Japanese goods.
It's shit.
>she won't talk about the crime much
>but America has those big evil scary guns!
Nice, she should mention how 5 guys just got off completely free after they group raped a woman in a staircase because it took the cops 6 months to even go arrest them even though they knew who they were but they couldn't because there were no resources for the case since the Police force is so overstretched.
Feminist utopia
I worked in staffing, moron. Go suck some circumcised corporate cock.
This is the best Aussie post I've seen.
Jesus Christ does this person post a lot on Twitter.
Sounds like a great drain of resources for the state. Sit around and collect a paycheck and not pay for any services and post about it online. Man what a great place. All humans should be able to just do whatever they want and get free money. Resources are infinite and nothing can ever go wrong.
Any job thats less than $15 or less is essentially burger flipping and gets you same respect fag. Least burger flippers here get less taxes taken out of their paychecks, best President and have access to 24/7 AMERICAN FREEDOM(tm).
I must confess I am ashamed that a swede gave the yanks the monitor btw.
>uh, stockpile money at the expense of the country
burger i...
She should organize a mass migration of America's poor to Sweden. It would be heartless to deprive them of what she is describing.
I stopped reading after about six images.
Does she end up coming back to the U.S.? Lol
Scandinavian countries are a paradise for the sick, the weak and the minorities.
But if you are a white, childless, healthy working male, you get literally nothing. While paying over 50% of your income as taxes.
No wonder the rich do their best to hide wealth and the succesfull people (engineers etc.) go elsewhere.
Only the mediocre people stay here. And those who love their homeland.
But it cant go on for long. Atleast here in Finland. Debt keeps climbing while the social services are slowly bled out. It will take a decade or two, but the welfare state will be gone during my lifetime.
Who the fuck takes off because they broke their foot? Women wonder why they arent employed in high paying positions...its shit like this
I don’t give a shit about whether you respect them, I don’t either. 99% of people making that little money made poor choices which led to their shitty situation. However, i don't want them to get raped by Jewish insurance companies because I’m not a psychopath.
Most real swedes are responsible people. Even with shit like abortion. Abortion is sweden is different then in america. Abortion in sweden is a serious thing that happens. Abortion in america is just another form of birth control.
This system is simple unsustainable in America given the number of drains on the american system. Also not to mention that america foots the bill for the defense of the world.
>socialist paradise
>rape capital of europe
>socialist paradise
>highest grenade attacks in europe
>socialist paradise
>no-go zones
>socialist paradise
Sweden is not a socialist country
Sweden is a result of capitalism
>*nice* white people are the people who gibs me dat
It is in a Socialist Democrat State. The state creates high levels of employment and then taxes the shit out of all workers. It’s how that cycle works.
Once or twice a decade their GDP and exports will hiccup though and then they’ll all be screaming to burn it down until they fix the issue and raise retirement ages again.
>"look how I enjoyed how socialism is good"
>forgets to mention how Sweden has a housing problem, which is standing (if I'm not wrong) on a big economical bubble
>forgets to adress Sweden had to raise the minimum age of departure into retirement because of their spending on immigration
>forgets to address this kind of medical care is prone to abuse by individuals, can lead to a money hole (like it did in France)
Not even going to touch the whole immigration problem of Sweden, no point in beating a dead horse.
Do these people ever stop and realize that they are gushing about the benefits of smaller more homogenously white countries?
You never see anyone saying this about Brazil or Kenya.
>so das where da nice whites r who will gibs me dat?
I'll migrate to Sweden anytime, except language barrier. Go back to USA dumbass.
If it takes 22 tweets to get a thought out, people need to choose a different platform from Twitter.
What is privately earned and owned wealth?
Systems like that are great when you have a rich country that makes money with enough people willing to support it.
I dont believe that Sweden will be able to keep that up if they keep on inviting muslims who refuse to work.
I wonder what they will cut first, the gibs or the healthcare.
>Meanwhile I'm in a country where I can easily have to wait 6 months + for a vital surgery and 5 hour waiting times for an x-ray. And I don't need to worry about hospitals robbing me because the government does it already
probably the gibs as that would deter more people from continuing to come than the draw of healthcare
We can't have nice things in America because of all the non-Whites.
>Here's what it's like to live in a white country
Sweden will become Brazil tier if they keep importing niggers. We serve as an example to the world about the dangers of race mixing, yet these AIDS ridden faggots insist in going down this path anyway.
That would be the smart thing to do, but thats not what Sweden is known for currently.
Social security like that is so damn amazing for people who are willing to work, but also so exploitable, its sad really.
This either happened 5+ years ago or she is just another delusional apologist. Ever since the refugee crisis pretty much all pulic systems have become overloaded and turned to absolute shit. Living in the same hellhole I can say its far from what she describes.
I'm in need of a surgery and have had to wait 3+ months between every appointment and x-rays. Now I have to wait god knows how long for the actual surgery. In total I have been waiting almost 2 years, all the while my life and country has been ruined.
>be a degenerate roastie
>get a job in Sweden because muh vagina
>break foot
>call out of work for 2 months and demand free gibs from the government
>get knocked up
>get more free gibs
wow i always thought it was copper that romania found...
Good, don't come back. Enjoy signing your waver for consensual sex.
also where i live... 6 months waiting line for the dentinst, unless you go for a private dentist.
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