Fuck your property

fuck your property

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Ill kill your whole family bitch

Christians prefer Leviticus and Deuteronomy to the message of love and acceptance Jesus preached

In a way, that makes them more Jewish than even the Jews

It’s stupid and bad optics. Do you see anyone seeing Antifa breaking shit and thinking boy I would love those faggots in charge. No they don’t they think gee I sure hope the police get here quick and crack some heads open

Jesus was a nigger? who knew.
Root Koreans guarding the Merchants would have put an end to his shit.

The traders and money changers were violating property rights with improper use of a temple building. Also, Jesus didn't destroy their tables or take their money, merely flipped them over. Physical abuse was necessary for their removal and an appropriate use of force.

>Good Folk 2017
"Property destruction makes those who are neutral or on the fence hate you"

Lmao i'm so scared
how will i ever protect my property from a leftist

To be fair that was in the temple, literally his Father’s home, so he was just cleaning up desu