Coach Red Pill

In your heart you know he's right

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Coach Red Pill is a Russian Propagandist who is here to divide the skeptics. He's also a huge paranoid drama queen.

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy? Is he worth listening?

Why does he have 6 different camera angles (one being directly above him) and dress in a suit like an autist?
He's taking part in YouTube drama yet acts as if he's a big brained intellectual saving the world from evil

He's misplaying this thing badly. He has a right to be mad at kraut. Kraut wanted him destroyed. But now he's trying to get people pissed at Sargon for inaction rather than some sort of actual wrongdoing.

One, it's hard to get people pissed about inaction unless it is egregious. Two, not everyone thinks that inaction is immoral. Personally, I think it is but that is just me. Three, he's being too dramatic about Sargon.

He's an attention seeking cuck that admired on stream that drama is how to get views.

>Coach Red Pill is a Russian Propagandist who is here to divide the skeptics. He's also a huge paranoid drama queen.

Perfect. He's confirmed /ourguy/ then.

The guy is fucking retarded

Hi, CRP. Spend some time with your "unacknowledged" kids this Christmas.

I know guys like him. Unsolicited opinion-giving, dick swinging assholes. Fuck 'em.

He's an interesting person that's for sure.

*camera zooms in on left nostril*

CRP is a retard who is so dumb he threatens people then bitches out when called on it. Fuck Jeff Holliday but CRP is a retard.

>I know guys like him. Unsolicited opinion-giving, dick swinging assholes. Fuck 'em.

Was one of these men you speak of your daddy little boy?

When i first saw him a few months back i thought he may be some sort of security service shill but seems he's just some conman.

Interesting how no one has dug up anything on him pre 2010 from what i've seen...


This, I was listening in on the live stream when CRP became a screeching autistic retard and did not make his side look good at all.

I like the idea of him, but he's too Latin for me - waves hands, waggles head. Plus he's a bit too pleased with himself.
t. anglo

*used-car salesman grin*
''kraut is a loo-ser"

He is just a conartist trying to be the jordan peterson of the altright (want those patreon shekels)
and does a shit job at it because he is a low iq spic

is attention whoring, Althype called him a clown for doing so (before the whole kraut drama)
and desu i lost my respect for JF for defending this piece of shit

desu see no problem what kraut did to him

As a general principle, inaction is not a crime under anglo law.

He's right, chimes in with solid advice now and then. Things he should definitely stop doing
>million camera angles and split screens
>"you see"
>Youtube drama
>talking about petty shit he doesn't like, like James Joyce, seriously who the fuck cares

>Can I get a quick rundown on this guy? Is he worth listening?
i just started listening when the kraut shit started, doesnt seem half bad but hes not 100% dedicated. Dont expect him to be /ourguy/ just take him for what he is which is basically alt-lite

>Why does he have 6 different camera angles
i actually really like his edit style lol

>seriously who the fuck cares
people who choose to watch it, not everything has to be groundbreaking.

Seems like a stuck up cunt.

>the ethnostate is a fantasy, the European race is doomed, just accept it, Brazil isn't so bad

Seriously fuck this guppy looking spastic, why does anyone pay any attention to him?

I think he's the only guy who's hated by the alt-right, the skeptics, the atheists, and pretty much everyone.

So he must be doing something right.

That's because he sided with the alt-right and is now sabotaging them, and everyone else hates the alt-right by default.
