Well guys, I did it. I’ve racemixed. What I thought was going to be just a few weeks of getting pussy has turned into the rest of my life. I guess I can count my blessing me that she’s only half Native American.... or as my dad calls her “the timber nigger”. Thoughts guys? I’m planning on marrying her now so as to not leave her a single mom and my child to be raised into a fucking shithead.
Well guys, I did it. I’ve racemixed...
Whats the purpose of this thread you huge faggot?
Well I thought that was apparent when I asked “thoughts” you fucking monkey.
Indians don't count as long as she's not a rez monkey.
Our thoughts are that you're a retarded nigger who is about to get banned for making this idiotic thread.
Enjoy your shitty child you fucking moron. Condoms cost 2 cents, how can you not afford one?
She's a savage.
She'll eventually cut your heart out. ..figuratively & literally
>"Please make me feel better about knocking up a tree nigger"
Ha, you fucked up big time. At least you're owning up to it unlike most nogs.
Kek nice one OP
Does this mean you'll be able to run a casino?
not too bad, atleast its not a nig
Did you come here to trigger the idiots who think you did something wrong?
ask god
>"there's nothing wrong with unintentionally getting your shitskin fuck buddy preggers"
Sorry m8, nothing personal
>closes oven door gently
U dun goofed. But now if you marry her you're doing the right thing. Raise your child properly and instill in it the right values, not much more you can do.
Nothing wrong with a little Indian princess, unless there is something wrong with her. My thoughts are: her race is not enough info to determine if you've fucked up but having a child out of wedlock is potentially a red flag. At least it's yours. If you want approval based on your information provided, you'll be disappointed. You know her true nature, and only you can determine if your baby is worth putting up with this broad.
congratulations user
I hope it’s actually your baby op. Did you meet on tinder? Are you sure she wasn’t fucking someone before you? If it’s just been a couple weeks, depending on her cycle it could very well be the guy before you’d baby.
I always thought they were called prairie niggers, not timber or tree niggers.
you just saved a ton of money on your kid's education. Plus, potentially you can get a bunch of additional tribal gibs for your senpai. Good job OP.
Well, natives would be more American than any of us imho
at least you won't have to pay for its college. Apparently that's my job.
Wish I could find a decent looking Injun. You would figure with them here in FL there might be a few. Most are disgusting turdskin landwhales though.
what tribe.
I am Mexican, I impregnated a Navajo. I made my ancestors proud and the gr*ngos rage now that the RED MAN is back
Racemixing is nowhere near as bad as having no children. Also, native americans are basically eurasian. You didn't think they came straight from africa, did you?
If you're ancestors came over before the civil war you've already got savage in your bloodline. Stop being a fag.
Eurasians are a single race. It's the Sub-saharans and the Abos that are the odd ones out.
>timber nigger
i like it
Amerindians don’t count. They’re a conquered people and most of them have white ancestry anyways. There’s hardly any pure blooded Natives left, and seeing how she’s already half white then you’ve done your job and making sure your kids were white. Also congrats for saving shit ton on a lot of shit if you can prove your wife is from a registered tribe. You can get a lot of gubberment handouts for college and loans because the native ancestry.
I see you trying to sneak in, out jew, out!
Natives are whites than most Americans.
>Gavin McInnes larps on pol
Hey buddy!
>Timber nigger
Fucking hell man that was funny
This board is for politics and current events. Your personal life is neither.
Also, others, don't date anyone you wouldn't up-front be willing to marry, because accidents of the heart and body happen.
You are asking Sup Forums for a relationship advice, literally any other place is better.
Adjust your bomb belt akmed, it's cutting off blood flow to your brain.
You're a lying twat
>OP is gonna get more sex than most of Sup Forums
How the fuck is this a problem, OP?
>you dumb shit
Native Americans doesn’t count. In fact most of us do have Indian blood if we have a deep rooted American history.
Are you sure about that? One side of my family goes back to the Revolution and our DNA shows no Native American. But we could be an outlier.
Just give her a smallpox blanket, everything should be good.
No reason you can't bleach her and have other white kids too
Colonize that pussy op
Your child is automatically a shithead now.
It’s probably diluted or didn’t show up in your dna, it’s almost certainly there though.
It depends on what part of the US OP hails from. You have Prairie, Swamp, and Timber, we technically even have our own indigenous version of the Sand variety. Less explosions and more casinos thankfully.
OP really does need to look into the exciting world of Tribal free shit though, your kid should count as 1/4 and that's enough to pretty much coast into college or tech school for free.
lol, I can't disagree too hard
t. 91%er
If she isn't ugly and you aren't either than your kids will probably be fine.
Attractive people have more similarities to each other than they have to the average of their races. It's a raff pill to swallow for all the race purists.
OP, important question, is pic related?
Indian pussy is the best. Pic related a Native bitch I'm fucking and her cuck boyfriend has no idea.
gross, man.
Ugly girls that cheat should be put in a cage and just be beaten to death slowly by a minature wooden bat over the course of a few hours.
>I am not going to continue the white race. Thoughts Sup Forums?
Is this B8 or are you really that retarded?
Nah that pussy is tight as hell
Oh I'M the Jew. Whatever you say kike.
>file name
I'd breed Dana
> thoughts
thoughts? who gives a shit about you
SAGE this reddittierhorseshit
you're ruining my nigger filter
>or as my dad calls her “the timber nigger”
Post your squawfu
They have rather healthy and good genetics as they have been hunter-gatherers for most of their history and have thus been subject to harsh natural selection. Only downside ... they have a tendency to become alcoholics.
Adolf said that Injuns are honorary Aryans.
>or as my dad calls her “the timber nigger"
Hitler admirer peoples with tangible, ancient cultures. I.e. Asiatics, Nords, etc.
Oh look, another shill using a meme made by shills for shills to ship out.
What a surrrpriiiiise..
You married one.
Just don't throw trash on the ground around them and they'll be fine.
>uma delicia
OP BTFO by a Brazili-user
see here
What are you doing user?
You know you'll produce nigger children right?
Your ancestors would be ashamed.
Why don't you find a white girl?
Then kids will be white. Unless you're black.
>produce nigger children
Half Indian is practically white already.
Native Americans are infinately more based than any other colored folk.
Their values and culture mix very well with western values and culture.
As long as shes a good person you will be fine.
Abort the baby u tard
This thread is full of shilling, it only legitimises the meme.
Native American/Latino, best piece of ass I ever had.