>You jelly, bro?
You jelly, bro?
memes aside, shes a qt.
Bet you she stops straightening her hair out before the end of their first year married.
Y I got someone I love, so no.
>bleached :^)
She doesn't have cute feet.
me on the right
He ain't a real prince, so no, not massively.
Just kidding Harry, you're my favourite ginger German.
black girls love white men. They want their black pussy to be bred by bwc.
Not even a little
I can't wait for this quadroon to release her inner nigger after the wedding. Harry has no idea about American black females.
In a completely non-racist way, if I saw her walking down the street I wouldn't look at her twice.
Just being honest. To me she's maybe a 5 tops.
But if she floats Harry's boat, cool. Crack on son.
He's a fuckin' moron, embarrassing ginger cunt
No one wants a bitch with an American Dad jaw
>she really picks his cotton
why do jews and blacks mix so much in america?
She IS beautiful, but divorced after 2 years of marriage AND jewish best friend?
Fuck that. Other men' s scraps belong to the floor.
Worse than that, she's a fucking Californian.
Fucks sake what a joke, bitch better be sterile
Who would marry a gingernigger from a leaching, freeloading family.
Will probably give birth to the anti-Christ.
Royalty is the true red pill.
>Be american
>Be culturally inferior
Why even live?
And why does Trump talk about "making america great again"? America was never great.
The royal wog family. Disgusting. All respect lost for them.
Typical snownigger!