ITT we post best girls from their respective series

ITT we post best girls from their respective series.




Good start.


You first Utahashitter.



Hands down.



>OP using bait picture

Now lets start the thread.


Incorrect opinion.

Good thread thus far

best underrated girl


megumi < erina


You all know it's true

Best girls in their respective series:
Magika: Mio
T7: Liese
DAL: Tohka
Campione: Erica
Antimagic: Ouka
DXD: Xenovia
Testament: Mio
Vanadis: Ellen
StB: Asagi
Rakudai: Stella
Fafnir: Kili
Machine Doll: Irori
Bahamut: Celestia
Hundred: Claire
Asterisk: Claudia
IS: Cecilia
Raildex: Misaki
HxH: Yurishia
Blade Dance: Fianna
Color Wars: Purple
Absolute Duo: Lilith
World Break: Shizuno
Nisekoi: Tsugumi
OniAni: Red
TWGOK: Chihiro
Oreimo: Ayase
Saekano: Utaha
Mahouka: Miyuki
Shomin Sample: Karen
Yahari: Iroha
Oreshura: Silver
Hayate: Athena
BakaTest: Himeji
TLR: Yui
Haganai: Rika
D-Frag: Takao
Maou-sama: Chiho
Monogatari: Monkey
Love Hina: Motoko
Nyan Koi: Kanako
Grisaia: Yumiko
Sora no Otoshimono: Mikako
Seitokai no Ichizon: Chizuru
Mayo Chiki: Kanade
KoiChoco: Satsuki

I actually sort of try to like the other girls better but shishou still reigns.





Awful taste.


Pure normalfag taste as always, OP.

pleb tier shit mate


>illiterate Eririfag
>also likes worst girl

The joke tells itself.

Why are you posting like a filthy crossboarder?



>Implying Eriri and Erina aren't best girls
Go away, Utahashitter.

Eriri a shit and you're a faggot

>not a single best girl in the entire list
>most are worst girls
Big tits don't make automatic best girls.

Hey, the best girl WAS in that webm, at the end on the far left

Utaha a shit and you're a cancer.


>people who use "HxH" for something other than Hunter x Hunter


Megumeme is worst girl.

Finally a patrician opinion

"A-am I fitting in yet guys?..."

You don't have to out yourself like that user, it's okay to have bad opinions in private



>liking Saekano


Kill yourself, cumsipper.

Shittiest list in a long time

Only if you call everyone a normalfag


Utaha > Eriri > Megumi

Not even close desu

Utaha > Mayu > Megumi > Michiru > Izumi >>>> trash >>> Eriri


Megumeme > Utaha > Eriri > Megumi

I want Lina to be my gf

Proving cancer. Utaha a shit. A SHIT.

Reading comprehension.


But that's wrong.

Megumi > Eriri > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha

Only good posts in this thread


Non-Utaha scum delusions, cute



>triggered over a jest
Jokes on you, Erina is best too.


Respectable taste.

End yourself.


lol samefag

Beako > Ram > Felt > Emilia > Rem > *

Eat shit, faggot.


>Eat shit
That would imply I like Emilia.

Here's a (You)

Eriri a shit.




Wrong faggot. Why would you pick the shittiest one.

Ugly potato with monkey face.


Would be perfect if you swap Megumi and Eriri, but the rest is agreeable.

You'd still ejaculate over her breasts tho.



Satania is terrible.

See for objectively correct ranking.




>Umaru 2.0
Put her in the trash bin where she belongs.


If anything, Satania is more Umaru and Nene combined. She is meme trash.

You seem to have misclicked and uploaded the wrong girl by mistake.