Fucking based!
Fucking based!
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how can anyone defend this?
No one will care Nu-pol has taken over
Nah, I was a huge Trump supporter but his Presidency has been a bust.
Unfortunately in 2018 the democrats will take over the house and nothing will get passed.
>h-hello fellow d̶r̶u̶m̶p̶f̶ trump supporters
Watch the episode of American Greed about this guy and tell me he doesn't deserve a bullet. S5E09
Hello fellow goys
It was just a witch hunt goy.
I hate Jews.
yes that right, a true trump supporter supports trump when he rails against goldman sachs in the cmapign and supports trump when he makes his ptop economic advisor the ceo of goldman sachs.
Trum dun goofed, but there's a value to that:
> Jew guy
> with the jewest name possible
> with the jewest looks
> his crime brought to light
> for the whole world to see
>Lock up Jew for hiring illegal immigrants
Tyson gets raided like every other week and none of their executives are under arrest
Did they commit fraud?
He did a lot more than that. Many of them were underage. He also helped these illegals obtain fraudulent documentation. He stole something like $23 million via fraud. He essentially created and fucked over a town of 3,000. Aggressively trying to hide his actions from investigators only solidifies his intent.
Not including his myriad of legal but unethical violations in my post because I'm not a bleeding heart.
>bl symbol
>cancer foundation on jugular
>D news
so many layers to this picture it's astonishing really
I like Trump, but i think i hate jews even more.
I don't want to believe he's been KIKE'D
Trump loves money the most and the Israeli lobby pays the most.
>HURR DURR MUH (((8(99(((9JOOZ)))0)0))0))9
Trump has already said that he doesn't like white supremacists or anti-semites. You're a dumbass if you think he likes the incel stormfaggots that shit up this board.
Don't forget the fact that he shiksa'd the fuck out of American Jews by selling them meat that wasn't kosher and basically destroyed the local ecosystem and slaughtered animals in an ultra-cruel manner. You don't have to be a 'bleeding heart' to care about things like that, you could simply not be a complete fucking asshole.
We're not from stormfront we're from here you fucking idiot.
>Oy vey! Our shekels!
Who's being a Jew now?
He made a deal in exchange for high tier information for the pedo investigation.
He disposed of the bodies for the jewish mafia at his meat packing plant.
>nothing will get passed.
i think you are forgetting that as imperfect as democrats are, at least they know how to govern. literally every economic recession for the past 30 years have occurred under republicuck administrations.
lets all agree that we hate jews
Yeah, too bad ppl new to 4ch haven't been psyoped by it for 5 years. That sucks.
Too bad they haven't accepted every infographic without looking into the info. That sucks
Too bad they don't reflexively hate people. That sucks
Too bad their optimists. That sucks.
Too bad they're agreeable, but still skeptic. That sucks.
How do we indoctrinate them to hate without thinking? They should know this man is inherently bad because of his Jewishness!!!! We have to fix them from all the psychological disorders I described!!!
>their optimists
JIDF needs to provide remedial English lessons.
lol wtf I love Shalom now
>Trump makes Jews look like they are in control of government
>people start noticing Jews everywhere
>he's not actually waging the wars to keep Israel alive
>he's exposing the Jews in the lands where they are
It's a two-pronged attack. Nothing pisses people off like injustice.
Look at these filthy kikes celebrating.
and they'll still publicize him as the greatest potus ever because he gave them what they wanted. Interesting board game.
The most kiked president ever
The Chinese did this with a pork plant near me
Based 4d chess
>The Jews, you've heard of them, the jews, they're good people but they're beating us, the jews
>You know how they are, I tried to be nice with them, you know me. I said "Stop subverting our nation state" and they said "Yes, Mr. Trump"
>Crafty, the jews. The Jews are a crafty people. But we can't let them beat us on culture. Anymore!
>Zyklon Ben! Where's Zyklon Ben!?
>buh-but muh based president
kill yourselves trumpcucks
>people are defending Trump no matter what he does in all circumstances
>Trump has given massive support to Israel, his children are Jewish, he installed many Jews in positions of power in his government and pardons a caricature of the sneaky jew
>Conclusion, Trump has been a Jewish plant from the very beginning and there are Jewish paid shills on Sup Forums who support him no matter what
You know I'm right, it's the only thing that makes sense.
Absolute mad man
so how did he get away with it?
It can't be defended, plain and simple.
Trump isn't perfect. This and the Syria strikes are bullshit. But squashing DACA, TPP, and the ACA Mandate are pretty big, as well as getting Gorsuch in.
Nevertheless this pardon is extremely symbolic of going against a lot of what he said on the campaign trail and in speeches as president. I find it extremely unreasonable and it worries me a lot about the future actions of the Trump presidency.
Nevertheless, I would still count myself as a Trump supporter overall, but lukewarm right now.
>He essentially created and fucked over a town of 3,000.
damn that's awesome. so he 'stole' this money?
He was acquitted for the immigrant and child labor. He was sent to jail for 27 years for lying about his assets for revolving loans. That is fraud, but it's fraud that constitutes a 27 year punishment.
its just 4d chess stupid goy- I mean guys
It must be that good white privilege that jews don't have for some reason.
You forgot the money laundering
>it is bad when a jooo does it
how can you lie about an asset? an asset is worth what people will pay, but since it's just lying around, any number is an estimate.
>a year for each million
I'm ok with this. I'm an America First kind of guy. I know you can't relate. Anybody that knowingly and directly contributes to enabling the detriment of the US, especially on such a large scale that it ripples from sea to shining sea, deserves to be made an example.
of course we must put America First. I hope we've all learned a valuable lesson today.
He was lying about orders he had. He made up fake invoices.
He just made up bullshit for loans that he was going to pay back. It's fraudulent but it wasn't like Madoff.
>AFTER USING GOLDMAN Sachs as a punching bag for his campaign, sharply criticizing his political opponents for ties to the investment bank, Donald Trump has taken unprecedented steps to appoint former Goldman Sachs attorneys and executives to the upper echelons of government.
>It goes far beyond what’s been reported. Not only is Jay Clayton Trump’s chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, after serving as the attorney who advised the bank during the bailouts of 2008, but new disclosures show that the team Clayton brought with him to oversee the financial market regulator are also former Goldman Sachs attorneys.
>The Intercept obtained the ethics disclosure form for Sean Memon, Clayton’s deputy chief of staff, which shows that Memon previously worked for Goldman Sachs, as well as a range of other Wall Street clients, including Wells Fargo, J.P. Morgan Chase, AIG, MetLife, Ally Financial, and Deutsche Bank.
>Last month, Clayton also brought in Steven Peikin as one of two directors of the enforcement division of the SEC, one of the most prominent positions at the agency. Peikin, like Memon, previously served as an attorney to Goldman Sachs and other banks. All three men are former lawyers with Sullivan & Cromwell, arguably the most influential law firm of the 20th Century.
>While previous administrations have retained staff with ties to major banks, Trump has turned his administration into somewhat of a Goldman Sachs alumni organization.
>Trump’s inner circle consists almost entirely of former Goldman Sachs executives, including his chief political adviser Steve Bannon, his national security adviser Dina Powell, and his top economic advisor Gary Cohn. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin worked at Goldman Sachs for 17 years. Last month, Trump nominated Eric Ueland, a former Goldman Sachs lobbyist, to serve as as the Under Secretary of State, one of the most senior posts in the State Department.
No. I love big khazar milkers
Political capitol is expensive.