Was hit by the car in Melbourne AMA
fucking kek
u ok kangaroo?
If true I'm sorry and I hope you feel better
Probably will be out tonight. Hurts tho
How chinese was the driver?
nice filename larper i hope you enjoy your ass cancer
Fucking sucks mate, and it's almost weekend
What's with the file name?
going to do press interviews to warn our people about the dangers of multiculturalism?
ROFL served you right for being in melbs u poofter cunt
Did you have time to react or get out of the car's way?
Why did you stay in front of progress?
is she going to be ok?
In your own words, how exactly is this the fault of the Jewish people?
I wanna believe
they let you shitpost from the hospital?
how bad are you hurt?
get better user
was it really an akbar? or a "mentally ill" person on drugs
Are you dead?
Stay strong Aussie
You all need to get rid of the trash in your lands.
Lets see the battle scars
>Did you have time to react or get out of the car's way?
yeh, he had plenty of time, he just made the choice to get run over. slavnigger retard
Holy shit, hang in there man
Glad you made it out alive!
We stand with you.
Who pushed the towels to abandon their homes and invade ours?
You fucking kike.
exterminatus soon?
since when can aussies make threads?
did you buy a pass?
Talking to a real life Sup Forums celeb!
Include me in everything!
Hey OP, did you have enough time to say something bigoted like that guy in Britain?
>fucking muzzie cunts!
Last car attack in Melbourne was some Greek dude and this time its an Afghan dude. Lets put the inbred trash and muslim psychos on an island and let them take care of each other.
I blame the Jews.
Get well brother
I wonder what the motive was m8.
Milking them (you)s aren't you faggot? Opportunist piece of shit.
Don't know about you fags but I was hit by a car, shit was cash.
Make sure to get paid fag and that the driver doesn't get babied by state, states love to baby "non-violent" criminals.
Sheeeeit, hope you'll be out soon without any serious or lasting damage. What happened, did you hear it coming and dodged just about?
The car of peace has visited you.
Shitpost in 3 threads or bad luck will hunt you for the next 7 years.
>no timestamp
PeruANO here. What happened, were you unable to dodge it?
>Was hit by the car in Melbourne AMA
What did you have for tea?
is that bed confy?
you've been culturally enriched my friend.
Can u sue someone, or was it your own clumsy fault ?
has not posted in 8 mins
fake and gay
Sorry lads nurses came in to do shit
Heard he was a muslim. Imagine my shock
Used silent camera and deleted the part that said silent camera. This one has the full filename
Would love to but not like theyd air it
You have no time at all. It just happens in a second
They brought em in
Not too bad lad. Like i said ill prob be out tonight. Just a big graze on my leg and shit
Thanks toothpaste
You ever play GTA and run over pedestrians? Now you know how it feels faggot
What's your opinion on yankee scum?
>hanging around in Melbourne
How soy are you?
Is your pee pee ok?
sincerely, Hillary
My fault for not being tolerant enough and being white :(
>some taco shithole that wants to join in the leaf bant memes
Hopefully you have a full plate tonight and wont go to sleep hungry again, povertycuck.
Why are you still living in Melbourne? I'm sure you and your boyfriend can move somewhere else. Also what's your name
Do you plan to speak about the dangers of drug use on the road?
pure soy
Are you going to glass some Lebs when you get out?
Prove it, post id card with name blacked out and timestamp with date and Sup Forums on it.
I apologize if you are truthful, but larpers are annoying
Shit you lucky, you got nationalized health care so you're going to be fine. If this were to happen here, you would have your savibgs raped by your jewish insurance companiea or the hospitals just wont service you. 'MURICA!
Holy shit dude, hope you're okay. We can't lost anymore fags.
Take a pic of the nurses
At least learn your bants. We're currently watching the old guy in charge trying to save his ass.
>mentally ill
>drug user
>from Afghanistan
So he was a jihadi fucked up on khat/meth and wanted to become a martyr
were you hit by the car mate? too fat to budge out of the way in time or what?
Which car hit u bro?
Manlet red shirt achmed with the halal beard or trim beard mohamed who dressed up like the milky bar kid?
Also how fucked is Melbourne right now. Jesus Christ this country needs a purge.
>not doing a flip off the hood of the car landing on your feet and walking away
You weren't hit by a car. You were sacrificed by Marxist politicians who are willing to have you killed and have your kids and siblings raped by Muslims so they can practice their religious adherence to diversity. Say it like it is.
What do you think of this banner goyim
How do you feel as an voter for The Greens?
Did bystanders actually give these cunts a touch up before the wallopers arrived?
Heres your proof
Hahaha gotcha cunt
How do you plan on taking revenge against the brown horde when you get out?
Stay strong cunt.
So what if it's an Afghan immigrant who ran people over with a vehicle near a cathedral?
How could that possibly be construed as terrorism?
-T. People's Republic of Australia rep
I'm going to come to that hospital, pinch your oxygyn tube and put a pillow over your face.
You tell those nurses I'm coming.
Some people freeze in scary situations. I once jumped off the cars's way on pedestrean crossing, but I saw it coming without slowing down several seconds beforehand.
If he was from Hong Kong you'd only talk about drug use. This is the problem when people say there's prejudice. This is also why people say racism in place of islamophobia, you don't know that he's Muslim because he's Afghan but you link his appearance. That's what leads to Sikh men being gunned down and Hindu men being pushed in front of trains.
i like this guy
Voted for pauline lad
What do you think?
What the fuck are you saying?
>We're currently watching the old guy in charge trying to save his ass.
That's impossible.
Inhabitants in Melbourne are required by law to vote for The Greens.
are traps gay?
Why didn't you just stand behind a Bollard?
>Voted for pauline lad
Did you finish high school?
wtf unironically kill yourself mohammed.
Do you feel enriched?
Are the nurses hot?
>you don't know that he's Muslim because he's Afghan
>t. sandnigger
Have you not seen the beard?
Diversity is strenght. Correct?
Everyone in Melbourne would have crossed that intersection at one time or another. As we think about everyone hurt and in hospital, their families and their loved ones, let’s not close up with fear but open up with love.
>tfw 71%
Seriously cunts Melbourne has merkel blocks?
Clearly you're not familiar with Melbourne.
Everybody living in Melbourne's hipster suburbs has that kind of beard.
Our president is being impeached right now. The Odebrecht thing.
>flannel shirt
Looks like an average Melbourne local to me
Impressive frontal lobe for a shitskin.
He didn't integrate to Australian society but i'm pretty sure he could integrate some dank equations.
The porg thing makes the same face as the soyboys or whatever you call em
Sorry that you almost got Snackbar'd. Did you happen to verify his religious beliefs while he was scurrying down the road, per chance? Was he shouting anything recognizable?
Nice filename.
Did you look both ways before crossing?
Get well soon senpai
>Was hit by the car in Melbourne
Better luck next time, car!
By lad - they got you at the Alfred or the RMH? I live not too far from the Alfred, do you need a bev?
Serves you right for being Islamophobic.