Flat Tax

let's get this started again.

What would be bad about a flat tax?

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evil nazis and jews!

also sage


the poor would be worse off than the rich

It's the poor and the middle class who pay the taxes indirectly anyway.


The Poor spend most of their income meaning that they need every dollar while the rich save a large amount because of this the Flat Tax if it was fiscally neutral would have to be a very high tax say 20% which would mean the poor would have to pay more money than before

The rich doesn't pay taxes.
If you tax the rich, they can simply increase their prices, reduce the product's quality, and reduce your wage.
The poor and the middle class always pay all taxes.

What if everyone making less than 25,000 a year don't pay taxes

Also, only niggers and trailer trash make less than that both of which deserves to be poor desu

>if you tax the rich, they can simply increase their prices, reduce the product's quality, and reduce your wage.
its income tax not corporate tax,

>What if everyone making less than 25,000 a year don't pay taxes
you mean everyone under 25k don't pay tax or everyone on there first 25k don't pay tax

What about a revision to this? What about if you make below, say, 15,000 a year (this is an arbitrary number), you dont pay taxes.

I mean under 25k, but let's play out both scenarios

niggers don't pay taxes already

Most people in the top.income bracket don't have the ability to just "raise prices" on whatever end product theyre involved with.
And the rich people who do make their income from capital gains which Is taxed differently anyways.

I'd prefer a flat tax now because our tax dollars almost exclusively fund bad things. If we actually lived in an all HuWhite ethno-state that had its shit together then I would prefer progressive rates in order to foster class cohesion & to shift the burdens of the state more heavily to those with greater ability to bear them.

>inb4 muh white welfare
I'm talking about the generally necessary things that are within reason & widely acknowledged to be beneficial to society, not NEET-bucks & other gibbs.


but what would the tax rates be above the 25k

flat taxed wherever it needs to be to erase the deficit I guess

"rich people" don't decide prices and also they would not otherwise people would just buy other brands

Niggers dont have an income

in what one years budget?

why are we taxing compensation instead of just gains?

It doesn't work. Poor people immediatly spend 90-110% of their income so the money goes right back into the economy. Rich people might only spend 10% and take the rest out of the economy temporarily or permanently. That means that over time rich people would automatically accumulate all the money. That's why a progressive tax is needed.

Because a flat tax would be fair and we all know leftists only care about pretending to be fair, not about actually being fair. They use fairness as an excuse to take other people's money but think it is unfair to have their own money taken because they see themselves as victims no matter what. The morality of self-victimhood is astounding.

>the poor would be worse off than the rich

The system is rigged.
Rich people make disproportionatally more money than poor people.

For the time being, this was "fixed" through taxes.
I don't think it's the best solution, but if you take that "balancing" away and keep wages the same, then poor are much worse off.

The rich have paid almost all of the taxes at the momet, and they are still filthy rich. If they pay even less in taxes, the inequality will be worse.

The best way to explain a flat tax to someone is to bring up the importance of fairness and equality. Why should 45% of my working hours be spent as a slave to the government while someone else is only a slave 12% of the time?

Aren't we all equal?

This is too advanced for the average "they'll just raise prices" thinker

Nothing, its a step in the right direction.

>the inequality will be worse.

The implication being that inequality is undesirable, or even preventable, yet you've not proffered any argument that such inequality is even avoidable regardless of the tax system.

Instead of chasing some pipe dream of a Utopian world of puppies and rainbows, let's focus on practical reality, mmm'kay, pumpkin?

this, equality is a false God.

There is far too much being sacrificed by the Cult of Equality.

Flat 20% tax rate on people earning above a certain threshold, say whatever the median part-time wage is. No tax below that.

>no gibs unless you've tax in the last three years
>no minimum wage
>no min/max hours
>employers have no right to a contractual notice period, employees may leave at any time for any reason without penalty

Nice fluid job market.

>>no gibs unless you've tax in the last three years

Honestly, that all sounds pretty good, breh

Well its a huge huge poor tax thay not only taxes the poor far more than the rich, but is also a massive wealth transfer from poor to rich.

Every school child should now this... (why dont they?????)

>Aren't we all equal?
No because you aren't producing as much capital as the rich. Your time is actually less valuable.
If you overtax the wealthy they will take their capital elsewhere. And the wealthy pay most of all a State's tax income as it is. It's in your better interest on a long term economic level to stop being a whiney bitch and get a better job

smart goyim could catch up

>muh equality

this fucking meme

>the rich dont pay taxes

>if you try to tax them they just increase their earnings even more to make up for it

>this isn't a self-defeating spiral in the slightest


All personal income tax is unconstitutional.

because they aren't this retarded

>poor people drive an economy because they spend more than they make.
Seriously? So people buying Hamburgers and going to the 99 cents store is what drives the economy.
>rich only spend 10%
Yeah, 10% of 10 million is a lot more than 110% of 25K. Furthermore the rich invest in companies and innovation, the poor doesn't.

Isn't it ironic, the left talks about equality and paying fairly, yet nothing is more equal and fair than a flat income tax. Regardless of income, family size, color, anything~ everyone pays the same.

16th Amendment says otherwise.

Having a constitution is unconstitutional.

Quit subsidizing the elderly with Medicare and Social Security and you cut your taxes by like 25%. As someone who has worked closely with the elderly, they actually DON'T enjoy every waking moment in pain or discomfort so that you can visit them once or twice a month. You can still buy private insurance.


No income tax at all. Steep sales and use tax on goods and services. You pay based on consumption.

>meme flag

>The system is rigged because some people earn more money than me
No, you're a talentless loser, that's all

Other than the fact that it's a tax, and therefore theft, I guess it's better than what we have now.

>Seriously? So people buying Hamburgers and going to the 99 cents store is what drives the economy.
Doesn't matter what it's being spend on. That money goes to other people's wages who in turn spend it again. A high velocity of money is good for the economy. You might want to look that up.
>Yeah, 10% of 10 million is a lot more than 110% of 25K. Furthermore the rich invest in companies and innovation, the poor doesn't.
In that case 9 million still don't go right back into the economy which means a low velocity of money. On the other hand when 10 thousand poor people recieve the same amount the entire 10 million go right back into the economy.