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How about getting region specific semi apartheid like in HRE?
anything would do
just get rid of ka*kavians and sh*okavians
Kaj si to o mäne rekel, buzerant jen? Završil sem šolu za gruozdje brati vände vu Oroslauju. Bärem ga i prek vu Krajnske ter sem prejšne lete zo svojmi ruki pubral prek 300 väder. Toučem se zo sakojaki jopci ter sem najbouši če je treba nekaj hitre spupiti. Ti su huohštapler, nište in nič. Zgazim te kak črva, vrag ti mater jebi na stranišču, dies i to još jakše. Misliš da moreš tak nekaj pripuviedati na kumpjuteru kak se god sietiš? Buožja striela bu črez te pukla! Jebate bik, čul sem se zo babi vu Bočaki ki pratijo vse de Lobora! Vsaki čas te bom najdu pa boš vidu teri je cajt! Više te bo nie, prcknedlin! Zo biciklinom morem biti kje guod hočem ter gdaj guod hočem. Posmical bom te da boš zoube pubiral kot jagude pokle branja! Primem te za gege ter te hitim f ugarske brege! In to same z rukami! Čkomi, molči smrdljivec! Ko se setim, zemem ud dedeka botu, baltu in kosturu... spikal bum te! Da si znal kaj ti bom priredil bi se näj delal bedast! Posral ti se bom vu zdenec ter te bom pofundal! Crkel boš!
What’s your major issues? You have too much shitalians, gyppos, Shqips and Serbs to deal with first, not to mention nonwhite tourist flow
>What’s your major issues?
we have no real industry and we are too reliant on tourism
t. Dalmatian (read: Italian)
those are some gay ass lions
fucking tolomaši, kill yourself. I'm chakavian but I'm Croat first.
t. shtokavian (read: Turk)
istria and north dalmatia need to unite against the shtokavian and kajkavian vermin
actually those are not lions, they are leopards. Atleast it's not golden goat or whatever Slavonia has on it's coat of arms
>american flag
Good, kill us and then third-worlders will work in your hotels and resorts
ignore him, he's stupid
no kajkavians and no shtokavians = no corruption
easy to build up from that
you guys are the biggest burden to us
>build up
>chakavians literally laziest croats ever
>literally the center of croatian culture and history
>doesnt realize that istria gives more to zagreb than any other zupanija
i wonder what did kajkavians accomplish besides being avar whores
>mfw slavonac
>mfw the only one in my generation that stayed in the country
i would feel bad as well if i was a kajkavian
you can always be converted if you wish
slavonians aren't kajkavians
oh right i forgot
they're shtokavian
even worse
why so hate you stupid tolomaš?
because you have no culture
I'm from Split you faggot, half fetivi half vlaj
>I'm from Split you faggot, half fetivi half vlaj
my condolences
and where are you from? You speak of čakavians like we're alot better then rest of croats but then you think of me, fellow čakavian is also shit? What's your problem
Get RACIAL LAWS and become WHITE ONLY tourist zone first ffs
>and where are you from?
> You speak of čakavians like we're alot better then rest of croats but then you think of me, fellow čakavian is also shit?
because we are better in every single way
we're the center of croatian culture and history
You again?
I thought we had this yesterday?
Stop your divide and conquer tactics incel!
-You don't know the historic facts
-You never picked up a book
-You are anti-croatian
Get the fuck out of Dalmatia you subhuman piece of shit! We don't need you here!
Matija get the fuck off Reddit!
Only index.yu trash spreads divide and conquer tactics, so get back there you leftist piece of shit.
then why insult me, I am of Split.
you said you're half vlaj
Cause he is not pro-Dalmatia, or pro-anything for that matter. He is a Serbian piece of shit, with no culture, who wants to claim the Croatian culture as his own and divide and conquer. Just as the pieces of shit who call themselves Istrjani.
You have to go back Stevan!
Also this is now a Serbia hate thread.
you again... be gone serv
Saving this one.
so what? Are you implaying that you're pure? It's hard to imagine that you have no noj čakavian blood in you, especially when you're from Zadar
you serbian rape babies amaze me
go suck a turkish dick
Wat kind of retarded Serbian is this
i probably do have some subhuman italian blood
im not serbian you autistic turk
Serbs and culture:
Then it shouldn't bother you right?
then why insult me? You obviusly have some issues, I want to help you
no it doesnt
i fucking hate serbs even more than i hate muslims
you cant start a forest fire in the winter...
so, what are you doing here?
>DAY 35: I have infiltrated the enemy ranks by saying I hate Serbs and Muslims. I think I have finally gained their trust.
In latin the word slave was servus. FYI.
Ma lik je debil
>vjeroatno zivi na bilom brigu
reveal your flag pizdo
They were called Servia
You don't say?
Do you have the one of how Serbs erected a monument to Mehmet pasha Sokologlu in Visegrad?
Or how one of the RS municipalities joined the Union of Turkish Municipalities?
Or how Dačić sings to his sultan 'dogan?
>I hate generalized groups
This is childish idiotism. Even an educated abssinian (even if it is rare) is more of worth than our local seljačina
You're as slavic as serbs are, just catholic.
Basically croats are little bit more civilized serbs, and slovens are more germanized croats. Yeah, considering 90s you have reasons to hate them, but don't be ashamed of your slavic ancestry.
Mistranslation due to Greeks not having a letter to represent 'v' sound.
>You're as slavic as serbs are, just catholic
you don't know what you talking about
Slavic is just a language group, like Germanic.
Yugos for instance are genetically as related to Russians as Australians are to the Swedes.
Slavic ancestry is rubish. It was an anti croat/anti slovene myth. The yugos are genetically protoeuropeans
Huh. That's weird. Usually on Sup Forums the Ukrainian flag usually says the following
>slavs are subhuman
>croats are avar rape babies
>serbs are vlach rape babies
>bosnia is whiter than serbia
This is serbicized Slovenian, a good portion of Croatia speaks that
What's wrong with Kajkavians?
OP's brain
It's only because it's Serbia and Monte Negro.Of course we still have nothing to do with Magyar rape children,but this dog is trying to portray we are related to Vl*hic Bulgaro-Romano subhumans.
Get fucked
>>croats are avar rape babies
the other way around
subpar education
Dodji isprid Ledane za 5 minita majmune.zivog cu te pojist
Well there were large migrations from south and central Serbia to north and west like Voivodina and Slavonia. During that time Ottomans brought Albanians to Kosovo and Vlachs to east Serbia.
fumaj mi kurac idiote
I would help too, but it takes 1 hour to travel to Zadar from here, and I'm a bit short on fuel and cash
>'Hrvat' is a Serbian alterantion of 'Horvat'
You mean """"""""""""""""""Torlovaci""""""""""""""""""""?Yes,they basically genocided the actual Belgradians lmao.However Vojvodina got Bosnian and Dalmatian trash,not much Krajina niggers(God bless).
>not serbised vlachs and bulgars
Who gives a shit about Slavic ancestry you people are niggers
It is why i said "Torlovaci". These jokesters actually call it a Serbian dialect,and not just Bulgarian lmao.These days,Belgrade is like what,60% Southern Village niggers migrants?
Who gives a shit about Slovenia?
Who gives a shit about Canada? Probably you because you're a nigger
>posts the only chart with bundled serbia and montenegro to prove how distant we are
pathetic desu