Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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Lecture them on the dangers of the herbal jew.

Tell the kid to be more discreet about it

Depends on the age. If they're not at least 17, then we got problems. Otherwise I'd be okay as long as they didn't drive (even though I swear I drive safer high).

Start smoking weed and being obnoxious to make them resent you.

At least they don't reek of alcohol

beat the shit out of them for smoking my stash

Tell them we have a history of schizophrenia in the family and that condition is 7x more likely in pot users.

Also tell him he smells like shit and he'll never get a nice girlfriend that doesn't have a ragged pussy while smoking that crap.

Also tell her that she smells like shit and has a ragged pussy that no man once while she's smoking that crap.

You cut out the most important part

Ask them to drop their pants
Place son's penis in mouth
If he's been smoking marijuana, ground him for 2 weeks

Damn that smells good. what strain you smoking son?

Who let the niggers in ?

Tell them that their newly acquired Marijuana Card now forbids them from their constitutionally / G-d-given right to wield a firearm.

Nice one hippie!

Put put the joint real quick and hope they dont notice

Jokes on you. We're British

Ol' Bernie Big Brain


whats with this jew meme where people give a shit about pot at all

This is how to get your kids to avoid weed

Awwww shiiiieeeet, nigga!

I didn’t know you smoke loud! Let’s hotbox!

Beat the shit out of him until there is a pool of blood on the floor. No son of mine is gonna be a degenerate, he better get his shit together or he's homeless. I don't care what you anglo sissies think as well, we do things old style over here, yall go kiss some niggers while I'm shooting their families

Sounds like you need a bong hit

Nigger you better be paying with your own money for that shit or I'm gonna berry you next to your whore mother

You must be a baby monkey to make a post like that

So 7% then?
>i like those odds jpg

Ask yourself how youre gonna explain to the kid how you know what weed smells like

1. Buy police vehicle strobe lights on ebay
2. secretly install outside window of teens room
3. wait till you know they're stoned and flip the lights on

>that flag

Not surprising.

Throw him out of the house.

Marijuana is the badest smell I ever witness. Like some fat chick hitting the gym and not washing under her arms for a whole weak.


I caught you. Now your in trouble.
I shouldn't have been able to catch you.
No you will be punished.

>implying any trumpcuck on Sup Forums will ever reproduce

i just had a son, but then again i'm not a trumpcuck and a libtard by Sup Forums standards. feels good not to be a flaccid conservative closet queer.

Get out of my board you degenerate cunt.

your mum says otherwise

Lack of barbarism seems to be working out just fine in North America and Europe, eh?

You are all a bunch of faggots who wouldn't lift a finger to defend your family out of worry that might land you in jail.

Beat the hell out of them kid with the hard end of the belt

>forbids them from their god given right to wield a firearm
Why encourage them to use their 2nd amendment to rebel against a tyrannical government while high?

>Lack of barbarism seems to be working out just fine in North America and Europe, eh?
Unironically yes. And don't you DARE lump NA in with the prosperous land of Europe you literal jungle nigger.

>Throw him out of the house.
This. You can always have another son, but the weed smell will contaminate your home forever.

This. Drug users should be murdered. Fucking subhuman pieces of shit.

I would explain that I understand why they did it, and that it's all cheetos and puppy dogs at first. Then of their stoner friends will eventually drop one by one. Several will move on to hard drugs and die, several will develop severe mental illness and become a shell of themselves, the rest will amount to nothing. I'd then explain that I love my children very much, and that's not the kind of fate I wish to see for them.

t.Father of two children

t. literal ape

can you tell if someone has smoked weed this way?

Throw the useless junkie out in the street. No fucking cannibalis addict is gonna live off my money.

t. a degenerate faggot.

This calls for air guitar.

Im not even for smoking weed, but you need a bong right now

>The mari-ja-juana is bad ese
>UN flag

Tell them they'd better stay the fuck out of my pot stash.

Tell them to quit holding out

>You are all a bunch of faggots who wouldn't lift a finger to defend your family out of worry that might land you in jail.
>I'ma beat my child 'cause he touched LE EVIL WEED
admit it
you're a troll
probably drunk too

Yes I'll do so, you're a fucking flaggot, know your place.

mutt thinks he has the moral high ground

I don't need a bong to relax you degenerate yellow tooth


You sound pretty high strung, my Brazillian negro friend.

Become a stoner bro with all the accessories just to piss them off and hate weed.

Worked for me. My percents smoked, and didn’t give a shit if I did. I had no interest at all.

Amen brother I'd whoop the boy. Weed is for degenerate losers.

Put the bong away, change clothes and act like nothing.

I'd rather have my kid smoking pot than binge drinking. I'd sit down and smoke a bowl with them and explain how and where it's safe to indulge and talk to them about the dangers of using it as a crutch to get through life.


I'm questioning whether this was just a typo or not.

Why don't you post a pic internet tough guy? I bet you're a skinny faggot who gets fucked up in his own country and would probably get REKT by his stoner son. Also, bear in mind oppositional defiance and resorting to violence is a sign of low iq which is exactly what I expect from jungle niggers.

dudeweedlmao.jpg sure is triggered
>no mannn, you don't get it, weed cures 359583 different diseases, it puts stem cells to shame, look at all these successfull weed bros! >Here, I'll link you to this weedmag.com article, very reliable
Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Board.

I totally agree its degenerate, but you need a bong right now. Maybe a vape if you're gen Z

>favela monkey
>he says he'd beat the shit out of his own son until there was blood everywhere
>he calls other people "degenerate"

Stupid jungle nigger.

you know
>actually raising your son/daughter by relating to them and giving them useful guidance through your past experience
like a normal parent

u wot

Scold him for giving his shekels to beans and blacks.

i'm more white than i'm not

you get all these nigels defending weed in line mosley

fucking lmao kkkkkk you're pathetic hippie, i bet you don't even notice you're using lefty shaming tactics 101. What the hell are you even doing on Sup Forums? You're not even the good kind of hippie(that decides to be self reliant and plant his own food in his property, not bugging anyone else and not feeding the same system we both oppose), you're the rat urban dweller kind of hippie.
>why don't you post a pic
You have to go back,
>I bet you're a skinny faggot
What's next? My mom? Lel
>probably get REKT by his stoner son
implying stoners do anything else than fap, smoke and play vidya
>resorting to violence is a sign of low iq
Good luck when the niggerfugees invade your house, FLAGGOT

You can call a stoner a degenerate, braindead, a shame for his family, it runs off him like water off a raincoat. But say weed isn't the cure to all diseases ever known and how you'll beat the shit out of 'em and watch as he recoils "I've been found out"

You're not very bright, are you?
again, mutt thinking he has a say in the matter
go watch Joe Rogan

Maybe try some weed cookies?

>my percents smoked

give him/her shit and take away their shit, then I beat them with the belt

If you live in one of the "enlightened states" in the USA, the stench of marijuana permanently ensconces our cities.

>dirty subhuman favela monkey
>calls other people "mutts"
This just keeps getting better

Call the cops while beating him or her.

These seem like the best answers.

as someone who had drugs ruin their life, i fully condone parents being incredibly strict about drug use

"Son, can you get me a twenty of stinking purple?"

>I am a weak-willed pussy with the constitution of a soiboi, therefore everyone is.


>Live in CA
>black neighbors rolling their blunts, in their car on their property
>go to call cops
>wait a second... Blacks are just fucking libertarians
>"Their weed, Their blunt, their car, their property..."

Gotta love living in a ghetto where you can't even call the cops when blacks are only committing federal crimes. FUCK SECTION 8

When it became legal I tried it on three occasions, never really got high but it changed my thinking pattern and how my brain makes connections. For someone who thinks about thinking on a regular basis and performs regular checks on known knowledge and what thoughts lead to others it was quite distressing.

I have two sons and a third being born soon, so generation z. I will be concerned when they come home smelling like almonds. Gen z is much less likely to smoke pot than previous generations.

I suppose I would tell them that as with all mind altering substances (nicotine, thc, alcohol) there are risks and they need to take them into account, then drive around town going to pot shops and tell them I will give them 100 for every person they find working at a pot shop that doesnt have verbal or psychological isssues. If they want to proceed that is up to them, but understand the risks.

Introduce him to methamphetamine before he inevitably discovers heroin.

>literal ape father acting like a literal ape
>not surprised the smelly favela monkey approves of this behavior

>Well Sup Forums?

Relief that they're not abusing alcohol.

Cannabis is harmless in comparison.

You are such a retard. Chill down man.

So overreactions to weed are worse than weed itself according to this video.

I've never seen a father beat the crap out of their own son for having a drink - Why? - because alcohol is socially acceptable EVEN THOUGH it ruins lives far more readily than weed. I don't know anyone who ruined their lives from smoking, but I know plenty of people who have by drinking.

I'm not even for smoking weed - it does nothing good - but overreactions like this are more of the problem than the actual effects of actually smoking the actual stuff.

Yeah. Drugs are bad, mmmmmmmmmmmmkay? Just say no, OK?

uma retardosa

I hear heron and cocane addicts are even worse. True? Or is cannibalis as bad?

He is from that barbaric Brazil. The only thing they are good in is shemales and he cannot even get one. You gotta understand he is mentally a bit limited.

Suck on a Brazilian shemale cock then. Just chill down you crazy monkey. Stop chimping around like a retarded latino.

>i'm more white than i'm not
The best one today.
Favela nigger is in flames.

Hey Carlos, just thought it'd be appropriate to let you know that I smoke weed literally every day. In fact, I'm high right now. What the fuck are you gonna do about it, faggot?

>i'm more white than i'm not


Congratulate you on being dependent on a drug for daily use and pretending it's okay?

Stoner retards are worse because they thing "IT'S NATURAL, MAAANN". At least tweakers and opiate addicts realize what they're doing is bad for them.

If an american nigger killed some ahmed would you discount the validity of his action?


When did I defend drinking or any other "alternatives" to weed? Degeneracy is degeneracy. This ancap logic of "let 'em be" is what got us here in the first place. I'm not gonna wait until my son is 30 for him to discover he wasted 10 years of his life because of weed.

It's retardado czech bro

All latinos are prone to retardation, might as well use it for something good. There are lots of weed bros in here, it's my duty to counterbalance.
I got this one straight from the mutt tactics ebook

Why would you think I give a fuck about some random mutt? If you want to become a dudeweed go ahead, you're the one who's gonna get fucked. My original comment was about what I was gonna do to my son. Do you think I go after niggers like those rappers? Let them destroy themselves.

Damn I was legitimately so stoned on marijuana I forgot I even had a kid. That’s pretty cool that they are bringing me more weed though. I guess I raised a good kid. What’s my kids name again? Shit

Go make yourself a nice monkey sandwich. UMA DELICIA